Wolverines News April Newsletter
West High School - Sioux City, Iowa
April 2022
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A Message from the Principal...
Following our return from Spring Break, the remaining weeks of school will go by quickly! Please encourage students to remain committed to finishing the school year strong with their attendance and academics.
We have many spring activities in full swing, and upcoming events that are a must see! We encourage our families and community partners to come see all of the great things happening at West High School!
On April 5th, we welcomed the Class of 2026 with a tour of their future high school! It was exciting to meet so many new faces. We encourage our future Wolverines to consider joining a cub or activity, it is a great way to make new connections and to stay connected to school!
With the excitement of the new, it is a bittersweet time to enjoy our final moments with our graduating seniors. It has been a joy to watch their journey, and we look forward to staying connected with them and watch their success continue.
-Ms. Rebecca Rieken
From his students...
"I recommend Mr. Patterson because he has been one of my favorite teachers for a long time. He is very kind and easy to talk to, and funny as well."
"He cares about all of his students and makes class fun."
"He treats his students like family and helps us accomplish our goals. He also is very good at communicating with his students."
Congratulations Mr. Patterson for being West High's staff member of the month for March!!!
Congratulations Shimari Nichols!!!
The annual Invent-to-Innovate (i2i) Entrepreneurial Competition at the University of South Dakota was held Friday, April 8th. Students in the Career Academy’s Entrepreneurship class submitted their entries online and then the judges watched the live pitches by each team and determined the winners. They were required to submit a business plan using the Lean Canvas format for a new business or for a product/service idea. After each pitch, the judges and the audience asked the students questions about their business concept.
This year, two teams from the Sioux City Career Academy’s Entrepreneurship class won prizes at this competition. The business professionals, and professors from the university, were very impressed with their submissions and pitches.
The prizes for this competition are:
1st place: $1,000.00
2nd place: $ 750.00
3rd place: $ 500.00
1st Place of the 2022 Invent-to-Innovate (i2i) Entrepreneurial Competition went to West High 11th grader- Shimari Nichols!!!
PetWeb: A business creating pet toys made from hemp to avoid using BPA and to prevent mold. Hemp is anti- bacterial, digestible, and biodegradable.
o Video of pitch and Q & A: 2022_1st Place_PetWeb_Invent to Innovate i2i Competition
Misty Cadets Competed in Sioux Falls Showcase!
On 26 March, Misty Cadets headed to Sioux Falls to showcase months of work at their second competition of the year. The team has been practicing since August to ready themselves for the rigorous competitions. Sioux Falls was especially tough because they needed to add two more teams to be somewhat competitive: Unit Inspection and Junior Varsity Color Guard. Our placings were Outstanding based on the competition rules. In order of placing:
Unarmed Exhibition Team: First Place...crushing the competition by 25 points
Inspection Team: Second Place...missed first by 1 point
Varsity Color Guard: Third Place
Junior Varsity Color Guard: Tied for Third; however, they didn't have the team to break the tie.
The cadets finished strong...Misty Cadets really do impress judges, and other competing schools with their professionalism and discipline. Misty teams are no different than any team at the the high school to include football, basketball, track, or soccer. It demands the same skills, determination, commitment and loyalty to the team. They show up every day at 0600 and practice until departing for school. They spend a minimum of 2 weeks preparing their uniforms just to compete for 6 hours. They deserve recognition and appreciation for what they do! It takes special students to commit, sometimes 4 years to these teams. These are extraordinary and selfless human beings! We thank them all for representing the Sioux City Community School District.
We are grateful to Mandy and the entire staff at Girls Inc, for their facility and their endless support.
Special Note: next year we will be adding: Armed Regulation Drill and Armed Exhibition Drill. So, "who are we?" WE ARE MISTY...WE SHOW, WE PUT UP AND WE GO HOME. HOO-RAH!
