Viking Family News
February 2025
Field Day Volunteers Still Needed
We still have a lot of volunteer opportunities so please sign up with the PTA's signup genius if you are able to volunteer. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C094BA8A92BABF5C25-55156557-field#/
Please make sure you have completed your criminal background check before attending Field Day. If a background check is not on file when you check in at the front office for Field Day, you will not be allowed to volunteer.
Math Interim Assessment Wednesday - No Lunch Visitors
Our 3rd-5th graders will take the STAAR Math Interim Assessment this Wednesday, March 5th. Due to the administration of the assessment and changes to our daily schedule, there will be no lunch visitors on Wednesday.
Field Day is Friday!
Hooray!! It's Here!!! We are so excited about this year's Field Day!
Here are some important reminders that will help your viking have an amazing day!
SACK LUNCH DAY: Be sure to respond to your kiddos HR teacher the week of Field Day when asked about a sack lunch. If your child does not want to order a sack lunch from the cafeteria, please make sure they bring a lunch on Field Day.
EXTRA CLOTHES + TOWEL: There will be a few water games that may get your child a little wet (not drenched) on Field Day. Please pack an extra change of clothes just in case!
WHAT TO WEAR: Tennis shoes (no sandals, crocs, or shoes without a back) + Field Day shirt if you purchased one + comfy shorts/bottoms that are easy to move around in. If you didn’t purchase a Field Day shirt, feel free to wear your grade levels color, past Field Day shirts or whatever is most comfortable.
SUNSCREEN: Please make sure to put sunscreen on your kiddo (at home). Students may bring a hat and sunglasses. Please write their name on all items.
WATER BOTTLE: Make sure student names are on their water bottle. PTA will provide a small snack during outside stations, but students will carry their water bottles with them throughout the day.
RAIN: Field Day is rain or shine. Stations will be moved inside the building in the event it rains.
Arf! THe Musical!
Congratulation to Mrs. Sanchez and all our 2nd & 3rd grade Vikings on an incredibly successful production of Arf! The Musical! We had a packed house on Thursday night and everyone loved the show! Thank you to the outclass, 2nd, and 3rd grade teams for all of their support!
The Spring Book Fair is coming!
It will take place from Monday March 24 to Friday March 28 8:15-11:30am and 12:00-2:15.
Thursday March 27 it will be open from 9:00-11:30 and 12:00-2:15 and 4:15-5:45pm (Before the KG & 1ST grade Music program).
Spring Open House - March 19th
You are invited to our Spring Open House on March 19th from 5:00-6:30pm. This will be a come and go event. Visit your child's classroom to see some of the latest work! GT projects will also be on display.
There will be an optional 3-5th grade STAAR Parent Information meeting from 5:15-5:45pm. Anyone interested in learning more about the upcoming STAAR testing is welcome to attend.
Our wonderful LVE PTA will hold their Spring General Meeting from 5:45-6:15pm. We encourage all to attend!
Healthy Minds and Hearts Full of Learning
Thank you to all of our volunteers who made our Healthy Minds & Hearts Full of Learning event a HUGE success. It was wonderful to see all our Vikings enjoy all the stations and spending time with their family and friends!
ARF! The Musical - Next Thursday
Spring Picture Day - Wednesday, February 19th
This Wednesday, February 19th is spring picture day. Reach out to your Viking's homeroom teacher if you have any questions.
Random Acts of Kindness Week
It all starts with…
One smile.
One thank you note.
One compliment.
One hug.
One helping hand.
One surprise coffee for the person behind you in line.
Next week, February 17-21, is Random Acts of Kindness Week. Children can help celebrate the week by doing kind things at home.
Since kindness starts with one, you can help your child pick the one thing they want to do at home.
You can listen to the book The Smallest Girl in the Smallest Grade read by Mrs. Mullins. It might spark ideas for kindness. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0qrzUlYpzE
You can also start the conversation by visiting:
and do the heart activity or visit https://www.spreadkindness.org/kindness-cards and print your own kindness cards.
