Alpha Delta Kappa Delta Chi
Sister Notes - March/April 2018
I am just going to say Happy Spring!
I apologize for not sending out a newsletter in March. You would think with a week off for Spring Break, it would have been a breeze. I guess I was too busy enjoying some time off. I'm sure you will all forgive me since you are so very sweet.
As a recap, several of us attended the District 1 Meeting in Bonifay on March 3. The meeting included talent from local high school students, delicious food, and an opportunity for us to not only visit with each other, but also our sisters from around the district and state. Remember, these meetings are not just for officers; they are for all of us.
Our hostesses for both the February and March meetings were amazing. You ladies are so gifted in hospitality, and we all appreciate your wonderful knack for hostessing. It was great to have Charlotte Boling, who is a Reading Coach in our district, attend our March meeting. Please reach out to her and encourage her to come again. Always feel free to invite visitors to see what we are up to. They may want to get involved with our group.
Our April meeting will begin at Sandy Ridge at 4:00 for the birthday party. You were all very generous in financial support of this project. Cynthia and Barby are busy getting gifts and cake. I have 30 leis to be given out at the party. Cynthia is checking with Sandy Ridge to get some ideas of some entertainment, so look for more information on the plan. Dinner will follow at The Cutting Board for a time of socializing. I will be out of town for this event, but I'm sure it will be meaningful to the residents of Sandy Ridge.
Dianne brought the Altruistic Forms and the Needs Assessment to the March meeting. If you still have yours, please bring it to the April Meeting. These Needs Assessments help with our planning for the coming years, and your input is vital.
Remember that the scholarship applications for high school seniors are due soon. Please plan to be a part of the selection committee. We will meet at MHS May 1st at 3:45. The recipients will be recognized at their school's award event and at our May meeting at Rhodes. Thank you Cheri for heading this up for us.
Denise has sent out the survey for our elections. Please place your vote soon, and we will induct our new officers at the May meeting. Thank you to all who agreed to serve, and also to those of you that have served for many years and are stepping down from office, but not membership. You are all appreciated very much.
So far, I know that Kelly Barnes, Cathy Ali, and I are definites for the Gulf Regional Conference June 29 - July 1 in Montgomery. Please shoot me an email if you plan to attend. The registration is not due until May, but the hotel rooms are the biggest concern. I am really looking forward to attending and hope more of you can join us.
There is a State Convention the first weekend in May. If anyone plans to attend, please let me know. There are funds available to assist with part of the cost.
I hope that the year is winding down well for all of you.
Upcoming Dates to add to your calendar:
April 24, Sandy Ridge Birthday Party and Dinner - Cutting Board: Altruism, ADK Scholarship
May 1, Scholarship Selection, MHS 3:45
May 22, Rhodes Elementary, Altruism: Member's Choice
June 4, Executive Board (current and new officers and committee chairs) MHS 2:30 PM
Thank you for all you do!
Fraternally yours,
Lisa Murphey
Chapter President, Alpha Delta Kappa of Florida, Delta Chi
March 15 - April 15
Pat Eubanks, April 6
Ken and Karby Oser, March 26
Jerry and Sara Wilson, April 2
Kim Burch, March 25, 2014
Cheri Kaniper, March 25, 2014
Desha Lashley, March 28, 2017
Jane Seevers, March 25, 2014