Grizzly Gram
Howdy from Mr. Bouldin - February 7, 2025
Grizzly Families
Hey Grizzly Families,
What an incredible Battle of the Border win we just had! Our school community came together to celebrate our Grizzly Pride, culminating in a thrilling victory over Priest River in the spirit competition. From spirited dress-up days to energizing pep rallies, the excitement was palpable. This win isn't just about sports; it showcases our unwavering spirit and camaraderie. Let's keep this momentum going as we support our teams and celebrate what makes us Grizzlies!
Parents, remind your student drivers to leave a little earlier in order to reach school safely. It's been a great week here at NHS.
There is a ton of info below...please check it all out!
If you ever have questions, please feel free to reach out.
Upcoming Important Dates
- February 11th: ASVAB testing (See info below)
- February 14th: NO SCHOOL
- February 17th: President's Day (NO SCHOOL)
- March 5-7: Trimester 2 Finals
- March 7th: End of Trimester 2
- March 10th: NO SCHOOL
- March 11th: Professional Development Day - NO SCHOOL
- April 7-11: Spring Break - NO SCHOOL
- April 26th: Maws & Paws Great Grizzly Auction
- April 29 & 30: NHS Parent Teacher Conferences, 3:15pm-7:15pm
- May 6th: NHS ELA-SBA Testing (Sophomores Only)
- May 7th: NHS Math-SBA Testing (Sophomores Only)
- May 13th: WCAS Science Testing (Juniors Only)
- May 14 & 15: NHS SBA Makeup Testing
- May 14th: NHS Scholarship Night
- May 20 & 21: Senior Presentations
- May 23rd: Snow Day/Makeup
- May 26th: Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL
- June 6th: Class of '25 Graduation!!!!
- June 12th: Last Day of School!!!!
Good News
Congrats to Gavin Hoaglund on being accepted to Whitworth University. He was also awarded the Whitworth University Scholarship for $34,500 per year. Go Pirates!
Upcoming Varsity Games
Band Solo & Ensemble
Our Solo and Ensemble concert will be next Wednesday from 6-6:45PM at NHS. These are pieces that students have picked out and learned themselves, and we hope you can make it. We have everything from classical to video game and movie music. Admission is by donation; suggested donation is $5 per person, or $10 for the whole family.
This event represents the close of our fundraising activities for our tour. This will be our eleventh fundraiser since last June (I know, too many!), and we hope to close our $1500 gap and finish strong! The money we raise will go directly towards giving these kids an amazing trip they'll never forget in April!
If you can make it to our concert or support these kids, they would be thrilled to see you!
Grizzly Wrestling!!!
FFA Happenings
FFA Trapshooting Team
Newport High School's FFA Program will be holding its first ever FFA Trapshooting Invitational tomorrow at the Newport Gun Club!
We currently have 7 schools and over 80 student-athletes signed up for tomorrow's competition.
Good Luck Grizzlies!
Our NHS FFA Shooters include:
Lindsay Collison
Jayden Hunt
Landon Hall
Luke Wright
Kutter Driver
Hank Kirkwood
Barrett Boone
Berg Hughes
Ryder Riddles
Brody Driver
Sickness Update
Newport High School wants to remind all parents to please keep children home when they are feeling unwell. Sending kids to school while sick can spread illness to others and delay their recovery. If your child has symptoms like a fever, cough, or upset stomach, please allow them to rest at home until they are fully recovered. Additionally, don't forget to call the school to excuse your child’s absence. This helps maintain a healthy environment for all our students and staff.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Attendance Spotlight
This is a great new section in the Grizzly Gram provided by our District Attendance Coordinator Shannon Prange and NHS Attendance Secretary Teddi Armstrong.
Check out this blog about The Hidden Struggle of School Avoidance
Need help with College/FAFSA applications?
See Mrs. Pierce in the Library!
WA Grant gives more money to more people
Washington College Grant (WA Grant) gives more money to more people for more kinds of education and training beyond high school. WA Grant is not reserved for valedictorians or athletes—it is available to all eligible Washington residents, including undocumented students. If you meet the program and income requirements, you have money waiting for you.
WA Grant can help you access many types of education and training: Public and private colleges and universities. Workforce and training programs. Approved apprenticeship programs.
WA Grant amounts vary based on income, family size, and program cost. This year, an eligible student from a family of four with income of $78,500 or less per year can get a full award. What does that mean? For example, public college tuition would likely be free for a family with three children and a single parent making $37 per hour. For middle-income families, grant amounts are lower. But even someone from a family of four making up to $120,500 per year can get some money to help pay for college or training—and income limits will be even higher for 2025-26.
Students and families can use the financial aid calculator to estimate their potential WA Grant award, but the only way to know for sure how much you can get is to apply for financial aid. Applications for the 2025-26 academic year are now open.
WA Grant helps make college or job training affordable. Learn more at WAgrant.org.
Our ASVAB has been scheduled for February 11, 2025
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is a heavily researched and well-respected aptitude test developed by the Department of Defense. It measures a student's abilities and areas of strength and helps predict future academic and occupational success.
The ASVAB has been established by the Washington State Board of Education as one of nine graduation pathways that can be used by seniors to meet their graduation pathway requirement. Most of our students at Newport High School meet their requirements through a combination of State Assessments, Dual Credit, Transition Courses, ASVAB, or CTE Sequences. If you would like to read more about Graduation Pathway Options, please click HERE, or for information on the ASVAB, click HERE. (State Board of Ed) and HERE (Official ASVAB site).
