Phoenix Flyer
Volumen 14, Edicion 3 - Septiembre 11, 2020
Fronteras Spanish Immersion Charter School
Minutos de Mrs. Hutchins
Hello Fronteras Families!
Another fantastic week of school is behind us! Thank you so much for ALL the parent volunteers we’ve had helping with our PE trail walk abouts! We are so grateful for your time and support!
Reminder: As we enter the cold and flu season, and kiddos begin getting the sniffles, fevers, coughs, etc., it will be important to follow the guidelines provided by the school district regarding Returning to School and When to Quarantine. Both informational fliers are included below. Both fliers are also posted to the parent Facebook Page. The following may help simplify:
Clarification of COVID Symptoms and Time at Home
There have been some questions about how long a student is required to stay home when a parent self-reports their child has a symptom from the COVID symptom list. When a student has a COVID symptom, they can come back when they receive a negative test result, are home for 10 days and symptom free for 24 hours without being on fever reducing medicine, or get a doctor’s note that it is not COVID related. This is true if they are screened at school or by a parent at home.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Hutchins
“A day without a friend is like a pot without a single drop of honey.” Winnie the Pooh
It is with a heavy heart that I share we lost a dear friend and colleague earlier this week. Our school monitor, Charles Ward, known by our students as Mr. Charles, passed away on Monday, September 7th after battling pancreatic cancer.
Our school has lost a treasured staff member. We are better because of Charles. He never asked what needed to be done; he just did it. Charles took care of our school, students, and staff with love and kindness. Charles had a giant heart and cared for our students as if every single one, was his own. Charles’s wife Victoria said Fronteras was Charles’ happy place and never felt like it was work. She said working at Fronteras made Charles a softer and happier man. Charles’ passing has left a hole in our hearts. We are so grateful for the time we had Charles with us. He will be missed tremendously.
Friendly Reminders!
- Please pull ALL THE WAY forward in the drop-off line regardless of where your child enters the school
- The school sidewalk is a drop-off zone only, please do not get out of your vehicle
- The school sidewalk is a drop-off zone only, please make sure your child is ready and can exit your vehicle independently
- Please have all of your children exit your vehicle on the sidewalk side only and not on the traffic side
- If your child requires assistance to exit your vehicle, please park in the parking lot to assist them
- Please drive slowly and be aware at all times while on Fronteras campus
- Please remind your students to leave toys and Pokémon cards at home
Lost & Found
Clarification of COVID Symptoms and Time at Home
There have been some questions about how long a student is required to stay home when a parent self-reports their child has a symptom from the COVID symptom list. When a student has a COVID symptom, they can come back when they receive a negative test result, are home for 10 days and symptom free for 24 hours without being on fever reducing medicine, or get a doctor’s note that it
is not COVID related. This is true if they are screened at school or by a parent at home.
School Pictures!
At Home Learners: Please arrive at 1:00pm for your student to get their school pictures taken. If you cannot make it, retakes are scheduled for October 16th!
Calling Buses Back
If a school calls a bus back to school property for a student who missed the bus, the bus may only do so if they have not reached their first stop or if they are within a reasonable distance from the school. If this is not the case and the bus is beyond its first stop, the students who missed the bus will have to wait at the school until the driver finishes their route. Going back to the school presents many challenges, not only for the driver, but also for the other students onboard and the timeliness of the next linking route.
Picture Request!
2020-2021 Yearbooks!
School Dismissal Manager
SDM sent families an email on August 18th with necessary information to access and log in to SDM. Please contact Kami at the front desk at 376-2223 if you did not receive the email. Parents/guardians of Fronteras students no longer need to call the front office to make changes to their child’s afternoon dismissal plans. You will do it all at your convenience!
Visit www.schooldismissalmanager.com today to download the app or click on the provided link below!
Lunch time reminders:
- No Top Ramen or Cup of Noodles unless precooked and stored in a thermos. Top Ramen and Cup of Noodles takes too long to microwave causing safety issues and not allowing enough time for your child to eat their lunch
- No lunch items requiring more than a minute to microwave
- Students need to bring a labeled water bottle every day to school