Deretchin Digest
December 2024 Edition
A Note From Mrs. Oliver
Welcome to the month of December! During the next several weeks, our amazing teachers are planning to have many exciting activities and events for our students and families to enjoy. Although this is a busy time of year, we will continue to help ensure that our students are engaged as they learn many new things while they work hard each and every day. Your continued support and involvement in your child’s education are greatly appreciated. As the holidays approach, we hope that you will enjoy every moment of this exciting time with your family.
Tina Oliver
Attendance Counts at Deretchin
As we enter this holiday season, we want to reinforce the importance of school attendance. Every year, absences spike in the weeks before and after winter break. This holiday season, the best gift you can give your child is a good education, and the best place to get that education is in school. Our teachers will be teaching, and our students will be learning, right up until vacation starts. We greatly appreciate your support.
Upcoming on the Deretchin Calendar
December 3- Site-Based Committee Meeting, 3:30 in library
December 5- Spotlight on Ambassadors, 1st-3rd, 9:15 in cafeteria
December 6- McCullough Showcase for 6th grade, 1:15 in gym
December 9-13- Winter Wonderland
December 10- 5th SS quarterly test, 6th quarterly ELA test, Choir Concert, 5:45
December 11- 5th ELA quarterly test
December 12- Orchestra Concert, 6:00
December 13- 5th and 6th Math quarterly test
December 17- Band Concerts, 6:00
December 19- PK, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th parties
December 20- K, 5th, and 6th parties, Early Release, 11:55
December 23-January 6- Students' Winter Break
January 7- Students return
Counselor's Corner
12/5/24 Spotlight on Fall Ambassadors Grades 1-3 9:15 AM in the Cafeteria
12/6/24 Spotlight on Fall Ambassadors Grades 4-6 9:15 AM in the Cafeteria
Character Pillar of the Month: GENEROSITY
Habits of the Week:
Give something without expecting something in return.
Help others- give of your time and talents.
Give encouragement to others.
12/4/24 Character Club 3:30 PM-4:30 PM
12/5/24 Spotlight on Fall Ambassadors Grades 1-3 9:15 AM in the Cafeteria
12/6/24 Spotlight on Fall Ambassadors Grades 4-6 9:15 AM in the Cafeteria
12/17/2024 Spotlight Ceremony on GENEROSITY 9:15 AM
Wear brown
GT Referral Requests
Referral Requests for Gifted and Talented Testing
Referral requests are now open for the Conroe Independent School District Gifted and Talented program. Although the testing will not take place until late January, referral requests are accepted at this time. Referral requests can be made by the parents and/or campus staff. It is recommended that parents of 2nd grade students wait until CogAT scores have arrived before nominating their child because CogAT scores are part of the GT assessment. If you are interested in referring your child, you may want to discuss it with your child’s teacher. Referrals will be accepted October 2- December 19, 2024. Please complete this form to refer your child for GT testing: https://forms.gle/FwJF3gP6VpJcAiLL6. If you have any questions please call or email Jenna Hendon, GT Coordinator, at jhendon@conroeisd.net or 832-592-8828.
Pre-K News
Kindergarten News
We are so excited for the month of December. We will continue our reading superpowers unit and continue to add new strategies to our toolbox. In writing, we will continue stretching out words and adding details to our stories. In math, we will begin joining and separating but continue to practice counting forward and backward from 20, and forward to 100! In science we will study rocks, soil, and water. In social studies we are so excited to learn all about different holidays, cultures, and customs. Some important dates to take note of:
December 5th- Gingerbread day
December 11th- Santa Day
December 12th- KINDER Field Trip
December 13th- KINDERGARTEN Polar Express Day (wear your pajamas)
December 16th- Grinch Day (secret to students!!)
December 18th- Rudolph Day
December 20th- Holiday party (half day)
First Grade News
Dear First Grade Families,
Happy December! It’s hard to believe we’re already wrapping up the year. We are excited for all the fun and learning this month will bring. Our classroom is buzzing with excitement as we explore holidays and traditions from around the world.
Exploring Holiday Traditions Around the World
Throughout the month of December, our classes will be learning about how different cultures celebrate the holiday season. We will discover the unique ways people come together with family, share special foods, and enjoy festivities. We’re looking forward to exploring the many rich traditions that make this time of year so meaningful around the globe!
A Special Share and Tell: Family Traditions
We’d love for our students to share something special from their own families. Each child will have the opportunity to talk about a holiday or tradition that is important to their family. It could be something they do together during the holidays, a favorite food they enjoy, a game they play, or even a special way they celebrate the season. Please encourage your child to think about what makes their tradition unique and meaningful.
In math, we will continue to review key concepts like place value, addition, and subtraction. We’ll also be diving into math word problems, where students will work on reading, understanding, and solving real-life math problems. These problems will help them apply their math skills in everyday situations, and we’ll be practicing strategies to approach these challenges.
