Meet Your Career Connect Team
- Self Assessment
- Career Exploration
- Tours, speakers, special events
- Internship resources
- Job shadows
- Job Search
- Resumes
- Interviewing
- Applications
- On the Job Training (OJT)
Meet Your Counseling Team
Ms Yamamoto students Gp-Ma, jyamamoto@isd622.org
Ms Hager students Mb-S, ahager@isd622.org
Ms Bye students T-Z, mbye@isd622.org
Welcome Hannah Schmiesing, our counseling intern! hschmiesing@isd622.org
How Can My Counselor Help Me?
Students can make appointments to see their counselor for a number of reasons, including:
Personal/Social Concerns
College or Career Planning
Counselors' Corner
Ask a Counselor" 12-1pm all week. https://zoom.us/j/94359726876
Drop in to open Zoom sessions with general questions such as "How do I change my schedule?" to " How do I send my transcripts to college?".
Tuesdays @ 2.... Starting December 8th
Get Involved
Permission Form Coming Soon
The ACE Mentor Program is open to any high school student who has the curiosity and drive to learn about a career in design and construction, from contracting and engineering to architecture and landscaping.
Already, thousands of students have enjoyed the exciting projects, informative field trips and other engaging activities that make up the ACE experience.
Want more information? visit the ACE Mentor Program Website
Apprenticeship is an earn-as-you-learn workforce training model. You’ll receive classroom instruction and on-the-job training to provide the industry-specific knowledge needed to perform highly skilled work. Apprentices earn a salary as they train and the process is structured to allow for a healthy, work-life balance. At the end of the apprenticeship you’ll have the skills and training required in a high-demand industry. Find out more about Apprenticeships in MN
Now Hiring
Join us Wednesdays at 1:00 starting 12/02/20 to learn more about how to find the right job for you, apply, interview, and much more!
Jobs Hiring Now!!
Coming Soon...... YouScience Pilot
Stay Tuned! Several teachers have volunteered to start this pilot project next trimester. We will share with you what we have learned. Here is a quick video to learn more about YouScience. Want to get in on the pilot project? send an email to: bstanley@isd622.org
Contact Mrs Stanley
Email: bstanley@isd622.org
Website: https://www.isd622.org/Page/15183
Phone: 651748-6086