MMS Weekly Update June 2, 2023
We are...Millennium Middle School
This Week's Classroom Highlights
Artist of the Week
Community Safety
Locker Cleanout
Locker clean outs have been scheduled for the afternoon of Monday, June 12 (6th Grade) and Tuesday, June 13 (7th/8th Grade).
Students should remove everything from their locker except for any essentials (textbooks, binders, etc.).
Backpacks prohibited
Moving over the summer?
7th Grade Immunization Reminder
If you have a student entering 7th grade in September 2023 please make sure their immunizations are up to date before the first day of school on September 6. As of January 2015, school districts can no longer provide immunization waivers. Waiver forms needs to be a certified State of Michigan, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) Immunization waiver Form. Schools can only accept the current 2019 State of Michigan waiver form.
Parent/guardians can contact their county health department for more information on certified State of Michigan waivers.
We’re hoping to give families time to schedule any needed immunizations prior to the start of the 2022/2023 school year.
If you have questions please refer to the links below:
We are in need of some parent volunteers for our WEB Olympics on Friday, June 9th.
Leadership students will run the games but we hope to put one parent volunteer at each station to help assist them. If you are interested in helping please visit the Parent Volunteer Sign Up. Be sure to complete the Online Volunteer Form at least one week before the event. Volunteers will check in at the main office (7/8) at 8:45AM. Volunteers will be done by 12:00PM.
PTO is looking for volunteers for the 8th grade dance and weekly ticket sales. If you're interested in assisting with ticket sales, decorating, chaperoning or cleanup we would love your help. Please see the below Signup Genius to sign up today. Thank you!
8th Grade: PSAT Results
To view your child's PSAT 8/9 score, go to and have your child create their account. In the future, this account will be used to access SAT scores, as well as any AP test scores that your child may choose to take in high school.
MMS students earn mustang money for exhibiting positive behavior in our school.
Please consider purchasing something from our Amazon Wishlist that will be used as raffle items where students can enter their mustang money during the end of the school year. If you want to donate items not on the list for the raffle please drop them off at the main office and label them PBIS. We can take gift cards to raffle as well. Thank you, as always, for your support!
Robotics - 8th Grade Only
On behalf of TEAM 3641, The Flying Toasters, the unified SLHS & SLEHS robotics team, we would like to invite incoming 9th grade students to attend our Open House and Team sign up for the Summer & Fall Session on June 5th starting at 6pm. Doors will open at 5:55pm at the main door #1 (main office door off from Johns' Road). Parents are welcome to attend. A detailed meeting will begin at 7pm with the specifics, explanations, and required forms. Introductions, demonstrations, and guided tours will begin at 6pm.
Thank you and hope to see you at the meeting! Coach Weber
Washington DC 2024
There is still time to sign your 7th grader up for next year’s Washington DC trip. If you would like to sign up, please use the information below. If you have any questions about the trip please email Mrs. Krupkin at or submit question with this Washington DC Question Form
Sign up at using Trip ID #: 206879
East Swim and Dive Team Information
Keep up your math skills this summer! Either review previous content, get a preview on next year’s content, or both 😊 with a 5-week summer math course designed to teach the most foundational concepts needed for each math course. Sessions will be held live virtually on Tuesdays June 27th ~ July 11th ~ July 18th ~ August 8th ~ August 15th
Volleyball Skills Camp
2023 BeEAST Skills Clinic is back. Ran by Legacy Volleyball Club head Trainer Larry Wyatt & his staff. The coaches will break down everything from basic form to advanced techniques in a high energy/high repetition environment. Over the course of the 8 hours in 2 days, the kids will be taught new skills, improve on their technique and have fun meeting a lot of new players!
Volleyball Skills Camp will be on July 26th and 27th from 9am to 1pm in the SLEHS gym.
Additional information is below and attached. Anyone interested in registering can do so by clicking on this link:
Summer Experience
At OSTC-SW, we have some exciting opportunities for incoming 8th and 9th grade students this summer.
Students can sign up by either using the QR code on the flyer or by going to
If you have any questions about this opportunity, or anything else, please reach out.
Chris Vraniak
Campus Dean
O: 248.668.5607
M: 248.668.5600
Upcoming Dates
June 9 - 8th Grade Picnic/Dance
June 14-16 - All Students ½ day
June 23 - Award Ceremony
Millennium Middle School
Ross Baker, Assistant Principal
Christina Cibrario, Assistant Principal
Location: 61526 9 Mile Road, South Lyon, MI, USA
Phone: (248) 573-8200
Twitter: @MillenniumMS