In literacy, our young learners will be working on both reading and writing poetry. We will explore rhyming, rhythm, and creative expression as students write their own poems. We will also begin our unit on informational writing, where students will learn how to write clear and concise facts about a topic of their choice. It’s exciting to see how their writing is evolving!
In science, we will be learning about the four seasons. Our students will investigate the characteristics of each season and discuss how people, animals, and plants adapt to these changes.
We are so grateful for your support in making this an exciting and meaningful time for our first graders. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer to help with a classroom activity, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Wishing your family a joyful and peaceful holiday season!
First Grade Teachers
Second Grade News
November has been an amazing month of school, with lots of progress, memorable moments, and exciting new lessons. It’s been a great time of growth, both academically and personally, and we have loved seeing how much we’ve all accomplished. Looking ahead to next month, we are even more excited—there’s so much more to learn, and we know we’ll all continue to push ourselves and make December even better!
In reading, students will become experts in reading nonfiction. They will start to read and learn the characteristics of literary nonfiction. In writing, students will be learning how to write correspondence letters. They will be learning the parts of letter writing and the different correspondence letters. In grammar, students will learn how to capitalize months, days, salutations and closings for correspondence writing. In phonics, students will continue working on r-controlled syllables and VCe syllable spelling patterns. In math, we are going to focus back on place value up to 999. We will be looking at the different forms, comparing using greater than/less than, ordering, and generating more or less. To finish the month up, we will focus on number patterns such as even or odd and 10/100 more/less. In science we will conclude our unit on sound energy by creating an instrument in class. In social studies we will be focusing on cultures and customs by having the kids create a poster about their own culture to present to the class.
Third Grade News
In math, we are in the middle of our multiplication and division unit. Please continue to practice those multiplication facts. We have been learning all about the different strategies (equal groups, arrays, area models, jumps on a number line and strip diagrams) to solve multiplication problems. We have also shown how multiplication and division are related and built some fabulous fact families.
In science, we will finish up our forces and motion unit! This includes pushes and pulls, gravity, friction and magnetism. Looking forward to more fun investigations!
In social studies, we will continue learning about the history of our country; the early colonies and the creation of our nation.
In reading, during the first week of December, we will be wrapping up our short Mystery Unit by finishing our read aloud The Absent Author. We will then have our Poetry Unit leading up to winter break.
In writing, we will also be finishing up our Argumentative writing unit before starting Poetry.
Fourth Grade News
Wow! We can’t believe that we are almost half way through 4th grade!
In math, we are working through part 1 of our multiplication and division unit. We will represent up to four digit by one digit multiplication and division equations using arrays, area models, partial products, partial quotients, strip diagrams, and the standard algorithm. If your child is still struggling with their multiplication and division facts, please help them practice these nightly; this will make the rest of the year go much smoother for them!
In science, we will learn to recognize and predict patterns among the Sun, Earth, and Moon system and their effects, such as seasons and moon phases. We will also describe and illustrate the continuous movement of water above and on the surface of Earth through the water cycle and explain the role of the Sun as a major source of energy in this process.
In social studies, we will learn about when, where, and why the Spanish established settlements and Catholic missions in Texas. We will also identify Texas' role in the Mexican War of Independence and the war's
impact on the development of Texas.
In reading, we will begin our poetry unit. We will read the narrative poetry book, Love That Dog, by Sharon Creech. Students will follow the main character, Jack, and the evolution of his acceptance of the fact that both boys and girls can write poetry. Students will identify different poetic elements and how they can be used to strengthen the storyline in narrative poetry as well as in individual poems. Throughout this novel, students will be introduced to great poets such as Robert Frost among others.
Poetry is also the focus of our next writing unit. Students will be asked to annotate the poems found in Love That Dog and write their own poems. Students will be expected to apply those same poetic elements found in the poems from the novel. Upon completion of this unit, students will have an anthology of poems in a booklet to bring home.
Students will be wrapping up their Unit on adding and subtracting fractions. Next, they will be learning how to simplify numerical expressions by following the order of operations. In our advanced class, students will be finishing our Unit on multiplying and dividing fractions. All classes will participate in a special activity in math this month and it's sure to be a treat when they share with you their "Joy in a Jar"!
Science/Social Studies
December will be the Month of Space! We will start our unit by reviewing and then diving deeper into revolution and rotation, seasons, and moon phases. We will conclude our unit looking at the patterns of shadows and how they change throughout the day.
In social studies, we will be concluding our government unit as we discuss the branches of government, how the voting process works and important patriotic symbols.
Language Arts
‘Tis the season to write poems! In this month, not only will we wrap up our drama and literary analysis unit, but we will also begin our poetry unit. Students will learn how to write various styles of poems and learn how to not just convey information using figurative language but also analyze its meanings. We will end our poetry unit with a celebration before we head out for winter break! Snap! Snap!
