BOE Recap
October 27, 2022
Deerfield Public Schools District 109
Location: 517 Deerfield Road, Deerfield, IL, USA
Phone: (847) 945-1844
Twitter: @DPS109
Board Meeting Details
This regular Board of Education meeting was held in person at the District Office.
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Meeting Agenda
3. Closed Session
The board adjourned to closed session at 6:36 p.m. to discuss: The placement of individual students in special education programs and other matters relating to individual students. 5ILCS 120/2(c)(9)
4. Reconvene to Open Session
5. What's Good in 109
The Stop, Drop, and Draw event at Walden today
-Wilmot students embarking on their new PAWS system, rewarding good behavior
-Shepard's 8th grade boys cross country team winning the conference title
-Walden using two extra lockers as Little Free Libraries this year
-A Caruso student designing a really neat Halloween flip animation
-Kipling 2nd graders creating and running their own businesses
South Park is our featured school of the month, as we showcase the 3 C's in one building:
CHALLENGE: 4th grade writers working together to critique each others' work
COLLABORATE: South Park has hosted successful Family Reading & Math nights this year, giving our families a glimpse into what their children are doing at school
CREATE: Kindergarteners playing at the "South Park Cafe" using materials from Starbucks and other businesses
We also recognized Mrs. Kelly Jahng and the South Park library for winning the Exemplary Library Award from AISLE.
Finally, three 5th graders presented a Halloween-themed project they have been working on, where they had to design their own candy containers and measure the volume.
6. Superintendent's Report
He showed pictures from the Deerfield Farmers Market, where the superintendent and several board members had a table set up last month. It was a great opportunity to connect with the public and we look forward to more events like this in the future.
Caruso's auditorium construction is coming along. He showed a picture of the interior looking out to the seating bowl from the stage. The project remains on time.
Finally, the master facility planning process keeps marching along. Members of the Board of Education visited a few other schools this past month to take a look at some more recent construction.
7. Recognition: School Board Members Day on November 15, 2022
8. Community Participation Relative to Matters on the Meeting Agenda (Policy 2:230)
9.1. Freedom of Information Requests (Policy 2:250)
9.2. Tax Levy
9.3. IASB Delegate Assembly/Resolutions Committee Report
9.4. 2023-24 Public School Calendar
9.5. Assessment and Strategic Plan Update
Goal 2: SEL leadership teams have begun meeting in all six schools. Building leaders attended a Safe & Civil Schools conference this past summer.
Goal 3: We are doing the universal design for learning planning on alternating early release Wednesdays. There is a lot of excitement surrounding the new social studies curriculum.
Goal 4: ELT has been visiting all of the buildings for lunchtime sessions. We have been opening our doors to host more family and community-based events.
Panorama SEL survey: This has been assessed for 3 years in District 109. It’s feedback that children give about themselves. The results align with what we have seen in the past. Sense of belonging and engagement were new additions to the survey this year.
Mr. Jezuit covered math data from the IAR assessment. He said that fall MAP math data shows improvement across the board, with scores closing in on pre-pandemic levels. He also discussed ELA data. We are down from pre-pandemic years past, like in math. However, data is improving.
Mrs. Arnold covered the release of the Illinois Report Card. Both Caruso and Shepard have been labeled with Commendable designations, while all four elementary schools (Kipling, South Park, Walden, and Wilmot) have been labeled as Exemplary.
10.1. Consent Agenda*
Personnel items were approved.
Bills for payment were approved.
10.2. Treasurer's Report - August 2022
10.3. Quarterly Treasurer's Report - September 2022
10.4. Recommendation to Approve Key Performance Indicators
10.5. Approval of Special Meeting Minutes from the School Site Visits with Arcon on September 12, 2022 (Policy 2:220)
10.6. Approval of Special Meeting Minutes from the School Site Visits with Arcon on September 13, 2022 (Policy 2:220)
10.7. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes from September 22, 2022 (Policy 2:220)
11. Committee Reports (Policy 2:150)
Mr. Ashman gave a Facility Development Committee update.
Mrs. Jakymiw gave a TrueNorth update.Mr. Morrison said that the Policy Committee will meet next week.
12. Open Community Participation (Policy 2:230)
13. Board/Superintendent Other
President Montgomery also expressed her appreciation for the partnership with our other village agencies. She thanked various members of the administration for the work they have been doing.
14. Adjournment
Upcoming School Board Meetings
Thursday, November 17, 2022 @ 7 p.m. - Regular Board Meeting