To use the ASVAB as a Graduation Pathway students need to meet the minimum score on the Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) to be eligible to serve in a branch of the armed services.
The AFQT is a component of the ASVAB (not a separate test).
Current minimum scores for all branches (as of August 26, 2024) is:
This pathway option meets requirements in BOTH English and math.
In meeting this pathway option students are NOT required to:
Meet physical or other military enlistment requirements.
Release score to the military for recruitment purposes.
If students are interested in pursuing a path into the military, the higher the score on the ASVAB, the more opportunities they qualify for, therefore we allow our interested seniors the opportunity to retest with our Juniors.
At Newport High School, we do utilize the ASVAB Career Exploration Program (CEP) with our Juniors after we receive their scores. The ASVAB CEP is a career planning resource that allows students to explore multiple paths to success: college, certificates, apprenticeships program, licensure programs, or the military. The program is designed to assist students across the nation in their career exploration/planning process, not only those interested in military careers. This program is provided at no-cost to schools and students.
The ASVAB CEP also meets the state’s requirement that our High School and Beyond Plan includes a skills and interest assessment that can be used to identify career goals. If you would like to read more information about the required elements of the High School and Beyond Plan, please click HERE. (We complete our HSBP in our Advisory class.)
Schools are given multiple options on the release of our students' ASVAB scores to recruiters; however, at Newport High School we elect the most restrictive options, NO release to recruiters. Please talk about what your family's preferences are before February 11th as students are able to share their scores directly. As listed above, students may still participate in the ASVAB and ASVAB CEP, and opt-out of releasing their scores, even if they plan to claim the ASVAB as their Graduation Pathway.
On February 11th, our participating Juniors will have breakfast at 8:00 before we begin. We will remind students on Monday, to bring Chromebooks charged on Tuesday morning, as this assessment will be done online.
If you have additional questions, or prefer your student opts-out of the ASVAB, and the ASVAB CEP, please contact Mrs. Pierce.
Senior Info!!!! Class of '25!!!!
Hello Class of 2025 Newport High School Seniors,
Seniors - if you have not ordered your cap and gown yet, please order them at jostens.com. Prices will increase so please order soon.
Please remember that at NHS we only require the $50 Cap and Gown Unit for graduation. This comes with a very nice quality rental gown (these are a higher quality from what we have had before) a cap, a tassel and a stole. You will keep the cap, tassel and stole and return the gown.
Accepted Wall
Seniors and Senior Parents...if you have been accepted to a 4 year college/university, 2 year college/university, trade school or the military, please fill out an "Accepted Form" and turn in to Mr. Bouldin so your name can go up on the wall!
Senior Slideshow
2025 graduates and parents,
Time is moving fast and we are on the hunt for two baby photos of our Class of 25 Seniors. These photos will be used in the senior slideshow that is played at graduation, you do not want to be left out.
Please send two baby photos you would like to submit for this slideshow.
NHS 24-25 Yearbooks!!!!
Yearbooks are on sale now! The cost of the award winning Newport Yearbook is $40 until January 20th. After January 20th the book price is $45.
Some important deadlines for Seniors (Class of 2025):
Parents of Seniors, the yearbook staff has sent out an order form to your mailbox for Senior Dedication ads for the yearbook. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Matthews at matthewstodd@newportgriz.com
Counselor's Corner
NHS Counseling Team
This is our amazing Counselor/Social Worker Team at NHS. If you need anything, please reach out to them for help. They are (l to r):
Daylan Kiss - At NHS two days per week
Cassie Anderson - At NHS Monday - Friday
What is 211?
2-1-1 is a free confidential community service and your one-stop connection to the local services you need, from utility assistance, food, housing, health, child care, after school programs, elder care, crisis intervention and much more. 2-1-1 is always ready to assist you in finding the help you need in Newport and surrounding areas.
Mrs. Bradbury is offering Homework Help!!!
Before School Study Table will be every morning except Wednesday. It will start at 7:30 and go until school starts.
Lunch Study Table will be Monday-Friday.
After School Study Table will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
All study tables will be in room 120. Reach out to Mrs. Bradbury for more information. Any changes will be announced in the Daily Bulletin.
What is 988?
988 offers 24/7 access to trained crisis counselors who can help people experiencing mental health-related distress. That could be:
Thoughts of suicide
Mental Health or substance use crisis, or
Any other emotional distress
People can call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org for themselves or if they are worried about a loved one who may need crisis support.
Check out the KUBS FM YouTube page. You can view past Football and Basketball games as well as past graduations and our new series Meet Newport. Make sure to subscribe to stay up to date with KUBS FM. Click on the KUBS logo above to visit the page. Contact KUBS Here.
Parent Student Handbook
Contact Us
Office Phone - 509-447-2481
Steve Bouldin - Principal - bouldinsteve@newportgriz.com
Brett Mackey - Asst. Principal/Athletic Director - mackeybrett@newportgriz.com
Saraya Pierce - College & Career Specialist/CTE Director - piercesaraya@newportgriz.com
Cassie Anderson - Counselor/Social Worker - andersoncassie@newportgriz.com
Stephanie Phillips - Office Manager - phillipsstephanie@newportgriz.com
Teddi Armstrong - Attendance Secretary - armstrongteddi@newportgriz.com
Crystal Mitcham - Registrar - mitchamcrystal@newportgriz.com