Patton Parent Update
September 9-September 13
Principal's Message
Principal's message:
Good afternoon!
We have picture day coming up this Friday the 13th. If your child misses Friday, we will have retakes later in the semester. Our first home sporting event is on the 11th. Please come join us and support our volleyball team!
As we have started the new year, we would like to highlight the dress code policy found in our student handbook (linked below)
Please review this with your child to help support our efforts here at school! Thank you!
Have a great weekend!
With Patton Pride,
Kevin Wellington
Grade Level News
Click the photo below to see what the kids are learning with CharacterStrong
Sports and Activities
This upcoming week our athletic teams will have their first competitions. Students who will be missing classes will be responsible for letting their teacher know and are responsible for the work they will be missing.
Football schedule update: The game on September 11th has been canceled. We have added a game for October 16th. More details will be available in future weeks.
The link below outlines KSHSAA policy on sportsmanship. These guidelines are what Patton will follow when playing any athletic competition.
Good luck to all of our student athletes this week!
Sports and Activities for 2024-2025 School Year
Welcome Patton Families for the 24-25 school year! We are excited to kick off the athletic season! Below is information for our fall sports coaches for 7th and 8th graders:
7th and 8th Grade Girls Volleyball
7th Grade Volleyball Head Coach:
Jason Floetke jfloetke@usd207.org
Assistant Coach:
Christine Harris charris@usd207.org
8th Grade Volleyball Head Coach:
Rick Funk rfunk@usd207.org
Assistant Coach:
Staci Blount sblount@usd207.org
7th and 8th Grade Football
Head Football Coach:
Cole Bottom cbottom@usd207.org
Assistant Coaches:
Jimmy Hunter jhunter@usd207.org
Ethan Richardson erichardson@usd207.org
Cory Turner cturner@usd207.org
7th and 8th Grade Cross Country
Head Coaches:
Pat Amon pamon@usd207.org
Tricia Dreiling tdreiling@usd207.org
It was a great (hot) first meet! We are bringing back 4 medals, but all runners did awesome!
Madi Graham- 7th
Aubrey Watson- 14th
Blaine Viehweg- 9th
Aiden Rios-Rodriguez- 15th
Patton Athletics Schedule
*Games dates/times subject to change
7th and 8th Grade Football
9/11/2024 Wednesday - 3:30 pm - Lawrence Central Middle School (Away) (cancelled due to LCMS numbers)
9/17/2024 Tuesday - 5:00 pm - Summit Christian Academy (Home)
9/23/2024 Monday - 4:00 pm - Lawrence West (Home)
9/26/2024 Thursday - 5:00 pm - St Mary's Academy (Home)
10/16/24 Wednesday - Game will be scheduled on this date time TBD
7th grade Volleyball
9/11/2024 Wednesday - 3:30pm - Billy Mills/Liberty (Away)
9/14/2024 Saturday - 8:00am - Eudora Tournament (Away)
9/17/2024 Tuesday - 3:30pm - Southwest Lawrence (Away)
9/24/2024 Tuesday - 4:00pm-Warren (Home)
9/25/2024 Wednesday - 3:30pm - Billy Mills (Away)
10/2/2024 Wednesday - 4:00pm - Lawrence West (Home)
8th grade Volleyball
9/11/2024 Wednesday -4:00pm - BMMS/LMCMS (Home)
9/17/2024 Tuesday- 4:00pm - SouthWest, Lawrence (Home)
9/24/2024 Tuesday - 4:00pm - Warren (Away)
9/25/2024 Wednesday - 3:30pm- Billy Mills (Away)
9/28/2024 Saturday - 8:00am- Eudora Tournament (Away)
7/8th grade Cross Country
9/11/2024 Wednesday - 4:00pm -LTMS - (Lexington Park)
9/18/2024 Wednesday - 4:00pm - MCMS - (Lexington Lake Park)
9/21/2024 Saturday - 1:00pm- Bonner Spring - (WYCO Park)
10/2/2024 Wednesday - 4:00pm - BLMS - (BLMS)
10/9/2024 Wednesday - 4:00pm- MTMS - (Shawnee Mission Park)
Patton Yearbook Information
FALL PICTURES September 13
School Picnic - 9/11/24
You are invited! Following Freedom Walk, we will have an all-school picnic on Wednesday, September 11, 2024! Students will eat at their regular scheduled lunch time. Weather permitting, we will be eating outside.
Parents and siblings are invited to join us for lunch. Guest meals are $2.00 each.
Your lunch WILL be charged to your student's account - NO CASH, PLEASE.
Volunteers will be needed to help prep, serve, and clean up. Volunteers will be needed from 9:00 am - 1:30 pm. Please indicate on the form if you are interested in volunteering and include the timeframe you are available.
If you plan to join us for the picnic, please complete one form per family by Friday, September 6!
Please click the link below.
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, September 11: Freedom Walk
Friday, September 13: School Pictures
Friday, September 20: Early Dismissal 1:00 pm
Friday, October 4: Early Dismissal 1:00pm
Friday, October 11: No school
Monday, October 14- No school
Thursday, October 17 - 8am - 7pm Parent/Teacher conferences
Friday, October 18- 8am - 12:00 Parent/Teacher Conferences
Patton Mission
Patton Junior High School
Email: kwellington@usd207.org
Website: https://patton.usd207.org/
Location: 1 Patton Loop, Fort Leavenworth, KS, USA
Phone: (913) 651-7371
Facebook: facebook.com/usd207