February 3, 2025

February 3, 2025
Millennium Families,
We've finally reached February. January always seems like the longest month of the year. It seems like it has been fairly cold as well. This week our 3rd Quarter progress reports will be posted on Friday. Please be sure students are taking care of any missing assignments or getting in during RTI for any reassessments needed.
Physical ID update - NO UPDATE....waiting for our vendor to print IDs.
Registering for 25/26 classes: All students have completed the registration process. Our counselors finished up with our current freshman class this week. Counselors will be following up with absent students.
Upcoming Dates:
No School - Wednesday, February 5th (Teacher professional development day)
No School - Friday, February 14th & Monday, February17th - Presidents' Day Holiday
Upcoming Testing Days - Mark your calendars:
March 19 - PreACT Secure (sophomores only report to school)
March 26 - AzSCI Testing (juniors only report to school)
April 1 & 2 - ACT Aspire Testing (freshman only report to school)
April 9 - ACT Testing (juniors only report to school)
Have a great week Tigers!
Nichole Bundy
Millennium High School
Millennium HS is a member of the Agua Fria High School District family of schools
Annual Trip Reduction Survey
All students 16 and older have been emailed our Annual Trip Reduction Survey. This is a State-Mandated survey that all staff and students 16 and older need to complete. We are required to get a 60% completion percentage so we do not need to do the survey a second time. Please have your student open this survey to complete it if they haven't done so already. The email was sent by Mrs. Zeller (mzeller@aguafria.org).
Caregiver Workshop Day
I wanted to personally invite you to our Caregiver Workshop Day on Saturday, February 8th, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM at Agua Fria High School. This is a free event for parents and caregivers to connect, learn, and access valuable resources to support their families.
Event Details
- Date: Saturday, February 8th
- Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
- Location: Agua Fria High School, 530 E. Riley Dr., Avondale, AZ 85323
- Highlights:
- Workshops on mental health, senior year preparation, career pathways, and more.
- Breakfast and lunch provided.
- Resource fair, giveaways, and a free book for all attendees.
- Free childcare (crawling age to 8 years old).
- Free Spanish translation available.
Workshops Offered
- How to Support Student Well-Being at Home and School
- West-MEC/Careers in Trades
- Navigating Senior Year
- Mental Health and You
- Snapchat: The Latest Drug Dealing Trends
- The Rise of Fentanyl
- Anxiety in Youth: How Parents Can Help
Spots are limited to 100 attendees, so please register soon. Click here to register!
This event is sponsored by Avondale One Opioid Narcotics Education.
DECA Club students competed at the District 6 Conference last week at Ottawa University, with 11 students capturing a medal (from left): Sam Burzynski, Ethan Murillo (first place), Caleb Ellison, Jesus Lopez Fisher, Braden Rice, David Miranda Soto (first place), Maya Kochar (first place), Jordan Kovats (first place), Ava Taddei (first place), Joaquin Tate, and Julian Rodriguez (first place). DECA members will compete next at the State Conference Feb 27-28.
Congratulations to our MHS Pommies for taking home the gold in JV Hip Hop, Varsity Hip Hop and GameDay!
Unified Sports Basketball Game
The Annual Unified Sports Basketball Game will take place on Friday in the main gym during both lunches. Purchase your tickets in the bookstore this week for $2.
Student Athletic Passes/Family Passes
Game days are right around the corner! Avoid the long lines by purchasing a student or family pass! Both passes will be digital this year. Student passes can be purchased in the bookstore or online through our webstore and family passes can only be purchased online through GoFan.
Student Pass: bit.ly/MHSBookstore
Family Pass: bit.ly/MHSFamilyPass
Spring Sports
Tryouts for spring sports begin on February 10th. Be surse to have your Final Forms completd before then.
Boys Tennis Meeting
Calling ALL Boys Tennis players: Go to room T-206 today after schoo0l 2:15-2:30 for an an informational meeting. Get details on try-outs, the upcoming season, practice schedules, and matches and tournaments. Coach Wright will be able to answer any questions you have regarding Tiger Tennis.
Boys Volleyball Open. Gym
Interested in trying out for boys volleyball this Spring? Please plan on attending one of our open gyms on Wednesday, February 5th or Friday, February 7th in the aux gymnasium. Each open gym will be from 2:30-4:30 after school. Tryouts will be on February 10th!
Valentine Grams
Looking for the perfect way to say “I care”? Send a Valentine’s Gram with candy and a bear! If you’re missing a gift for your valentine, don’t worry because there will be valentine grams sold at lunch! Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday during lunch will be your chance to make someone’s day. Make sure you know their third period and bring cash!
New for 2025, the Litchfield Educational Foundation will be offering scholarships for chosen alumni of the Litchfield Elementary School District. Graduating high school seniors from the class of 2025 who previously promoted from a LESD 8th grade class can fill out the application at the link below for consideration. Funds can be used towards community college, 4 year universities or trade school programs!
