Tiger Tribune
February 2025 Edition
Theiss Gives Back
Hello Theiss families,
As we move into the month of February, we want to start this month with celebrations! Not only do we have amazing staff to recognize each month, but we have 4 staff members who earned recognition of being our "of the year" staff members. Our February staff members of the month will be decided soon and shared below as well.
We have been recognizing students this month for showing the behavior standards of kindness, self control, integrity, respect for authority, interpersonal skills on the announcements each afternoon. Your child may have come home with a red or blue certificate showing they were nominated as a ROAR Core Value Connoisseur. This means a teacher noticed your child Rising to the challenge, Owning their actions, Always collaborating, or Respecting self or others. This month, our students will also have an opportunity to meet with admin when they meet a goal they have set in class and be recognized on our "Goal Getter" bulletin board.
This month we are also focusing on kindness and giving back to those around us. Our Great Kindness Challenge was a great success this past week. Our PTO parents and volunteers have also been working hard to identify organizations that could use our help. Next week, February 3-7, our students will be working to support these efforts during our Theiss Gives Back week!
PreK - United For College Success (UFCS) - basic school supplies, gently used laptops/tablets, calculators, headphones
1st- Abandoned Animal Rescue (shelter supplies)
2nd - Manna Bags for Hope Center
3rd - BEAR - “Be A Resource” for Kids (CPS) - diapers, wipes, childrens clothing, toiletries
4th - Purple Heart - Currently in need of Men & Kids Clothing, Bath Towels, Kitchen Utensils, Household items
5th - TLC - Texas Litter Control (shelter supplies)
There are so many great opportunities for you to volunteer and many campus events this month. We hope that we will see you soon!
Mrs. Jessica Taylor
Congrats to our Teacher of the Month and Staff of the Month for February!
Thank you to Mathnasium for supporting our "of the Month" celebrations!
Save the Date for February:
Black History Month
1/21 - 2/5 Skate Unit Ends
3 Spring Individual Picture Day
3-7 Theiss Gives Back Week
7 PTO Valentine Treats
10 - 14 Student Holiday
18 **RESCHEDULED**Barnhill Preserve Presentation for grades K-3
19 Theiss Parent Engagement Night/50th Birthday Celebration!! 5:30 - 7:30
20 Skate Champions Spirit Night 5:00 - 7:30
27 PTO Fundraiser - Boosterthon Kick Off
28 Go Texan Day/Hoe Down
28 Ramadan Begins
Theiss Birthday Celebration & STEM Night - 2/19
This year, we have something very special to celebrate for our Spring parent engagement night. We will continue our tradition of hosting a night for families to interact with STEM related learning games in each hallway. In addition, we will be celebrating a major milestone for Theiss...our 50th birthday! Please see the flyer below for a timeline of the evening. We will have several special exhibits on display including a 1974 styled classroom, a tour of Theiss' eras with relics from the past and a special inside look at the announcements room. We hope you can join us for all or part of the festivities!
5th Grade Appreciation Bake Sale - 2/19!
Support our 5th Grade Appreciation by purchasing iced coffee and baked goods at their sale when you come visit for the Theiss Birthday Celebration & STEM Night on 2/19!
Attention all 5th grade parents!
Boosterthon Kick Off is 2/27! Sign up now at mybooster.com to get started!
Yearbooks on sale until 4/4! Limited quantities, so order now!
The yearbook club (including 5th grade students) are already working hard to make this year's yearbook outstanding. We are using Lifetouch to create our yearbook this school year with some great new features. Parents of 5th graders are still able to order ads, and all parents can decide if they want a soft or hard cover book when they use the link to purchase the yearbook.
Hoe Down is Coming!
We welcome our families to join in this annual event! Please note that the invite has 2 QR codes.
*If you plan to attend, please fill out the QR Code to RSVP.
*If you have a 2nd grader, you can complete the QR Code for Early Dismissal in order to sign out with the teacher after the Hoe Down is complete. Older/younger siblings will need to be signed out in the front office.
Spring Picture Day is Monday, February 3!
What Makes an Effective Learner?
This Spring, we will be expanding our campus' language of learning by introducing our Learner Dispositions. These are character traits that support mindsets for learning. Our teachers conducted many brainstorming sessions to arrive at these dispositions. These are by no means the only ones that exist, but the ones we plan to focus on to develop student ownership of learning. Each week, we will focus on one of these and teachers will introduce the disposition during community circle. Here's the schedule we will follow.
Jan. 21 & 28 - I am a goal setter.
Feb. 3 & 17 - I am persistent.
Feb. 24 & Mar 3- I am a challenge seeker
Mar 10 & 24 - I am a collaborator
Mar 31 & Apr 7 - I am curious.
It's Skate Time! Skate Champions Spirit Night 2/20
Our Skate Unit is coming to an end on February 5, 2025. Our students are so excited about their progress with skating. Thank you parents for supporting this activity! It's been a HUGE success for our first year.
