Welcome Back Bulldogs!
Here is some important information for the start of school.
August 5, 2024
Dear Parents,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year! I hope you have had a great summer filled with joy and laughter. I am looking forward to starting another year at Buena Vista and partnering with you and our Bulldog staff. I cannot wait to see you all again and hope you can make it to our Bulldog Bash-->Welcome Back Social on Monday, August 12th (4-6pm).
Our BV and District Staff has worked hard this summer to prepare our school and classrooms to get things ready for your children's return from summer break. Teachers have already been working to welcome your child to their classroom on Wednesday, August 14th. We are all eager to start this school year and take on the magic of growing and learning together.
You should have received a district email for data confirmation for your Buena Vista Bulldog student(s) in July. This online data confirmation is in lieu of the in person Welcome Back Day from previous school years. If you did not receive the email I have included the directions below.
Data Confirmation
We will be using the Aeries Parent Portal to update student information online, including incoming TK/Kindergarten families and families new to WCSD. The annual data confirmation process is required for all students in grades Transitional Kindergarten - 8th. The data confirmation process must be completed in order for your student to receive his/her teacher assignment next week. Please contact our office manager, Shelley Purcell, ASAP if you plan to dis-enroll your student.
All parents should visit the Aeries Parent Portal and confirm your student’s data. Click HERE for details on each step. If you have more than one student enrolled in the district, it will be necessary to complete this process for each student.
Residency Verification
New this year! All families must re-verify residency before the start of school. Messaging has gone out regarding this. Here is all the information you need to re-verify at this link
Class assignments will be available Monday, August 12th on Aeries. Email directions will be sent on how to access. Please note that staff worked hard to create balanced classes that are best for all students, therefore teacher changes or requests will not be granted.
New Families
I would like to extend a special welcome to all of our new families and encourage you to become involved in our school community. You can check in with your classroom teacher on ways you can support your child in their classroom this year. Another way to support your student and become involved is to join our School Site Council, English Language Advisory Committee or our Parent Teacher Association. There are different levels of involvement, and we appreciate all support. Please do not hesitate to reach out to any of us if you have any questions as you and your children join the Buena Vista Bulldogs Family.
Studies show that families who are involved with their children's education have students who tend to do better in school. An essential part of staying in the loop of communication is ensuring you read the Bulldog Bulletin which is sent out every Wednesday. Every week there are updates, announcements and important information. In addition, teachers will be sending home communication weekly. Please make sure to stay up to date with information that is sent home and if you have questions, please feel free to ask.
I am excited to continue to support this amazing staff and student body as principal this year. We have a quite a few new faces and position shifts to welcome to the Buena Vista School Family.
- Jessica Lamonica -->1st grade teacher
- Eubene Kim-->3rd grade teacher
- Radhika Verma-->4th grade teacher
- Jennifer Hurd--->P.E. teacher (formally a 3rd grade classroom teacher)
- Amanda Taylor-->Science Specialist
- Brittany Forrette-->Instructional Coach
- Jennifer Pickett-->Intervention Teacher
We are still looking to fill some positions. We are looking for additional noon duty supervisors. This is a part time position that helps supervise student lunches and recess. The hours are Monday-Friday from 11:30-1:00, but can be flexible by days available. Here is the link to the job description.
If you know of anyone who may be interested in these positions please forward them my contact information and have them reach out: agramlick@walnutcreeksd.org or 925-944-6822
Consistent school attendance, including being on time every day, has been shown to increase connection to peers, teachers and school. This has also been shown to lead to higher academic achievement. Please ensure that your students are in class, rested and ready to learn at 8:10 AM (Wednesdays 8:55 AM).
Breakfast, Brunch and Lunch
This year we will once again offer two free meals for students. Students can choose either breakfast or brunch for free and receive lunch for free. Students can opt to purchase an extra meal too. Breakfast starts at 7:45 AM (8:30 AM Wednesdays).
Drop-Off & Pick Up/Supervision
We have morning supervision each day starting at 7:55 AM (8:40 AM on Wednesdays). Students arriving for breakfast need to be in the MPR.
Before school
All students need to be on the blacktop, playground, or in the MPR.
The hallways, the breezeway area between the elementary classrooms, are not for playing before the ready bell begins at 8:10.
Students should hang their backpacks on the hooks outside their classroom and then go to the blacktop, playground or MPR upon arrival.
After School
Please pick up your student promptly when school ends.
We have limited supervision for 10 minutes at the end of the school day.
Students are not permitted to stay and play after school with out adult/parent supervision. If they are supposed to walk home, please encourage your child to walk home directly after school.
Important Dates
To help you and your child get off to a good start for the school year, please mark your calendar with these important dates:
Monday, August 12th: Welcome Back Social, Sponsored by PTA 4:00-6:00 Please join us for music, fun and gathering in the Breezeway. Kona Ice will be here too. Come see your old friends and make new ones too!
- Monday August 12th, Back to School Night for TK/K parents ONLY: 6:00pm - 7:00pm (parents only) in the classroom. Please plan on attending this important meeting where you will learn about your child’s upcoming year. Teachers will discuss curriculum, classroom rules and routines and how you can support your child at home.
