The RISE Report
May 10, 2024
News You Can Use
Happy Mother's Day Weekend!
Happy Mother's Day to all of our wonderful and outstanding Special Program Mothers!
"Mama was my greatest teacher, a teacher of compassion, love and fearlessness. If love is sweet as a flower, then my mother is that sweet flower of love." – Stevie Wonder
Honor a staff member with a Green Apple Award!
The Education Foundation of Downers Grove District 58 invites the community to recognize an exceptional District 58 staff member with a Green Apple Award.
When you submit a Green Apple Award donation, the Education Foundation will give a specially designed Green Apple Award certificate to the specified teacher or staff member with a short, custom message from the donor.
All donations will support the Education Foundation’s programs, which include the Select 58 Recognition Awards for Eighth Graders, The Reading Games, Sneak Preview, Teacher Grants Program, Distinguished Service Awards, New Teacher Luncheon, and more.
Green Apple donations and messages may be submitted online here. All donations are tax-deductible. While the Green Apple Program is open year-round, if you would like your Green Apple Award to be delivered before the end of the school year, please submit your donation by Friday, May 17.
Specialized Transportation 24-25 Sign-up
We are committed to helping to support a stronger start for transportation in the fall for our children with special needs. We have had ongoing discussions with our vendors across the school year and they have identified that the #1 thing we can do as a district to assist them in doing better is to send them accurate data regarding pick-ups and drop-offs earlier in the summer.
To this end, you are receiving this request to register for transportation for next fall as well as ESY (special education summer school), if it applies to your child. Our providers have indicated that any changes and requests made up until June 15th can be implemented on the first day of school in the fall. Requests coming in after that date cannot be guaranteed; however, they will do their best to adjust in time.
Please take a moment to complete the form below. Requests for ESY transportation services must be submitted by May 10th.
Varsity Tutors- Homework Support
You already know that the Downers Grove Grade School District has partnered with the DuPage County ROE to offer all students free homework assistance through the Varsity Tutor app. Did you know that Varsity Tutor also offers on-demand essay reviews? This support is available on your child's device. Navigate to Clever and select the Varsity Tutor app. It's that simple!
2024-2025 School Year Information
Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is now open!
District 58 opened its online registration for returning students for the 2024-25 school year. Parents are asked to please submit their child’s registration by Monday, April 8. To begin, go to https://www.dg58.org/family-resources/registration and click on “Returning Student Application” and follow the prompts in the step-by-step instructions.
District 58 encourages families to register their student(s) promptly, as early registration helps the District determine its hiring, staffing, classroom, and transportation needs for the upcoming school year. While registration is occurring in February, March and April, an invoice won’t be sent until after May 1. Thank you for your help in supporting a smooth transition to the next school year!
If you have technical questions during the registration process, please contact District 58’s Technology Help Desk by filling out a Technology Help Ticket or calling 630-719-2768. For general registration questions, please contact your school office.
New this year, all registration will be conducted online. If families cannot complete the process online, they can call or visit their child’s school and the process can be completed there. District 58’s preschool registration is also open and is accepting applications at www.dg58.org/preschool.
Health Requirements for 2024-2025 School Year
Important Dates to Remember
Save the Dates!
Monday, May 13: Board of Education Regular Meeting
Wednesday, May 29: Half Day of Attendance- Last Day of School
Meaningful May Calendar
RISING Stars at Pierce Downer
Mrs. Acevedo's Classroom
Miss Barc
RISING Stars at Indian Trail
Ms. Price's Classroom
Mrs. Heise's Classroom
Mrs. Hamilton's Classroom
Mrs. Kollinztas's Classroom
RISING Stars at Herrick Middle School
Parent Trainings and Resources
Community Resources and Supports
Share the Find Food IL Community Food Map
The Find Food IL Community Food Map is an excellent tool for individuals to find places offering free food or meals; school and Summer Meal programs; and grocery stores and farmers markets accepting SNAP/Link, WIC, and senior vouchers. ISBE partnered with the University of Illinois Extension to help families identify what is available in their community more easily.
Many students rely on school for access to meals. Especially as we enter the summer months, you can help by sharing the Find Food IL Community Food Map with your students and families. Those interested in linking to this resource can download hosting guidelines on the Illinois Nutrition Education Programs website. Contact Caitlin Kownacki or read the press release for more information.
ABLEnow- National ABLE Saving Program
ABLEnow provides eligible individuals with disabilities a better way to save money for today's needs or invest for tomorrow. ABLEnow accounts:
- Do not jeopardize eligibility for most benefit programs, such as Medicaid and SSI.
- Are tax-advantaged, so earnings grow tax free.
- Can accept contributions from anyone: the account owner, family and friends.
- Include online account management tools and a top-rated mobile app.
January is an ideal time to review your finances, evaluate your budget and make changes for the year ahead. With ABLEnow, meeting your goals may be easier than you think.
Who is Eligible?
Individuals who developed qualifying disabilities before the age of 26 may be eligible to open an ABLEnow account. Take the online eligibility quiz.
Ready to Learn More?
With no enrollment fee and no minimum contribution, open an account today and see the difference ABLEnow can make. Click HERE for more information
Safe 2 Help
Safe 2 Help Support
District 58 has partnered with Safe2Help to give students a safe and confidential way to report potential threats or crises. Safe2Help was launched by the State of Illinois in December 2020 and aims to help prevent suicide, bullying, school violence and other threats to school safety.
With Safe2Help, students can connect with a trained crisis professional during their own crisis, or to report a potential threat. Students can submit a Safe2Help alert via the following ways:
- Website: https://app.safe22helpil.com
- Text: SAFE2 (72332)
- Phone: 844-4-SAFEIL (844-472-3345)
- App: "Safe2Help Illinois" app available in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store
- Email: HELP@Safe2HelpIL.com
All alerts are responded to by a trained Safe2Help crisis professional. Safe2Help is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
District 58 staff are not the initial responders to the alert and will receive each alert after the Safe2Help professional provides support. District 58 staff will review alerts sent by Safe2Help during regular school hours, unless the nature of the alert necessitates immediate school action.
Building Bridges
To learn more about Building Bridges:
Building Bridges is a parent group under the Downers Grove D58 Area PTA Counil. Building Bridges works on building relationships between families with children who have special needs and our school community.
Whether you are a parent/guardian of a child with an IEP or 504, sibling, caregiver, teacher, librarian, or community member... Building Bridges would love to see your participation in our event for the 2023-2024 school year!
Please join our Facebook Page (Building Bridges Parent/Teacher Group)
Dr. Jackelyn Cadard
RISE Special Programs Coordinator
Email: jcadard@dg58.org
Website: www.dg58.org
Location: 1435 Jefferson Avenue, Downers Grove, IL, USA
Phone: 630-719-9478
Special Programs Coordinator Downers Grove Grade School District 58