Ripon Cathedral School Update
Week ending Friday 1st March 2024
Health and Wellbeing Day
On Wednesday, we had a great Health and Wellbeing Day. The day began with Year 6 pupils leading a worship about being healthy in mind and body. They explored how we need a good healthy breakfast, exercise and how we can think about our mental health. As part of the worship the children had a push up competition, with the captains of Tigers, Sharks and Dragons trying to beat Miss Haslam to do as many push ups as they could in just 1 minute.
The children really enjoyed being in groups with children from different year groups and they engaged brilliantly with many different activities.
Forest Schools
The children worked together on a scavenger hunt, exploring the grounds to find clues.
We had great fun dancing to a range of songs. The children were brilliant and performing a range of moves and they danced with enthusiasm.
Safety Around Water
As we have lots of waterways in Ripon, the children learnt about the importance of being safe near canals and rivers. They learnt about safe behaviours and how to behave in risky situations.
Mindful Art
The children explored their emotions through art. As they listened to calm and relaxing music they used watercolours to translate their feelings into colourful art.
Mile Track
The children enjoyed seeing how quickly they could complete the mile. Children from across all year groups encouraged one another to run the mile as quickly as they possibly could.
Health and Wellbeing in Year 5
As part of our physical health and mental wellbeing day the Year 5 children looked at how sleep contributes to a healthy lifestyle. They discussed their own sleep habits and they shared tips on how to have a great night's sleep. We have children who enjoy a hot bath, warm milk, read a book, a squirt of lavender on their pillow.
The children then explored the benefits of being outdoors and in the sunshine for their physical and mental health. They learnt about how to manage risk in relation to sun exposure. The children then worked in groups to present an information film about how to stay safe in the sun. They did a great job at explaining the importance of protecting ourselves in the sun and thoroughly enjoyed sharing their ideas with the rest of the class!
Next week the children will complete their work by looking at different diseases and how we can protect our bodies from them.
Reception Learn how to be Happy and Healthy
Over recent weeks, Reception have been learning about the importance of a healthy lifestyle and how to achieve this. Keeping clean in Reception is not always easy as we love all things messy, but we have learnt the importance of washing with soap and water, wearing clean clothes and brushing our teeth. Plenty of fun has been had by exercising in a number of different ways, including, running, dancing, going for a walk, completing circuit exercises and gardening. Just as important as exercise is the need to find time to rest and relax. We enjoyed listening to calming music whilst completing some mindful colouring, participating in yoga and spending time appreciating the outdoors (whatever the weather!). Reception brought their learning to a close with the very important message that to be happy and healthy they must have plenty of sleep and go to bed when asked!!
Year 1 Keeping Healthy
In Year 1 the children have been thinking about how they can keep healthy. They have made some healthy living posters thinking about our physical and mental health. The children have also thought about sun safety and what should be packed in beach bags to protect us from the sun.
Year 3 Explore how to do Risk Assessments!
In Year 3, the children have been exploring how to keep themselves healthy. They reminded themselves of all the different ways we do this and how getting into good habits is key. They designed their own healthy lunchbox with plenty of fresh and nutritious food. We also looked at 'risk' and what risks there may be at home or at school. They even had a go at making their own risk assessments!
Year 2 - Keeping Safe
In Year 2 we have been thinking about how to keep ourselves and our bodies safe and healthy. We talked about the importance of keeping ourselves clean and brushing our teeth twice a day. We then discussed road safety and how to cross the road safely: listen, look both ways and find a safe space to cross. We have also set ourselves a challenge… to make sure we know our address in case we need to contact the emergency services. Do you know yours?
Keeping Fit in Nursery
In Nursery we started our day off with 6 laps of the daily mile track! Then in the afternoon we had a more relaxing time by listening to calming music, finishing off with Cosmic Yoga.
Drugs and Dental Health in Year 4
In Year 4, we started the week thinking about mental and physical health and the factors that contribute to positive or poor health. We then looked at what a 'drug' is, understanding that some drugs are in everyday items, some are prescribed medicines, some you can buy in supermarkets and some are illegal. We discussed that for all drugs there are risks and that habits related to drugs can form and be difficult to break. We then focused on oral hygiene, looking at factors which contribute to or effect good dental health and discussed the importance of regularly visiting the dentist.