3 West High Student Participate in a Virtual NASA Competition
The weekend of April 1st, three West High students participated in the virtual NASA competition: Gisselle Ayala Garcia, Melanie Ayala Garcia and Susan Maeda.
The competition began with an Opening Ceremony Friday evening with company elections (determining the managers/captains of the teams). Saturday morning, students received their task information and started working on their presentation. Sunday morning, the teams presented their presentation to a panel of judges. Awards were announced on Sunday.
West High 10th grader, Melanie Ayala Garcia was on the winning team!
Sioux City Career Academy Team Students Compete in Skills Competition at WITCC
West High Recognizes this year's National Honor Society Inductees!
Congratulations to our West High Jazz Band!!!
Congratulations to our West High Jazz Band!The band’s second place finish at the Northwest Iowa Bandmasters District Jazz Festival qualified them to compete at the Iowa Jazz Championships on April 5. This is their first trip to state championships since 2013.
ISASP Assessment Dates
West High School will be delivering the Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress to all 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students during the next two weeks.
10th grade students will complete the Science portion of these assessments during their science classes on April 20 & April 21.
9th, 10th, and 11th grade students will complete the Reading, Language, and Math assessments during the mornings on April 26th and April 27th.
All West High students will remain on campus from 7:55-10:52.
Make-up opportunities will take place for students who were absent on those days.
12th grade students will engage in senior-level specific activities in the WHS gym on August 26th and 27th while the other grade levels are testing.
The West High School Musical, Grease, Debuts April 21st!
Thursday, April 21st, 7:00 p.m.
Friday, April 22nd, 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, April 23rd, 7:00 p.m.
Asian Fest recognizes Asian-American Pacific Islander Month in May
The committee for Asian Fest would like to make this event grow not just with the Asian/Pacific Islanders, but with whomever. We would like to help educate others, as well as ourselves, regarding other cultures. If groups would like to perform, please email Carm Mayorquin: mayorqc@live.siouxcityschools.com
Important Dates for Seniors to Remember!
Senior Students - Important Dates:
Top 5% Banquet April 27th (Invitation Only)
Kind World Banquet April 28th (Invitation Only)
Notify Colleges for acceptance/decline by May 1st
AP Testing May 2nd- 11th
WITCC Classes end May 5th
College Decision Day/Signing @ West High May 5th
Request Final High School Transcript by May 6th
Request Final WITCC Transcript by May 6th
Seniors Last Day- May 19th
Honors Assembly May 25th @ 6:30 pm
Graduation Practice May 27th, Time TBD
Graduation May 28th @2:30pm
2nd Semester Senior Checklist:
* Complete FAFSA (if not done)
* Complete Scholarship
* Compare and Analyze financial aid packages from colleges.
* Pass your classes
For more detailed newsletter for the Senior Class of 2022, please visit the following link:
Senior Prom- Saturday, May 14th.
Prom will be held this year on Saturday, May 14th. Ticket sales will begin the week of May 3rd.
In order to purchase a ticket for prom, the following eligibility requirement must be met:
- · No truancies in the attendance record beginning 4th quarter, Friday, March 18th.
- · No ISS or OSS in the behavior record beginning 4th quarter, Friday, March 18th.
- · All classes must be at a passing status, 60% or above.
- · If a student is enrolled in an Edgenuity course(s), the course(s) must be at 75% complete.
· Complete all Kuder Navigator Tasks
· All guests who are a student with the Sioux City Schools will be held to the same eligibility criteria as the 12th grade student inviting them.
· Each 12th grade student will be allowed up to one guest.
· 12th grade students purchasing a ticket for their guest must have their guest complete, and provide upon ticket purchase, a guest form (which can be picked outside of the main office.)
A picture is worth a thousand words, and we've got a lot of pictures!
Yearbooks are currently on sale for $55, and orders will be accepted until May 31. Orders can be placed in the West High School Library with cash or check (made out to West High School), or you can order online at www.yearbookforever.com. Please call or email Kate Schiller (7122796772; schillk@live.siouxcityschools.com) with any questions.