Random Acts of Kindness Board
Can you complete our Random Acts of Kindness challenge? Complete the activities on our kindness board! After you complete at least 12 of the activities, have your parents sign your Kindness Board and turn it into your homeroom teacher. Vikings who turn in signed kindness boards will receive 5 Viking Bucks.
Black History Month
This month, we honor the legacy, resilience, and achievements of Black Americans who have shaped history and inspire future generations. Each day teachers are highlighting an important Black American or event. In addition, influential Black Americans, including our very own staff members, are being recognized during our daily morning announcements.
MOY Parent Survey - Deadline Extended to 2/24
It is time for our Middle of the Year (MOY) parent survey. Please take a moment to answer this brief survey so that we can collect data to support our Campus Improvement Goals and better serve our school community. Thank you for your feedback!
Save the Date: 1st Annual Lakeview Legacy Picnic
We are excited to announce our 1st annual Lakeview Legacy Picnic - May 3rd from 10am-2pm.
All members of our Lakeview community, past and present, are invited to bring their family and a picnic!
Enjoy catching up with old friends and celebrating another successful school year!
Mickey's Bench Returns!
Mickey Sarin was a wonderful volunteer (VIP) at Lakeview Elementary. She was a part of a great group of women who still come every Wednesday to support our students and staff! Upon her passing in 2017, a beautiful bench was given to LVE in remembrance of her. Sadly, the bench was misplaced during the rebuilding process but it was found just last week at our district warehouse!
February 12th was the anniversary of Mickey's passing and the day that her bench returned to its rightful spot at Lakeview!!
We are blessed to have so many wonderful volunteers here at Lakeview. Thank you to all of you who give your time in service to students and staff. When you see the bench in front of the school, please know it is a reminder of the great thanks we have for all our volunteers.
NWEA MAP Growth Family Report
Students recently completed our Middle of the Year (MOY) testing with NWEA MAP Growth and the NWEA MAP Growth Family Report was sent home in this week's Wednesday folder.
All students in FBISD complete this test three times a year (beginning, middle, and end). NWEA MAP Growth is an adaptive assessment, which means it uses student responses to determine what questions to provide next. These test results provide information about both student achievement and academic growth over time.
Teachers analyze the results of their class overall and each individual student. They combine what they learn from the NWEA MAP Growth results with data they have collected using other assessments, graded assignments, and student observations to make data driven decisions while creating lesson plans and planning for small group instruction.
If you have any questions about your Family Report, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child's teacher.
NWEA MAP also has information and resources for parents on their website. Please see the link below.
2nd & 3rd Grade Present: ARF! the Musical
Our amazing 2nd and 3rd grade students have been working hard to prepare for their production of "ARF!" A canine musical of kindness, courage, and calamity!
Thursday, February 27th at 6 pm in the Lakeview Cafetorium. Doors open at 5:30 pm. We look forward to seeing you there!
ARF! The Musical Pet Slideshow
As a part of the 2nd & 3rd grade production of ARF! we are creating a slideshow featuring all our Lakeview pets! If you have a pet and would like to include them in the program slideshow, please fill out this form linked below!
2024-2025 STAAR Testing Dates
Our third through fifth grade vikings will take STAAR assessments on the following dates. Due to the test administration and changes to our schedule we will be closed to all campus visitors on these dates.
April 15: STAAR Reading 5th Grade
April 16: STAAR Reading 3-4th Grades
April 23: STAAR Science 5th Grade
April 29: STAAR Math 5th Grade
April 30: STAAR Math 3-4th Grades
2024-2025 FIELD DAY
SAVE THE DATE: Field Day is Friday, March 7th!
Want to volunteer for field day?
IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO VOLUNTEER, PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A COMPLETED BACKGROUND CHECK WITH FBISD. It can take up to 10 days to do this. If a background check is not on file when you check in at the front office for Field Day, you will not be allowed to volunteer. Please make sure to update…you need to fill out the form EVERY year.
· BACKGROUND CHECK LINK: https://www.fortbendisd.com/Page/828
2025-2026 District Calendar
The FBISD Board of Trustees has approved the school calendar option for next year which received the highest ratings from all FBISD stakeholder groups when surveyed about their calendar preferences.
