WBSD Weekly Update
Friday, September 30, 2022
WBHS Homecoming is TODAY
We hope you can join us! If your child is going to walk in the parade, they must be at Prince of Peace Church (4300 Walnut Lake Rd) between 4:30 - 4:45 p.m. The Parade starts at 5:30 p.m. at Prince of Peace and ends at WBHS. The home football game starts at 7 p.m. against Lake Orion. GOOO LAKERS!!!!
Wednesday, October 5 - ALL Schools are CLOSED for students and staff. For those of you celebrating the holiday, we wish you a Happy Yom Kippur! We look forward to seeing everyone on Thursday, October 6.
Grand Opening/Ribbon Cutting
WBSD would like to thank everyone who joined us for the Grand Opening/Ribbon Cutting of the new WBMS. Thank you for bringing your families to join the celebration! If you missed it, enjoy the show!
Gretchko Elementary School
The Annual FunD Run was an absolute blast! It was so much fun to see our students getting outside for some exercise and school spirit. Thank you to our Gretchko PTO for volunteering!
Congratulations to National Merit Semifinalists
Grace Redner and Maeha Sridharan are National Merit Semifinalists! They are now eligible to become finalists and potentially win National Merit Scholarships this spring. Congratulations to Maeha and Grace for their outstanding achievement!
WBSD Transition Center Staff
Lori Denniston for 35 years!
Chastitie Mitchell for 25 years!
Brenda Gotko for 20 years!
We are so lucky to have them at the Transition Center! Thank you for all of your dedication and hard work!
Time to Celebrate!
Scotch Elementary School raised more than $18,000 so far! The reward...a FOAM PARTY! Click on the photo or here to check out the foam party in action. A special thank you to all of the families for fundraising. Scotch Highlanders are having a blast!
Making Each Day COUNT
Scott Long, Assistant Superintendent of Learning Services discusses the upcoming Count Day on Thursday, October 6 and how the recent Family Fun Night was a success!
Board of Education Candidate List
Below, please find a list of the WB Board of Education candidates that are running for two seats, each with six-year terms in the November 8, General Election.
Drive and Ride Sober
This car will is parked in front of the WBHS tennis courts as a visual reminder that every 51 minutes someone is killed in a drunk driving accident. Thank you to the Greater West Bloomfield Community Coalition for promoting Drive and Ride Sober during Homecoming Week.
WB in NYC!
Any student from WBHS who loves theatre is welcome to join us on a trip to New York City to explore Broadway! The trip is March 29-April 1, and the deadline to register with a $200 deposit is September 30! The itinerary will include an acting workshop, backstage tour, private talk with actors and production staff, Broadway shows, and much more! Parent chaperones are welcome to join, as well! The cost of this amazing trip is $1,899, with fundraising and support options, if needed. Registration link: https://spark.worldstrides.com/
West Bloomfield Public Library
Book Lists
- Young Chefs (Kids)
- Friends in Our World: Hispanic Friends (Kids)
- Hispanic Heritage Month (Teen)
Bookmark Contest Extended
Due to the Main Library’s unexpected closure this week, the deadline for the bookmark design contest has been extended through October 7. If you haven’t yet, please pick up your bookmark design kit. Prizes will be awarded for first, second, and third place designs, and the first place winner’s design will be reprinted and distributed by the library.