First Annual Senior Dance Showcase
The Tigers Dance Departments First Annual Senior Dance Showcase will be Wednesday, February 12th at 6:30 PM in the MHS Auditorium! Tickets will be sold only at the door for $5, cash only. The showcase will feature student choreographed dances from the senior students in the dance program as well as those seniors going for their Fine Arts State Seal!
FAFSA Coffee & Coins
Let's Talk FAFSA!
Join us on Tuesday, February 4, 2025, from 7:30 to 8:30 AM in the library for our FAFSA Coffee & Coins event! This event is perfect for families needing assistance with completing the FAFSA form or who have questions about the process.
Enjoy free coffee and patries and participate in gift card giveaways while getting the support you need.
For more information, contact Ms. Maria Rivera at mrivera@aguafria.org. We hope to see you there!
PebbleCreek Irish American Club Scholarship Opportunity!
📢 Attention Millennium High School Seniors: PebbleCreek Irish American Club Scholarship Opportunity!
The PebbleCreek Irish American Club (IAC) is offering scholarships exclusively for Millennium High School seniors who face financial barriers to attending college, university, or trade/vocational schools. This scholarship is open to all students—you do not need to be Irish to apply!
Scholarship Details:
Number & Amount of Scholarships: Determined by available funds and applicant qualifications
Deadline to Apply: Monday, February 24, 2025 @ 2:00 PM
Interviews: March 20 & 21, 2025, in the Millennium HS Library
Awards Ceremony: April 8, 2025, at 6:30 PM (Mandatory)
Application Requirements:
Completed Google Form (link attached)
300-500 Word Personal Statement (uploaded)
Unofficial Transcript (uploaded)
Letter of Recommendation (uploaded)
How to Apply:
Complete the application using the Google Form attached. Be sure to submit all required materials by the deadline.
For questions, email jgrumbling@aguafria.org with the subject: "PCIAC Scholarship."
This is a fantastic opportunity to help fund your education—don’t miss out! 🐾
2025 Baseball Golf Tournament
Let the countdown begin! ⏰
The Millennium Baseball Boosters is hosting their biggest fundraiser of the year, The 2025 Golf Tournament.
Join us to PAR- TEE on 2/22/2025. we hope to see you club-bing!
Which color is a golfer's favorite?
The Green 😂
Fruit Charms
MECHA club is organizing a donation drive for migrant workers impacted by the LA fires. They are selling fruit charms, however you may donate as much as you'd like. The link posted on MECHA's Instagram.
Seniors ~ Order Your Cap and Gown with Jostens
It's never too early to start thinking about graduation. Jostens has opened up ordering for the Class of 2025 Graduation products to be ordered. Please note that the only item required to be ordered through Jostens is the cap and gown unit to ensure it's the right color purple. Please visit the link below in order to purchase your graduation items. Sibling caps and gowns from previous years may also be used. In this case, you would only need to order the tassel. If your previous senior was class of 2024 and they decorated their cap, you would need to call Jostens at their store to place the order at 602-765-7337.
Caps and gowns are delivered to the school for our on-campus distribution event in March. We do encourage you to get your order in by the December deadline to ensure your cap and gown arrives in time for our spring distribution.
Upcoming Deadlines
December 15th – Cyberweek Deadline
Tiger Tutoring
Students at Millennium can get a free 30-minute tutoring session with members of the Millennium chapter of National Honor Society. This "Tiger Tutoring" is a volunteer service that is offered only to MHS students. If your student might need some assistance in their classes, please have them complete the below-linked Google Form.
Tiger Tutoring Form - bit.ly/mhstigertutoring
Millennium School Counselors
Melissa Mangahas - Counselor A-Co mmangahas@aguafria.org
Jennifer Grumbling - Counselor Cr-G jgrumbling@aguafria.org
Erika Fierros - Counselor H-K/ELL efierros@aguafria.org
Marwin Lee - Counselor L-Ne mlee@aguafria.org
Jill Thomas - Counselor Ng-Se jthomas@aguafria.org
Eric Oliphant - Counselor Sh-Z eoliphant@aguafria.org
Maria Rivera - College & Career Specialist mrivera@aguafria.org
Unofficial and Official Transcript Requests
ALL transcript requests whether unofficial or official must be requested through Parchment.com.
Ordering your high school transcript on Parchment.com is fast, easy, and secure. You may track the entire process on your account from the website. Parchment offers a user guide and a tutorial videos that explains how to order high school transcripts at: Support.Parchment.com.
Follow us on social media:
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/millenniumhsaz
Millennium Administrators
Nichole Bundy, Principal | nbundy@aguafria.org
Michael Butts, Assistant Principal | mbutts@aguafria.org
Amie Gilbert | Assistant Principal | agilbert@aguafria.org
Remigio Gordillo, Assistant Principal/AD | rgordillo@aguafria.org
Carissa Harvey, Assistant Principal | charvey@aguafria.org