Tuesday, August 13th: TK/Kindergarten Sneak Peek - Meet your Teacher 2:00 - 3:00pm Classrooms will be ready for your child to come take a look around, meet their teacher and new classmates. You will not need to stay the entire hour, just drop in anytime between 2:00 - 3:00pm.
Wednesday, August 14th: First Day of School! Remember, the first day of school is a Wednesday and so it is a “Late Start” day for everyone with arrival at 8:55am TK/Kindergarten dismissal is at 12:15pm. Grades 1-5 dismissal at 2:30pm
- Wednesday, August 14th: Coffee with the Principal 9:00 am. Please join me on the Buena Vista Multi Use Room (MUR) for a short get together to learn more about what is in store for our students and school this year.
Thursday, August 15th: First day of “Slip” schedule forTK/ Kindergarten Early Start 8:10am-12:55pm. Late Start 9:10am-1:55pm
Tuesday, August 20th: Back to School Night (Grades 1-3) 5:30-6:00 p.m. and (Grades 4-5) 6:00-6:30 pm No children please. Report to your child’s classroom.
Friday, August 30th: Short Day—Grades 1-5 - 8:10am - 12:25. TK/Kindergarten---ALL TK/K Students - 8:10-11:30am
It's a great day to be a Bulldog!
Angela Gramlick
Buena Vista Elementary Principal
Student Drop Off and Pick Up
Please share these guidelines with all members of your family and any other person responsible for transporting your children to and from school. Thank you for your full cooperation in observing all of these guidelines.
San Juan Avenue Entrance (Front of School)
Red = No stopping or parking at any time.
White = Pick-up/Drop-off only – Drivers are not to leave cars unattended.
Please drop off and pick up students in the zone designated by the white painted curb in front of the school, near the BV marquee. Students may be dropped off on the east side of the street (and cross the street with the crossing guard) in the area directly across from the main drop-off area. The curb is painted white for this purpose and is for passenger loading (and off-loading) during the hours of 7:30-8:30 a.m. and 1:30-3:30 p.m. Do not park in this area at these times, as you will be cited by the Walnut Creek Police Department.
U-turns are only allowed at intersections where openings for turns are provided. DO NOT turn around in front of the drop-off area.
The parking lot off San Juan Avenue, next to the school office, is for staff and handicapped parking only.
Do not drive into the staff parking area or block the entrance to drop off or pick up students.
This is a reminder that the safest parking area (to avoid a ticket) is located on the school side (west side) of San Juan Avenue. You may park in designated spaces for any amount of time. Be aware that parking on the east side of San Juan is limited to two hours between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. You will be cited if you park in this location over the two-hour limit.
School Lane Entrance (off Buena Vista Ave.) THIS LOT IS FOR DROP-OFF AND PICK-UP ONLY This parking lot is for staff only. After 3:00 p.m., community parking is allowed in open spaces.
Red = No stopping or parking at any time.
White = Pick-up/Drop-off only – Drivers are not to leave cars unattended.
Green = 5-minute parking ONLY – this is for drivers needing quick access to campus. Please leave your car here for only the time allotted.
KINDER DROP-OFF: The area in front of kindergarten is a “No Stopping” zone. It is asked that Kindergarten parents walk their children into class. You will need to find parking along the green curbs in the School Lane lot, on Buena Vista Avenue, on San Juan Avenue, or in the Alvarado lot.
Alvarado Avenue Entrance/Lot
Parents are encouraged to use this parking lot and entrance to the school for drop-off and pick-up, as it is a short, safe walk across the field to the playground and the classrooms.
Please observe the painted entrance and exit arrows indicating one-way drive through.
Besides before and after school the gate will be locked at all times during the school day.
Community Partners
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! When you donate to the Walnut Creek Education Foundation (WCEF) and by joining the Buena Vista PTA, you're supporting our school! Your donations to WCEF are vital to enhance your student's education beyond what the state funds.
California ranks 33rd in the country in per student funding resulting in only a basic education. The programs, teachers, and classes that make BV special, including weekly art, music, science lab, library, and more, are made possible through donations to WCEF.
The suggested donation to meet our 2024-25 goal is $825 per student annually (or $69 per student monthly) to WCEF. However, what matters most is a united community coming together to give and volunteer whatever we can.
To learn more about WCEF, visit wcefk12.org or email contact@wcefk12.org.
The PTA at Buena Vista is here to promote an inclusive community for children and families and support the education and enrichment of our children. As PTA members and/or supporters, you have access to our online school directory. Your volunteer time and funds bring programs and events to school. Some examples include community events, books for the library, books for students from our annual book fair, teacher classroom and grade level grants, and parent education programs. We both “fun”raise and fundraise throughout the year to meet our annual goals. Fundraisers include:
PTA Annual Fund: Suggested donation of $150 per student or $250/family (multiple students)
PTA Student Fun Run: Our primary fundraiser! Stay tuned!
In addition to supporting our PTA, we invite you to join us for various community events that will be organized throughout the year, such as Welcome Back Day, Back to School Night, and Multicultural Night. These events offer excellent opportunities to meet other parents, strengthen community bonds, and create lasting memories for your family. Join and/or donate to PTA here.
Angela Gramlick-Principal
Email: agramlick@walnutcreeksd.org
Website: https://www.walnutcreeksd.org/Subsite001
Location: 2355 San Juan Avenue, Walnut Creek, CA, USA
Twitter: @BuenaVistaWCSD