Stakeholders who participated in the survey included parents, teachers, students, principals, staff and community members.
Highlights of the calendar are:
- First day of school for students will be August 12, 2025
- Full week fall break from October 13 – 17, 2025
- Spring Break from March 16 – 20, 2026
- Last day of school for students on May 28, 2026
- 26 full weeks (Monday – Friday) of instruction, compared to 22 full weeks in the current school year
The 2025-26 calendar also includes the traditional holiday structure of one week off for Thanksgiving, two weeks for Winter Break, national/religious holidays (tied to a weekend), and it meets the minimum requirements of 75,600 operational minutes and 840 minutes for inclement weather or health and safety issues.
Lakeview PTA February Newsletter
Check out the PTA's February Newsletter!www.tinyurl.com/LVEPTANewsletter0225
National School Counseling Week 2025, “School Counseling: Helping Students Thrive,” sponsored by the American School Counselor Association (ASCA), will be celebrated next week, February 3-7th.
We want to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to our incredible school counselor, Mrs. Mullins. Her dedication, compassion, and expertise play such an essential role in helping our Vikings thrive. Whether she is helping them navigate challenges, providing guidance, or just offering a listening ear, she creates a safe and nurturing space for every child. Through teaching essential social-emotional skills campus-wide, supporting mental well-being, and fostering positive relationships, she helps us to give our students the tools they need to grow, succeed, and be their best selves. Thank you Mrs. Mullins for the immeasurable impact you have on our school community and for being a vital part of the Lakeview Legacy!
February is Kindness Month
February is National Random Acts of Kindness Month, which encourages people to perform acts of kindness for others. We are creating a campus wide compliments chain. Students are encouraged to write compliments they have given or received on a strip of paper so we can create a long chain of all our compliments!
FBISD Special Education Parent Newsletter
Here's the link for the latest parent newsletter: February 2025 Parent Newsletter
New items include:
Parent Learning Opportunity: Feb 6 @ noon via TEAMS ~ Self-Advocacy for students with disabilities
Parent Learning Opportunity: Feb 20 @ noon via TEAMS ~ Interventions for Students with Autism
Special Olympics Track and Field/Soccer starts February 24
Now recruiting for Special Education Parent Advisory Committee for 2025-2026
Parent-Directed Special Education Services (PDSES) grant application window: Feb 3-March 31 (see attached)
Texas Legislative Session
TEA 2024 Annual Report
End of Continuous Medicaid Coverage
Upcoming community events
Special Education Parent Learning Opportunity: Self-Advocacy
We are excited to invite you to an upcoming parent training focused on self-advocacy skills for children at all levels. This presentation will explore strategies to help your child understand their needs, communicate effectively, and take an active role in their learning and personal growth. We will dive into understanding the importance of self-advocacy for academic and social success, practical ways to encourage your child to express their needs and concerns and exploring tools to learn how to support and model self-advocacy at home.
Thursday, February 6 @ 12:00 via TEAMS
Microsoft Teams
Meeting ID: 227 616 942 942
Passcode: SPED2024
Coach Alford - LVE Teacher of the Month
Ms. Green - LVE Para of the month
Ms. Rosa - LVE Staff of the Month
Healthy Minds & A Heart Full of Learning
Celebrate hearts and minds with hands-on STEM activities and resources family mental well-being.
Dinner will be provided! RSVP at tinyurl.com/lvestemhealthymindsnight2025
Brought to you by LVE PTA & the Educators of Lakeview Elementary School
Thursday, Feb 20, 2025, 05:00 PM
Gigi's Playhouse Educator Symposium
GiGi’s Playhouse is an international network of Down Syndrome Achievement Centers created to provide FREE, life-changing therapeutic and educational programs for all ages of development and for the unique needs of individuals with Down syndrome.
A team of experienced educators and therapists from across the GiGi’s Playhouse Network will host a educator symposium on Saturday, March 8th to provide information about how to teach individuals with Down syndrome the way they learn best.
Teachers, paraprofessionals, therapists and families are invited to attend this wonderful free event. Please see the attached flyer for more information and a link to register.