West High Summer School Details
Summer school provides students with an opportunity to recover credits from the previous school year(s). Students will either recover their credit(s) by completing a packet of work from the course, or by completing a course through “Edgenuity” (a credit recovery online program). The options available depend on the status of their failed credit, and the semester the failed credit occurred in.
Dates: Tuesday, May 31 – Monday, June 27, 2022
Time: 8:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Location: West High Media Center
Transportation & Lunch: Transportation and lunch will be available, details to come…
12th Grade Immunization REQUIREMENTS
- 12th Grade Immunization REQUIREMENTS
- Meningococcal Vaccine
Students entering 12th grade will need proof of two doses of meningococcal (A, C W, Y) vaccine; or 1 dose if received when the student was 16 years of age or older. According to the state law, students that have not received at least one dose of the vaccine will not meet the mandatory immunization requirements and there is no grace period granted to catch-up.
Your student may have already received this vaccine during their regular physical exam. If you feel they have had this vaccine, please bring the valid, signed certificate of immunization documenting your student has had the vaccine to the school nurse. You can contact your health care provider's office to get this paperwork if necessary. Our school fax number is 712-279-6790.
West High Food Pantry and Clothing Closet
The West High School Food Pantry & Clothing Closet is available to meet the needs the West side community. We can assist families with meals, clothing, toiletries, and some household goods. Those in need may contact the school to arrange a time to select items they need, but we would also be happy to prepare a pick-up order to meet your needs. Please call West High School with any requests, 712-279-6772, or email Mr. Van Buren: vanburm1@live.siouxcityschools.com
Important Dates to Remember
May 14: Senior Prom
May 19: Last Day for Seniors
May 26: Last Day of School
May 28: Graduation Commencement @2:30
Attendance Matters! Be your BEST! Be AT WEST!
We continue to focus on increasing positive attendance at school...
As parents and guardians are anticipating an absence for that school day, please call the school to report that absence, 712-279-6772.
In an attempt to find resolutions for unresolved absences, parents and students will be contacted within 24 hours to determine the reason behind the unresolved absence.
If a student is absence for more than 20 minutes of a scheduled block, and that absence is unexcused, it will be considered a truancy.
Students are expected to have a pass at all times during the instructional block if they are outside of their scheduled class.
West High School is a closed campus. Students are not allowed to leave at anytime, including during the lunch block, unless they are traveling to/from an excused absence, or to/from another school campus.
Students may not bring outside food into the school building, or have food delivered to the school for pick up.
PBIS Incentive- I Scream, You Scream, We ALL want ICE CREAM!!!
For every student who meets the following criteria:
Five or less tardies
Zero truancies
All grades passing
Accurate Parent/Guardian Contact Information
Academic Intervention Opportunities
During the school day, any WHS student with a study hall in their schedule will have opportunity for academic intervention with WHS teachers. Students who are failing a course will be expected to work with a designated teacher during study hall until their grades are passing.
After school tutoring will be available for any WHS student from 3:00-4:00 Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays in the WHS Media Center. Busing home will be available to students leaving WHS at 4:15 and dropping off at the nearest feeder elementary school.
Night School is available to any student working on credit recovery/acquisition via Edgenuity. Night School will be 3-7pm Tuesdays & Thursdays, and 3-5pm on Wednesdays in the SWS/AEC classroom, Room 265.
