NPS Parent Update - August 18
Important information for parents
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NPS families,
Instruction begins next week and we are busy preparing for another great year — regardless of the circumstances.
The burning question out there is, “when will students return to school buildings?” It is important to understand that navigating the pandemic is complicated and there is not a simple answer for any situation. While we are encouraged by a recent decline in local Covid-19 cases, there are a variety of factors that must be considered as we make decisions that impact students, teachers and their families.
Our decisions are based upon Oklahoma’s Covid-19 Alert System, which is updated each Friday. If Cleveland County stays in the range where in-person learning can be offered, elementary students who are enrolled in the traditional/remote or blended options will return to schools the second week of instruction and follow a traditional schedule. Middle and high school students will remain in remote learning the second week of school, then transition back into schools the third week of school with an alternate schedule to reduce the number of students in the buildings. If local cases spike, we will evaluate this information and adjust school schedules accordingly. School principals are currently working with their teachers on these plans.
We have also developed an NPS Decision Model, which will go into effect after Labor Day, to guide us as we move forward. You can find the document, along with current back-to-school information at www.normanpublicschools.org/backtoschool.
We have also received questions about special services within our schools. Families of students who have special needs or participate in programs to promote literacy or expand their gifted/talented skills will be contacted by their school soon for more information about how these needs will be met this school year. Please stay tuned for more information about these programs from your child’s teacher, counselor or principal.
I absolutely understand that routine and consistency are important for our students, teachers and families. And, while we anticipate fluctuating schedules and further disruptions to the school year, we will do our best to minimize these disruptions. We are also committed to providing as much advance notice as possible when local risk levels change to ensure families have time to prepare for any adjustments to the school schedule.
There is no doubt that we will continue to face challenges this school year. There will be hiccups and bumps in the road. But rest assured that the collective needs of every student, teacher and family is at the forefront of my mind and at the core of every decision we make. Thank you for your ongoing patience and understanding as we work toward serving our students in the ways they need us most.
Dr. Nick Migliorino
Norman Public Schools
Back-to-School Information
Norman Public Schools
Values: Integrity | Inclusiveness | Collaboration | Optimism
Email: normanpublicschools@norman.k12.ok.us
Website: normanpublicschools.org
Location: 131 South Flood Avenue, Norman, OK, United States
Facebook: facebook.com/normanpublicschools
Twitter: @NormanSchools