Center School Chronicle
Friday, December 13, 2024
Dear Center School Community,
Hope this week's edition of the Chronicle finds you well. It has been a busy several days here at Center School. Last Friday we wrapped up our week with our PBIS assembly. This week saw our Fifth Grade Band and our Fourth and Fifth Grade Combined Chorus hold two performances. The first was Thursday afternoon at school in front of an audience of their peers and teachers and the second was last night in front of their families and guests at East Hampton High School.
Please enjoy this week's Chronicle.
Warm regards,
Jeremy Moore
PBIS Assembly
Unified Sports
Our Unified Sports program was recognized as a Special Olympics Unified Champion Banner School. That means that Center School has an inclusive school climate and exudes a sense of collaboration, engagement and respect for all members of the student body and staff. A Unified Champion School receiving national banner recognition is one that has demonstrated commitment to inclusion by meeting 10 national standards of excellence. These standards were developed by a national panel of leaders from Special Olympics and the education community.
Pride of the Month
Congratulations to the students that were recognized for displaying the
Profile of the Graduate characteristic of empathy
Winter Concert
Fifth Grade Band and Fourth and Fifth Grade Combined Chorus performed in front of a packed house on Thursday night at East Hampton High School. Thanks to Ms. Gould and Mr. Brown for their commitment to music education at Center School.
A Look at Learning
Fifth graders used their knowledge of the phases of the moon to model the
eight moon phases with Oreos
Invention Covention
Kick off for this year's Invention Convention was held on Thursday. Students interested in this activity will be bringing home their Intent to Invent Forms. Thank you to Mrs. Cote and Ms. Sawyer for coordinating this annual event
Important Dates
December 12 Evening Winter Band (6:00 PM) and Chorus (6:45 PM) Concert EHHS
December 16 PTO Meeting Center School 5:30
December 20 Early Release Day
December 23-December 31 No School Winter Recess
January 1 No School New Years Day
January 9 Intent to Invent Forms due to Mrs. Cote or Ms. Sawyer
Senior Gift Baskets
Center School collaborates with the East Hampton Senior Center every year during the holiday season. Every classroom "adopts" a senior and provides them with with a gift bag full of gifts tailored to their interests and handmade greetings. This partnership allows our students to experience the act of giving and the joy it brings. Please talk to your student or reach out to their teacher if you would like any more information.
Attendance Matters
If a student has four unexcused absences in one month or 10 unexcused absences in a year they are classified as truant. If a child misses 18 or more days in a school year – excused or unexcused absences – the student is classified as chronically absent.
Access to the East Hampton attendance policy is available HERE
Email process for reporting an absence:
To increase the ease of reporting an absence and documenting parent approval of the absence for a student’s first 9 absences, the East Hampton Public Schools has created email addresses that parents can use to contact their student’s school and report an absence. Effectively immediately, the following email addresses can be used by parents to report and document their approval of an absence:
If you have successfully emailed the school, you will receive an autoreply that notifies you that the absence communication has been received and recorded. This process is effective for your student’s first 9 absences. After your student has more than 9 absences, additional documentation or communication will be required to excuse the absence. Please use the email to continue to notify the school that your child will not attend. You may call your child’s school at any time to report an absence, as well.
School Meals are a great value to our students! Prepayment is expected for all cafeteria purchases. Families eligible for free and reduced meals may qualify by completing an application online on [] or by paper application here: Application for Free and Reduced School Meals(also available in the school’s Main Office). Families with children enrolled in HUSKY or Temporary Family Assistance programs will have their status transmitted directly by the State of Connecticut to the District.
To deposit funds on your child’s account, please visit [] . Our Cafeterias also accept checks made payable to “East Hampton Cafeteria Fund".
During the month of December our students will enjoy an assortment of
seasonal root vegetables provided by Cold Spring farm in Colchester.
If you have questions, please contact Director of Nutrition Services, Kate Caselli at or 860.316.7324.
For all school menus, click the link below to view our nutritional services page: