AHS Principal's Newsletter
November 12, 2024
Dear AHS Families,
I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend!
We are coming off of a great month that included Future Freshman Day where the 8th graders - Class of 2029! - came to visit AHS during the school day. We welcomed their families back that night for more info. We had so many students volunteer their time after school to come back and lead tours, demonstrate their work in classrooms, and more. Seeing our student body come back to showcase what they love about AHS speaks volumes.
We are headed into one of my favorite times of year here at AHS - Spirit Week! It's a time full of tradition, fun, charity, and some friendly competition, of course! The next few weeks will be bustling as students prepare for their Color Day skits, walls, first Homecoming dance and more.
In the world of academics, please check Aspen for your child's quarter one report card. If you have questions or concerns, please check in with their teacher's and counselor. In terms of extra support, students can access their teachers during WIN block and on their teacher's assigned after school day.
As always, should you have any questions for me, please don't hesitate to reach out. Enjoy the long weekend!
With gratitude,
(Pictured with Mr. Gearin and Mrs. Lingley - and no, this was not part of Spirit Week - just a hilarious coincidence!)
Staff Shout Outs
It's the season of gratitude and a great time to tell a staff member why you appreciate them. Please take a moment to complete the Google Form below. A few small words can bring someone so much light!
Attention Senior Families - Class of 2025
Friday, May 30, 2025- Landry Stadium - 7 pm
We can't wait to celebrate your graduates!
Reminder to pay your class dues of $150. Checks can be made to Amesbury High School Class of 2025 and given to Mrs. Johnston or Mr. Opolski and/or you can pay online.
Class questions? Email advisors Mrs. Johnston and/or Mr. Opolski.
Yearbook questions? Email Ms. Leary.
Guidance Department Updates
The guidance department has been busy! They have been supporting seniors in meeting their November 1st college application deadlines and bringing in programming for students interested in the trades. Most recently, Tia Gerber came from Whittier to talk to juniors and seniors about their summer trades' program. For more information, contact Sue Saurman - susan.saurman@amesburyma.org
Athletic Department Updates
As the fall seasons winds down, we want to thank the soccer teams, cross country teams, field hockey team, and golf team for their participation this fall season. We also want to wish the football team and cheerleaders good luck as they head off to their next playoff game this Friday in Mashpee at 7 pm.
Winter Sports Info Night will be held tonight, Tuesday 11/12 at 6:30 pm in the cafeteria. All prospective winter athletes and parents are strongly encouraged to attend.
AHS Advisory Program - Join the Conversation
During WIN block, once a week, Advisory is held (usually Wednesdays) where students and teachers work to better connect with peers in their grade level while building relationships with their Advisory teacher. Our goal this year is to create a bridge between families and our advisory program. By sharing the content we are discussing each month, we hope to create space and provide resources for these conversations to continue at home.
November Theme: School Spirit
For the month of November, we will be using Advisory to foster and cultivate school spirit. We will do so by completing mini competitions and team building activities between advisories. The first week inspired by the guess of the first snowfall, each advisory created a name for our local snow plow. The entire school is invited to vote on its name using a Google Form. Prizes will be awarded to the winning Advisory.
This month also hosts our annual Spirit Week from Nov. 18-27. In addition to all the theme days, penny wars (which support Amesbury Holiday Program), canned food drive for Our Neighbors’ Table, and specific class rally preparation, our weekly advisory competition will allot points for our color day competition. As we look forward to celebrating Thanksgiving, we are excited to see our school community embrace the Red and White!
Spirit Week Theme Days:
Monday Nov. 18- Monochrome Monday
Tuesday Nov. 19- Twin Tuesday (or multiples)
Wednesday Nov. 20- Holiday Day
Thursday Nov. 21- Sports Jersey Day
Friday Nov. 22- USA Day
Monday Nov. 25- PJ Day
Tuesday Nov. 26- Tropical Tuesday
Wednesday Nov. 27- COLOR DAY!!!!!
Thursday Thanksgiving - Let’s Go RedHawks!!!
Arts Updates
Amesbury Drama Club has chosen their spring musical...Cinderella!
Come be a part of the magic!
Wanted: Actors, Dancers, singers, Set Builders, Backstage Crew, etc.
Auditions: December 11, 12, 13
Show Dates: March 13, 14, 15
Contact Ms. Meyer for more information: susanne.meyer@amesburyma.org
PACT is the Partnership of Community and Teens - an Amesbury Coalition dedicated to supporting young people and connecting them with adults in our community. PACT has been the recipient of a federal Drug Free Communities Grant and continues to work to support our youth and families under the direction of Program Coordinator Kelly McKora. Read a bit more about PACT's goals for this year.