At the end of the week we had a whole school Zumba dance in our Friday worship with all pupils and staff joining in!
Staffing Update
It is with mixed emotions that we let you know that Mrs Roberts is moving on to an exciting new role working for the Local Authority. She will be supporting the leadership of schools across the county, in the development and provision of high quality wraparound care. Mrs Roberts will be starting her new position after the Easter break and I am sure that she will be a great asset to North Yorkshire Council, just as she has been a wonderful member of the Ripon Cathedral School team. I know we will all miss her enthusiasm, care and compassion and wish her well as she moves on to a new chapter in her career.
After Easter Reception will be taught by Mrs Linkins, our Deputy Headteacher, who will be returning to school from maternity leave. She will be coming into school on Monday 4th March to get to know the children and I am sure that she will be around to meet and greet Reception parents.
We are very pleased to let you know that Mrs Dallaston will be teaching Year 2 through to the end of the academic year.
World Book Day - 7th March 2024
This year we will be celebrating World Book Day by dressing up in cosy clothes (eg PJs etc) or as a chosen character.
In EYFS and Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) we would like to invite parents and carers into school after drop off to share a book with us. Parents and carers of children in Years 1 and 2 will be in the hall with parents of Early Years children in Reception and Nursery classroom areas.
In Key Stage 2 (Years 3 - 5) we would like to invite parents and carers into classrooms from 2.55pm (main gates will be opened at 2.50pm) so that we can share our writing and work from the day.
We hope you will be able to join us on Thursday 7th March.
Comic Relief Red Nose Day - Friday 15th March 2024
On Friday 15th March it is Red Nose Day. The Ambassadors have started thinking about what they would like to do for this special charity event. They have decided that children can come in bright, bold and whacky non uniform for a small contribution. There will be a create a nose competition and a joke quiz!
Our Stars
Every week we enjoy hearing about the wonderful work in each class in our Celebration Worship. Well done to all our Stars of the Week.
Hermione, for being kind, helpful and very thoughtful with everyone in nursery.
Henry for the kindness and consideration he shows others at all times. He sets a wonderful example to others.
Year 1
Jackson for his fantastic pattern poem. Well done Jackson.
Year 2
Gracie for having a really positive attitude to work this week, being on task and trying really hard.
Year 3
Kacper for his fantastic ideas and contribution this week particularly in English lessons.
Year 4
Millie for impressive effort with her handwriting this week and listening so carefully to feedback.
Year 5
Robson for his perseverance and determination with his handwriting. Robson has made an excellent improvement in this area. Well done.
Year 6
Isla for always challenging herself and aiming for excellence especially in English.
Dates for Diaries
Friday 1st March - Friends' meeting in the Claro Lounge 7.30pm
Monday 4th March - Year 5 and Year 6 Bethel Church Workshops
Wednesday 6th March -> Friday 8th March - Year 6 visit to London
Thursday 7th March - World Book Day
Thursday 7th March - Spring Reports (YR -> Y5)
Monday 11th March - Year 3 Murton Park Roman Day
Monday 11th March - Book Look After School (3.15pm)
Tuesday 12th March - Parent consultation meetings
Wednesday 13th March - Year 3 Courageous Advocacy Worship at 9am
Wednesday 13th March - Parent consultation meetings
Friday 15th March - Comic Relief Red Nose Day
Thursday 21st March - Reception and Key Stage 1 Celebration Worship at 9.00am
Friday 22nd March - Key Stage 2 Music Concert and Celebration Worship 2pm
Friday 22nd March - School closes for Easter break
Monday 8th April - Staff training day - Oscar's open (booking essential)
Tuesday 9th April - School reopens for pupils for the Summer Term
Our dates for diaries includes events that we currently have planned. We will add more dates over the term so please do check each week for new events.
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Location: HG41LT, United Kingdom
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