Saturday School will be available to any WHS student on the following dates from 9am-12pm in the WHS Media Center:
- 4/9
- 5/7
- 5/21
West High School Counseling Team
Ms. Josie Pratt, 12th Grade Counselor
Mrs. Kathie Church, Counseling Secretary
Mrs. Chris Still, TAG Counselor
Mr. Rulin Pederson, 9th Grade Counselor
Mr. Anthony Zeliadt, 10th Grade Counselor
Mrs. Steph Hames, 11th Grade Counselor
West High School Administration Team
Our team invites parents and guardians to connect with them anytime throughout the school year so we can partner with you as we guide our students to success. All are welcome to call West High School to schedule an appointment, or email the grade level administrator directly:
West High School, 712-279-6772
12th grade, Rebecca Rieken, Head Principal- riekenr@live.siouxcityschools.com
11th grade, Steve Green, Assistant Principal & Activities Director- greens@live.siouxcityschools.com
10th grade, Brant Bemus, Assistant Principal- bemusb@live.siouxcityschools.com
(Pictured from left to right: Mr. Brant Bemus, Mrs. Pam Husk, Mr. Steve Green, Ms. Rebecca Rieken
High School Bell Schedule
Attention Parents: End of Year Information on Medication
End of Free Meals for All Students
When the 2021-2022 school year ends, so do free meals for every student. While the federal government funded a program that allowed all students access to free meals during the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress recently declined to continue funding this program. This means all families will need to carry a positive balance in their children’s school meal accounts when school begins next fall. If your student qualifies for free or reduced meals, they can still receive them next year, but you must take action to make it happen.
- Complete the 2021-2022 online application for free and reduced meals before the end of this school year if you have not already filled out an application for the 2021-2022 school year. This will give you a 30-day grace period at the start of the 2022-2023 school year to complete another application for next year.
- Then, fill out the 2022-2023 online application which will be available on the District’s website after July 1, 2022. Even if you complete the 2021-2022 application, you will still need to complete the 2022-2023 application as well.
Families that do not qualify for free or reduced meals can start depositing money into their student’s MySchoolBucks account to prepare for the cost of school lunches next year. Information on meal prices for the 2022-2023 school year will be available in the near future.
Find a Career You Love with the Sioux City Community School District
There are hundreds of reasons to work for Sioux City Community Schools, named one of America’s best in-state employers. Discover the benefits of a career with a competitive salary and great benefits. View our current job opportunities and apply today!
Outstanding School Fees? Pay Them Easily
Do you have school fees that need to be paid? Visit www.siouxcityschools.org and click on the “Parents” tab to pay your fees online. On the drop-down menu of the “Parents” tab, you can select “Pay Curriculum and Meal Fees.” Both links will take you to “My School Bucks” to complete the payment transaction.
Free Events, League Sign-Ups & More with Virtual Backpack
Looking for ways to get your students involved this spring and summer? Sign up for the District’s Virtual Backpack program and receive weekly updates and information about free community events, summer sports league registration, and more. Virtual Backpack is your one-stop resource for upcoming events and opportunities. Sign up for the weekly Virtual Backpack email: https://bit.ly/3tRKVVi
Rapid COVID-19 Testing Consent Form
Social Media Tips and Information
Download Our Mobile App
Let's Talk
The Sioux City Community School District offers career and technical programs in the following areas: Business & Marketing, Family & Consumer Science, Health Science, and Industrial Arts, Technology, & PLTW.
The Sioux City Community School District is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information (for employment), national origin, religion, age (for employment), disability, socioeconomic status (for programs), marital status (for programs), or veteran status (for employment) in its educational programs and its employment practices. The District is required by Title IX and 34 CFR Part 106 not to discriminate on the basis of sex in its programs, activities, or employment.
Inquiries or grievances under Section 504 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act may be directed to Dr. Dora Jung, Director of Student Services & Equity Education/Title IX Coordinator at 627 4th Street, Sioux City, IA 51101, (712) 279-6075, jungd@live.siouxcityschools.com. Inquiries about the application of Title IX and its regulations to the District may be referred to the Title IX Coordinator, the Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education, or both. Please see District Board policies 103 and 504.4 for additional information on available grievance procedures.
West High School
Principal: Rebecca Rieken
Website: https://www.siouxcityschools.org/west-high-school/
Location: 2001 Casselman Street, Sioux City, IA, USA
Phone: 712-279-6772
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SiouxCityWestHighSchool/
Twitter: @WHS_Activities