PACT Coalition Goals
- Community Conversation Series - This year we will organize the Take P.A.R.T series all together as a coalition following SAMHSA guidelines
- Developmental Relationships - Developmental relationships are close connections through which young people discover who they are, cultivate abilities to shape their own lives, and learn how to engage with and contribute to the world around them. We will create a campaign called “Engage With Intention” to educate adults in the community on how to better engage with youth. This project will be in collaboration with the ECAB Network and will include mailers, signage, and speakers.
- Support Youth Prevention & Early Intervention Efforts - PYC & subcommittee will focus on specific efforts to support the young people with specific needs including, but not limited to change/adjustment in school policy like restorative practices, support services, and PYC goals.
PACT Youth Council (PYC) Goals:
- Safe & Supportive School Advocacy - Partnership w/ AMS, JGCC, and Students Speaks with Harvard Law
- PYC Subcommittee (led by: Spenser & Bryn) - Vape Quitting Kits (CADCA Chicago Project). This project is part of the Harm Reduction framework. PACT has been working to make harm reduction resources available to young people.
Interested in learning more or getting involved? Email Kelly for more info!
Freshman Fundraising
Marathon Help
Mock Trial
The Math Department Does it Again!
Year after year, the math department awes us with their creative Halloween group costumes!
Congrats to Mrs. Tessitore, recipient of an AEFI Fall Grant to make accessibility and equipment improvements to our yoga studio.
Lessons in Civics
Aiden Neale and Rho Kappa conducted a student mock election prior to the November 5th election. It was a great opportunity for students to practice exercising their right to vote.
Future Freshman Day
The 8th graders visited AHS last week and had the opportunity to ask questions of our student panel.
Art in the Making
Soleil Bennet works on a live demonstration during our Future Freshman Night.
3D Modeling
Lia Peña shows off what can be done in our 3D computer modeling classes with Mr. Froncki!
Sing It!
The AHS Rhythmics prepare for their upcoming a capella festival.
All Sutured Up
Senior Sadie Bolth practices suturing as part of her Honors Allied Health course.
Showing Off Our Engineering Lab
Mr. Galante and several students showed off our engineering lab during Future Freshman Night.
Jazzy Juniors
Mrs. Lingley held a bulletin board competition to beautify our school. The Jazzy Juniors were the winners!
Student Capstone
Senior Olivia Woodsom met with students about her research project in which students will be giving up their cell phones during school hours (with parental consent, of course). We can't wait to see the results!
A&P Practice
Students in Mrs. Cignetti's Anatomy & Physiology class got in some extra studying during Future Freshman Night!
What I'm Reading
Fun fact: one of my hobbies is cold water exposure! Yes, I swim in the ocean year round. I recently started reading Winter Swimming by Susanna Soeberg. For me, it's a practice that help to keep me calm and centered! Try ending your next shower with even fifteen seconds of cold water. I promise you'll feel the boost!
From Amazon:
A beautiful exploration of cold-water traditions in Scandinavia and around the world, and a thorough account of why it provides such a boost to body and soul.
Whether in lake, lido, river or sea, we know the benefits of swimming outdoors and in nature—environmentally friendly and accessible, it can influence our happiness, our energy and our inner tranquility. Winter Swimming takes this one step further, as contact with cold water all year round can also have a significant positive impact on our physical health, confidence and well-being.
Danish scientist Susanna Søberg leads us step by step into the icy water and explains the 'cold-shock response', the massive endorphin rush as our body reacts and adapts. Not only do our circulation, heart, lungs and skin respond positively, but our immune system and metabolism too. Most specifically she explains how our 'brown fat' is activated to benefit multiple health conditions.
Winter Swimming is both a beautiful exploration of cold-water traditions in Scandinavia and around the world, and a thorough account of why it provides such a boost to body and soul.
Email me your recommendations for my next read!
Save the Dates!
Winter Sports Info Night
6:30 pm - Cafeteria
Student Council Full Council Meeting
7:00 pm - AHS Cafe
Powderpuff Football Game
6:30 pm - Landry Stadium
Homecoming Dance
7:00 pm - AHS Cafe
Color Day Rally
Early Release
10:50 am - NO LUNCH
Thanksgiving Break
AHS Music Showcase/Open Mic
6:30 pm - AHS Auditorium
Fall Sports Awards Night
7:00 pm - AHS Auditorium
Principal's Coffee
8:30 am - Dr. Ricci's Office
RSVP to jennifer.machado@amesburyma.org
Amesbury High School
Email: danielle.ricci@amesburyma.org
Website: https://schools.amesburyma.gov/Domain/861
Location: 5 Highland Street, Amesbury, MA, USA
Phone: 978-388-4800
Facebook: facebook.com/amesburyhighschool