Lenox Elementary
Family Newsletter-September 3, 2020
We are so close to getting this school year started! We all have so many feelings associated with the start of this Comprehensive Distance Learning and I want to honor all of them; excited, nervous, joy, anxious, bewildered, happy...and the list goes on. We are here for you to make the ease into this fall as accessible and successful as possible.
Teachers are reaching out to the students and families in their homeroom classes this week and next week to get to know you, listen to you and offer support. Be on the lookout for emails and calls from your teacher about this. We need to connect with every student and family by next Friday, Sept. 11th. Next week we will be distributing materials to all and tech for those who have requested it. See below for more detailed information on that process.
Warmest Regards,
Mrs. Gina McLain
Important Dates to Remember
- September 8–11: Welcome Back Conferences continued --Lenox staff are reaching out to each student and their family to welcome them back to school and ensure they have the tools and skills to be successful in an online environment. They will also help identify any needs or concerns a family or student may have.
- September 8: Bus delivery of meals begins. Click here for more information. Click here to apply for meal benefits.
- September 8-10: Material and Tech Distribution. See below for details.
- September 14: Comprehensive Distance Learning begins!
- Mid October: District reviews health metrics and considers a timeline for moving to Hybrid Learning and will notify students and families.
- November 5: End of 9 week quarter
Materials & Tech Distribution: Sept. 8, 9, & 10
Tuesday, Sept. 8: 3:00-7:00pm--last name starting with letters A-F
Wednesday, Sept. 9: 3:00-7:00pm--last name starting with letters G-N
Thursday, Sept. 10: 3:00-7:00pm--last name starting with letters O-Z
Directions: please pull into the parking lot (bus lot) at the front of the school and pull up as far as you can to the yield sign. Lenox staff members will come to your passenger side window. Please hold up a piece of paper in the window that has your student's first and last name written clearly. That will help us be more efficient and follow social distancing protocols. They will get your materials and bring them to you.
If you have any textbooks or school library books from last year that need to be returned, this is the time to do that as well. We will have a location for you to drop them off when you pull into the lot.
Throughout the fall, there will be a few more distribution times to ensure access to materials and resources. We will notify you of those dates as needed.
New Language Arts Program Tutorials
Grades K-2: Parent Support - Wonders / Maravillas
Grades 3-6: Parent Support - Wonders / Maravillas
Family Tech & Digital Tools Support
Our Technology Services department is providing call-in support from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. This is available by calling 503-844-1562 (503-844-1568 for Spanish speakers). You can also submit a request via e-mail to techhelp@hsd.k12.or.us.
Welcome Back Conferences: Sept. 2-11.
- learning about your child's strengths and interests
- asking about any concerns you might have for the upcoming school year
- supports you may need for Comprehensive Distance Learning
- sharing information regarding resources you might be interested in to meet other needs (food, supplies, etc.)
We are excited for this opportunity to make connections with you and partner together for your child's success this school year!
Comprehensive Distance Learning Family/Caregiver Guide
ParentVUE & Online Verification
Please make sure you have your ParentVUE account set up. ParentVUE is a tool for parents to access real-time information related to their student’s education progress. You can view your student’s schedule, attendance, grades, assignments and more.
Please make sure you complete the Online Verification through ParentVUE now so that we have all of your current information in our system. This ensures that you receive all communication from the Hillsboro School District and Lenox. The verification also asks important questions about our return to school this year, such as access to technology and other needs. It also asks you for Google Suite permissions for your student(s), which enables your student(s) to use Google, our Learning Management Platform for Comprehensive Distance Learning. Click here to learn more about Online Verification.
For more information about ParentVUE, please click HERE
School Supply List
Here is our K-6 school supply list for Comprehensive Distance Learning. Please do not worry if you are not able to get these items, we've got you covered!
- Pencils
- 2 -3 Regular Composition Notebooks/Spiral Notebooks
- 1 Graphing Composition Notebook (Grades 3 – 6)
- 1 Box Crayons
- 1 Box Colored Pencils
- 1 Eraser
- Glue Sticks or Glue Bottle
- Folder
- Pencil Box
- Headset/Earbuds with Microphone (if possible)
Students will also need a computer/Chromebook for Comprehensive Distance Learning which we will provide if needed. We will also provide additional hands on items/manipulatives that are needed for distance learning. A schedule for pick up and/or drop off these items will be sent out closer to the start of school.
Online Registration
Lenox Elementary School
Website: https://www.hsd.k12.or.us/lenox
Location: 21200 Northwest Rock Creek Boulevard, Portland, OR, United States
Phone: (503) 844-1360