Pickerington Elementary
November 18, 2022
Pickerington Elementary
Upcoming important dates:
November 23-25 - No School - Thanksgiving Break
December 21-30 - No School - Winter Break
January 2 -3 - No School Winter Break
January 4 - No School Teacher Records Day
PTO Save the Dates
1/19 - Family Fun night - Get Air
2/23 - Restaurant Night - Jet's Pizza
4/5 - Restaurant Night - Raising Canes
Pickerington Elementary: @PickeringtonES
Pickerington Elementary PTO: @PickElemPTO
PTO email 📨 pickelempto@gmail.com
Email: dave_zwiebel@plsd.us
Website: https://www.pickerington.k12.oh.us/pickerington-elementary/
Location: 775 Long Road, Pickerington, OH, USA
Phone: 614-548-1400
Facebook: facebook.com/pickeringtones
Twitter: @pickeringtones
Message from Mr. Z
Dear Families,
As the weather grows colder the learning fires up our students minds...We are focusing drilling down to determine the needs of each one of our students. Doing so has brought some great conversations and growth with our staff which ultimately positively influences our student's learning. Here are some examples of how we are honing in our eduction for the betterment of all students
- Intentional professional learning opportunities for our teachers to better understand HOW students learn how to read
- Refocusing on our frameworks used within the classroom (Wit and Wisdom, Fundations, Heggerty, and Eureka Math)
- Partnering with our instructional coaches and other teacher leaders to model small group instruction with plans created by student data.
- Collecting behavior data to determine what is working for our students and what needs some refinement.
All of this work is just a few examples of how we are doing our very best to bring an exceptional education to our students. I encourage you to reach out if you have any questions regarding how we are working to make Pickerington Elementary a better learning environment for your student. Please take a look at our building goals!
Just a bit of housekeeping, thank you to those families utilizing our Pick Up Patrol system to notify us of any changes. Those that are still unsure, please ask, we are happy to help. Just a reminder that all families driving their student to school MUST use the parent pick up line to drop off. Students should never be dropped off in the day care/bus lane. Door A does not open until 9:05, Door L opens at 8:50am. Our staff appreciates your cooperation in following our expectations.
As we make our way to the holiday season I reflect fondly on this season, more specifically Thanksgiving. This is my favorite holiday...food, football (even though being a Dallas Cowboys fan made the football less enjoyable), and FAMILY make this holiday the best. I wish you all the most enjoyable time with you and yours this weekend. Take the time to relax and invest in one another, because those investments pay major dividends later. Take care everyone!
Mr. Z
Thank You Pickerington families!
We can't thank you enough Pickerington families for your support of the bond issue on Nov. 8! We are so pleased that 57% of voters supported the bond issue for our students, for more space for teaching and learning, and for the future of Pickerington Schools and the entire community as we faced unprecedented growth!
Now with your support, district leaders will begin working right away on implementing the district’s capital plan, which includes the proceeds from the $89.930 million bond issue, to:
- Build a new junior high school that can house up to 1,300 students
- Renovate all of Ridgeview Junior High to convert to a building holding separate kindergarten to fourth grade elementary and fifth to sixth grade middle schools; this creates an eighth elementary school that will house about 450 elementary students, and a fourth middle school that will house about 450 middle school students
- Add 24 additional classrooms at Central High School housing up to 650 students; upgrade the cafeteria, expanding capacity by 200 additional students; install secure entryways
- Add 18 additional classrooms to North High School housing up to 470 additional students; install secure entryways
- Renovate and upgrade multiple elementary schools to accommodate growth, making room for up to 375 additional students.
While it may take awhile for all of the construction to be completed, rest assured we will move forward as quickly as possible and will post updates on our progress, every step of the way. We are so #PLSDProud of the confidence you have demonstrated in the district at the polls, and we are ready and eager to do the work that will continue to make Pickerington Schools a destination district that is Educating for Tomorrow.
