The Gator Gazette
Friday, January 10, 2025
Message from the SWAMP
Welcome back everyone! Its been a quieter week but we are slowly getting back into the swing of things! We had our first Gator Ski Trip today and the weather couldn't have been better!
- 13th - Math Midterm (during periods 1 and 2)
- 14th - LA Midterm (during periods 1 and 2)
- 15th - Social Midterm (during Social class)
- 16th - Science Midterm (during period 1)
- 17th - Healthy Hunger Lunch (Church's Chicken)
- 24th - Healthy Hunger Lunch (Tim Horton's)
- 29th - Grade 9 Immunizations
- 30th - Gator Day Out at the Movies (sign up on PowerSchool)
- 30th - Healthy Hunger Lunch (Shumka)
- 30th - Semester 1 Report Cards will be released (4pm)
- 31st - PD Day (No School)
Just a reminder that midterms are next week!
Math - Monday (periods 1 and 2)
LA - Tuesday (periods 1 and 2)
Social - Wednesday (during Social class)
Science - Thursday (during period 1)
Skip The Dishes
If you are ordering Skip The Dishes for your student, we ask that you have their name on the order and notify the office. We sometimes get several orders to the office with no names on the order.
Gator Day Out Jan. 30
Don't forget to sign your student up for our Gator Day Out at the Movies! Deadline to sign up is January 24 at noon!
Healthy Hunger Lunches
Our next Healthy Hunger lunch will be on January 17 (Church's Chicken). Make sure to place your order by Sunday, January 12 (midnight).
Use this link to place your order https://healthyhunger.ca/index.php please make sure you know your students Homeroom/TA number before setting up your account as you will need this to create your students profile.
If your child is away and has ordered hot lunch, please email or call the office by 11 am to direct your child's hot lunch. It can be given to a sibling/another student or can be picked up at the office. If we have not heard from anyone by 11am we will determine what to do with the lunch.
Gator Gear
Get your Gator Gear and show your LA spirit! Order through this link & your items will be delivered to Lorne Akins office for you to collect!
Attendance Matters
Parents: If a student will arrive late, they are to sign in at the office. If we have been informed the student will be late, it will be an excused late. Without hearing from a parent, the student would be marked as unexcused and you will receive an automated call from the school informing you of this.
If a student needs to leave early, the office MUST hear from a parent/guardian. Please email or call the office and we will allow the student to sign out & meet you outside (or walk home).
If you have any questions, please ask the office.
Lorne Akins Junior High School for Grades 7 to 9
Email: la@spschools.org
Website: https://lorneakins.spschools.org
Location: 4 Fairview Boulevard, St. Albert, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-460-3728
Facebook: facebook.com/LorneAkinsJuniorHigh
Twitter: @lorneakins
Jennifer Suriano
Assistant Principal