To allow our students to show off their new skills, we have organized a spirit night with Skate Champions on February 20th, 2025. Come join staff and friends from 5:00 - 7:30 and skate the night away!
RESCHEDULED: Barnhill Animal Preserve, Grades K-3 - February 18
If you have not turned in your permission slip for your child to participate, please reach out to your teacher or check your child's backpack. We must have these for each student to view the presentation. There is also an option to purchase photos on the permission slip.
Help the Memory Book Club!
Our Memory Book Club, composed of 5th graders and led by Mrs. Reece, is looking for additional photos that can spotlight school life of students at Theiss. You can submit your photos using this link. You will be prompted to log in with your Lifetouch account credentials or create a new account. The Memory Book Club will review photos submitted using their criteria and determine if and where the photo would be best placed. We hope to use as many photos as possible, but please understand that we cannot guarantee that all photos will be used.
Shout Out for Attendance!
Learn More about our Legislative Priorites here!
Fun Facts:
In order to give staff a 2% raise this year, it cost Klein ISD 7.4 million dollars.
Did You Know?
Lunch Visitors
Tuesday: PK, 1st, 3rd
Wednesday: Kinder, 4th
Thursday: 2nd, 5th
We will continue to allow visitors to eat with students on their birthday. If your child's birthday was over the weekend, visitors can use Monday or Friday to eat with your child for their birthday.
**Please remember that you may only bring lunch for your own child, and not for other students.
Morning Arrival
Campus Kids operates starting at 6:30 AM in our cafeteria and provides adult supervision for students prior to the school day starting. Click here to enroll!
Visitor - Entrance Procedures
- Ring the doorbell.
- Identify yourself, your child and your purpose for the visit.
- Show a valid photo ID to the camera near the doorbell and signage.
On the sign, you can see in fine print that you should not let other parties in behind you. I know it may feel awkward to ask people the let the door close instead of following in behind you, but it does help us ensure we are following the KISD protocol for every visitor every time they visit our campus.
*The only exceptions to this protocol will occur when we have large campus events. We have a campus specific protocol for special events due to the number of visitors that arrive at one time.
Tardies & Attendance
This year, perfect attendance awards will be recognized in each quarter's learning celebrations. In order to receive the perfect attendance award, students may not have more than 3 tardies for the quarter in addition to zero absences. Each quarter the tardies and absences will be reset for the award purpose, however cumulative totals will be used to identify families in need of intervention for attendance throughout the year.
Increasing our attendance rate, as well as decreasing tardies and early dismissals is part of our campus improvement plan each year, as it plays a part in our accountability system. Our attendance rate overall for last year grew 1% from the year before, which is great progress. We continue to strive for a 97% rate or higher by the end of the school year. Thank you for doing your part in helping our attendance rate!
Lunch Drop Off and Delivery Procedures
- Food deliveries for staff will be dropped off on a cart on the front porch, so no unauthorized delivery people will enter the school.
- Food delivery service drop offs for students will be turned away.
- We highly discourage dropping off fast food meals for our students.
- Student drop offs (food or forgotten items) will be left on a cart in our vestibule.
- Only parents/guardians can drop off lunch for their child, and their child only.
- Parents will need to write the student's name and teacher on a sticky note and leave it on the cart.
- Students will come through the front office to pick up their items and return back to class through the front office.
- Parents are responsible for making sure students know to come get the dropped off item by coordinating in advance. For forgotten items (glasses etc...), please send the teacher a Remind. The teacher will send the student to pick up when possible.
- Please note that our teachers are focused on teaching the class, and may not immediately see any messages about forgotten items or lunch drop offs. Please make sure that your child has everything they need for the day each morning as they come to school.
- We will follow standard protocols and require IDs to enter the vestibule to drop off items.
Thank you for understanding and following these new procedures.
Legal Paperwork Updates
Interested in Volunteering?
- All volunteers MUST complete a background check through Raptor. It only takes a few minutes! Click here to complete.
- Join PTO - it's free! Use the QR code below.
- Want to learn more about KISD Volunteers? Click here to access the KISD site for volunteers.
However, sending invitations to school to pass out will not be allowed. Instructional time cannot be used to support or promote private social events such as birthday parties.
At this time, we will not be accepting birthday treat bags. If you would like to arrange for an edible treat to be shared for your child's birthday during the lunch period, please follow the KISD protocols and begin the process 2 weeks in advance. No food brought up to the office will be allowed without going through this process. Thank you for your cooperation.
Facebook: Theiss Elementary School, @TheissKISD
Theiss Elementary Website
Theiss Elementary
Website: theiss.kleinisd.net
Location: 17510 Theiss Mail Route Road, Spring, TX, USA
Phone: 832-484-5900
Facebook: facebook.com/TheissElementary