SWIS Behavior Data
PBIS School Data
SWIS is the database our school uses to track behaviors within the building. This data is tracked and reviewed daily, weekly, and monthly by administration and the PBIS team. We use this information to determine which students need a review of our GRRR expectations. This data also drives conversations with staff to ensure we are doing what we can to help our students learn and grow in our school. The graph below shows where most behaviors are occurring in the building to date. We will continue to monitor and reflect on best practices to make sure we are doing the best for our students.
🤷♂️ Lost and Found 👀
If you see any items that may belong to your child,
- please have them take it home
- you are more than welcome to come grab it yourself.
- Let the teacher know and they will ensure it is return in their bookbag
Holiday Assistance
Dear Families,
Pickerington Schools are once again teaming up with the Violet Township Fire Department to help provide some holiday assistance for families in need during this holiday season.
In need of assistance?
Request an online form for holiday assistance by contacting me at kendra_stewart@plsd.us or 614-548-1431. The request link will then be provided to you, only one per household please. This form is handled in a confidential manner with more details from your school counselor. Please remember that we will only be able to supplement your holiday. The online form must be completed by Tuesday, November 22nd.
Wanting to donate?
There are several ways to donate this year:
The traditional big red boxes throughout the community and in the schools accepting donations of new toys/gifts.
Gift cards are also appreciated.
Cash donations through Paypal.
Another way of donating this year is through Amazon and Target. If you would prefer to donate in this way, click on the links below. Be sure to ship to Violet Township Fire Department Toy Drive (address will appear as an option).
Order t-shirts here: T-shirt order form
How Can You Help our PBIS?
- Donate items for the Stripes Store through our Amazon Wish List
- Donate a new copy of your family's favorite book for our Book Vending Machine!
Family Resources
H.O.P.E Food Bags
Violet Baptist Church offers a Weekend Food Program. This program was created to help those families in need of meals for their children over the weekend. This is offered to our students for FREE. Each student in the house is eligible. Please reach out to Kendra Stewart, School Counselor by phone at 614-548-1431 or email at kendra_stewart@plsd.us in order to sign up.
The Mobile Dentist is coming on December 1st and 2nd.
Forms were sent home with your students. Please fill out and the form and return to school or sign your student up online at www.myschooldentist.com.
2022-2023 PTO Officers
Co-Presidents: Emily Haverfield and Camille Browning
Vice President: Kayla Hamlin
Secretary: Jennifer Mayberry
AR Treasurer: Lisa Winters
AP Treasurer: David Albanese
Click here to get involved with PES PTO.
If you need to contact the PTO please feel free to contact us at pickelempto@gmail.com We are excited to be your representatives next year!
Pick PTO Needs you!
This year we are losing 3 key positions on the PTO.
Co-Presidents (2)
AR Treasurer (1) - this treasurer's position is accounts receivable. They handle deposits
Secretary (1)- takes notes at meetings.
It is a lot of fun with a great group to work with. PTO provides many things from the GOOD program to the Book Vending Machine. As a mom of 4 I did not realize how much the PTO did for our school until I got involved. I thought the "school" provided that. Many of our programs and assemblies are funded through the PTO. We have money designated for field trips for each grade, help supply the PBIS store with items, STEAM Day, the license for Disney, plus budgets for each teacher and principal and so much more.
Please consider joining our team. We would like to have time to train whomever is taking over the positions so they are comfortable next year. It is wonderful being back in the school and taking an active role in not only our children's lives but also our community. Pickerington Elementary is an amazing school and we are excited to see such amazing changes take place.
You do not have to be a stay at home parent. Currently all our officers hold either a part time or full time job. If you would like any information on any position available feel free to email us at pickelempto@gmail.com
Thank you
Emily Haverfield
Pickerington Elementary Staff "Shout Out"
Has a Pickerington Elementary staff member gone above the call of duty to ensure your child has had an amazing day, week, month or even a year? 😁 Please take a moment to let us know by completing the form below. Pickerington Elementary is very fortunate to have an outstanding staff that loves working with your children. We all need a little “pat on the back” from time to time. We will make certain that this commendation is delivered to the appropriate staff member and that they are properly recognized.