It’s hard to believe we’re already halfway through the school year—it’s flying by! Winter Break is just around the corner, and we still have a lot of important learning to accomplish before then. Please keep an eye out for details about our holiday party, which will take place on December 20th at 10:30 AM. Please note that this will be a half-day.
In language arts, our sixth graders are wrapping up a unit on poetry, where they’ve explored the elements of poetry, figurative language, and the art of analyzing poems. We’ll conclude the semester with a brief but exciting drama unit. Drama and poetry are always favorites in our class because they allow us to see a creative side of our students that sometimes doesn’t shine through in other subjects. There's always plenty of dramatic flair to go around in sixth grade!
In science, we’re finishing up our unit on energy and will be diving into the fascinating world of energy waves. In social studies, we’re about to embark on an exciting journey across the globe! Our first stop will be Europe, where we will explore diverse cultures, geographical features, economies, and governments.
In math, we’ve started working on our algebra unit. Students are learning how to solve equations with variables. Once we master this, we will tackle inequalities—both solving and writing them.
The sixth-grade team would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our families for their unwavering support during the first semester. We wish you the happiest of holiday seasons and look forward to another amazing semester in 2025!
Music News
We have several exciting events coming up in the music department this December!
In grades PreK-4, we are learning winter and holiday themed songs and games that use our steady beat and note reading skills. 1st graders will focus on quarter note, eighth note and rest.
Kindergarteners will sing songs and play games to identify different voices and high and low sounds. 2nd grade will focus on five melody sounds- so, la, mi, re and do - while 3rd and 4th grades are adding fa and low sol. They will also work with the rhythms quarter note, eighth note, rest, half notes and sixteenth notes. 4th grade students are also learning to read note names and how to count rhythms on numbered beats. In addition, 4th graders did an Amazing job on their performance of “Joust!” and 3rd graders are hard at work on their musical, “Off Their Rockers,” to be performed on February 6, 2025.
The band department is BEYOND proud to say we had 5 students make the CISD 6th Grade Honor Band after their auditions in November! The 5th and 6th graders are now in full swing preparing music for the Winter Concert on December 17th at 6:00pm. We hope to see everyone there!
In orchestra, both 5th and 6th grade are working on their music for the Winter Concert on December 12th, at 6:00 pm, at Deretchin. This is a big occasion for the 5th graders, since this is their first performance for an audience. In addition, we are proud to announce that two 6th graders made the CISD Honor Orchestra after auditioning on November 16th. We are looking forward to their performance in January at McCullough JH!
Intermediate General Music has had a great time working on holiday songs on their recorder, ukulele, piano and vocal skills. We look forward to their “Caroling Tours” around the school before the winter break.
Both the 4th Grade and Intermediate choirs are hard at work on music for their Winter Concert on December 10, 2024. They are also excited to sing at The Woodlands High School’s Band Booster Holiday Market on Saturday, December 7th. 6th Grade Choir students are beginning to work on music for the CISD Intermediate Honor Choir Auditions in January.
Melody Childs-Music/Choir
Michelle Gastler-Music/Band
Andrew Wilson-Music/Band
Avery Chambers-Music/Orchestra
PE News
The Turkey Trot was a blast! Students put their speed and endurance to the test while improving their quality of health. The loud cheers from the spectator area encouraged our runners to move quickly. Congratulations to everyone that participated in this fast-paced race!
In December, we will continue our volleyball unit and begin working with short jump ropes. Did you know that jumping rope boosts your heart rate and improves coordination? This month we will also get active by participating in holiday activities that promote a healthy heart, good sportsmanship and fun for all.
Please remember that safe, comfortable athletic style shoes are very important for your child to wear when they attend P.E. class. Flip flops, open-toed shoes, Crocs, boots, shoes with high heels, and slippers are not safe shoes.
We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Coach C (Mary Chernitsky), Coach Parra (Tammy Parra), Coach Langthorp (Riley Langthorp) and Coach Wolf (Gavin Schindewolf)
Library News
I cannot believe we’re in the month of December. I don’t know about you, but this school year has flown by. This past November, for PK-3rd grade we had author Tammi Sauer scheduled to visit. However, she had a family emergency come up, and she had to cancel her visit. We’re looking to reschedule her visit sometime in January. Stay tuned for that. Also, right after the new year, we’re having our Scholastic Book Fair. Here’s a link the Signup Genius to help out and volunteer: https://www.signupgenius.com/index.cfm?go=w.manageSignUp#/53400900
In the 3rd quarter, I’d love to have you volunteer in the library. Stay tuned for the Signup Genius.
If you have any questions feel free to email me at CMattern@conroeisd.net.
Happy Reading,
Cristofer W. Mattern
Library Media Specialist
The Conroe Independent School District (District) as an equal opportunity educational provider and employer does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in educational programs or activities that it operates or in employment matters. The District is required by Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as Board policy not to discriminate in such a manner.
For information about Title IX rights or Section 504/ADA rights, contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Section 504/ADA coordinator at 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, TX 77304; (936) 709-7752.