Panda Parent Newsletter
Anita Uphaus ECC Vol. 2 #3 Nov. 2024
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Welcome Panda Families!
Happy November Panda Families!
Happy Native American Heritage Month. We look forward to learning about the diverse culture and tradition of the Native American Community. Our scholars are hard at work and look forward to seeing you during our Thanksgiving luncheon. Thank you for continuing to support our Panda School Family. Have a wonderful November!
Warm regards,
Mrs. Dimas
Parent Support Specialist
My name is Linda Perez, and I am your Anita Uphaus Early Childhood Center Parent Support Specialist.
You can expect periodic newsletters from myself, and several of the classroom teachers to keep you up to date as to what is happening here at Anita Uphaus and in the classrooms.
A good way of staying up to date on school information is to visit our website at www.uphaus.austinschools.org . From there, you can find several sources of information that will keep you informed of all the happenings at Anita Uphaus. We are excited to begin the 2024-2025 school year. If at any time during the school year you feel the need to contact me, please feel free to call me, Linda C. Perez, Parent Support Specialist at (512) 414-5538 or by email at linda.c.perez@austinisd.org
We hope to partner and collaborate with you to have a successful school year. Your involvement and partnership are important. There is no one like you!
As your Parent Support Specialist, I can assist you in several ways. In working together, I can:
- Find resources you may need- I can help find assistance when needed.
Learn new things about school and how to help your child succeed. Look for workshops for parents throughout the year!
- Become leaders in our school! Your input and participation in the Parent/Teacher Association (PTA) and other school committees such as Campus Advisory Council (CAC)
- Become a Parent Volunteer! Volunteers are welcomed and needed!
Everyone who volunteers will need to attend a volunteer orientation and complete a successful background check.
School Schedule
- Doors open: 7:10 am
- Arrival Time: 7:10 thru 7:40 am
- Tardy Bell: Rings at 7:40 am (Scholars must be in class)
- Dismissal Time: 3:10 pm
Arrival & Dismissal
As the school year begins, here are a few reminders that will assist with our arrival/dismissal procedures. Attached you will find our map for Arrival & Dismissal. Please assist us in following traffic rules. We thank you in advance for helping to keep our staff, scholars, and parents safe.
During morning drop off, parents and parent guardians will be allowed to:
- walk their child(ren) up to the designated campus entrances at the school.
- If you are walking them to the designated drop off areas, please make sure you cross at the student crosswalk for your safety. Parents must park in a designated parking spot and walk your child across.
- Go through the designated drive-thru entrances at the school
During after school pick up, parents and parent guardians will be allowed to:
- pick up their child(ren) at the designated campus pick-up areas at the school
- Go through the designated drive-thru exits at the school
Please do not:
Block the flow of traffic in and out of school premises.
Speed in a school zone.
Use cell phone in school zone.
Due to safety reasons, parents and parent guardians will NOT be allowed to walk children to their classrooms.
REMINDERS: Please be mindful of your speed during pick up & drop off. Speed limit should not exceed 10 mph.
NO CELL PHONE use in an active school zone. Please put your cell phones down.
1. PK3 side drop off door
2. PK4/Kinder Back drop off door
Bus Information for Families
2024-2025 Bus information
We recommend families whose students are eligible for General Education transportation to check their bus information by checking the district’s “Bus Stop Finder''. Families whose students have special needs will receive their information in person from their bus teams. *Please keep in mind routes and stops may change periodically.
“Where's The Bus” App for Families
AISD’s transportation team offers families the “Where'sThe Bus” app, which provides timely information about the location of their student’s assigned bus only, including when it will arrive at their stop. Please promote the app to your school communities.
The free app is available on any device with internet access (smartphone, tablet, personal computer, iPad)—and takes less than five minutes to install. Instructions are available at https://www.austinisd.org/transportation.Student ID's Are in the Works!
Attendance Policy
Every Day Counts!
Attendance/Grades: Regular attendance in all classes is an expectation of all Austin ISD students. State law and District policy state that students must be in attendance for 90% of the instructional days for a class to receive credit. A student who misses more days than allowed by AISD policy, excused or unexcused, may not be given credit for that class unless time and/or work is made up for the absences. Students will work with the grade level administrator to complete the appropriate steps to reach compliance.
Parents: Making sure your student is in school and on time every day is the law. For more information visit the district's attendance page.
● If a student arrives after 7:40a.m., they must report to the front office to sign in & receive a tardy pass to class.
Breakfast In the Classroom
Parent Coffee Chat
Brighter Bites this year at Uphaus
Anita Uphaus will be participating in the Brighter Bites program which provides healthy fruits and vegetables to families. We hope you can sign up to receive these delicious foods.
Our Brighter Bites Enrollment Forms are available online! I have attached both the printable pdf and the pdf with the clickable link to enroll. Here is the direct link to enroll:
One application per family. If you have multiple students enrolled, please only fill out 1 application. If you need assistance, please contact our Parent Support Specialist, Mrs. Linda Perez.
What's happening at Anita Uphaus?
Fall Literacy Festival Fun!
Optional T-Shirt Day for Scholars
Monday is Uphaus T-shirt day (if your scholar has one).
Friday is Colleget T-shirt day (if your scholar has one).
Campus Drills
Our campus participates in Monthly Safety Drills.
- We are required to do 1-2 safety drills every month to help us all be prepared in case of various emergencies. These drills are very calm and are announced as practice drills.
- The first step is to register here: https://austinisd.voly.org/
Please note: if you are planning to volunteer for any event at school you must go through a
background check.
- You can also contact our Parent Support Specialist, Ms. Linda Pérez, at 512-414-5520, Ext. 58514 or linda.c.perez@austinisd.org
Join our Uphaus PTA
Please support the Uphaus PTA
PTA is an organization of parents and teachers coming together to advocate for our children and students. Your membership alone will give us a BIGGER voice in our school and community!
Membership is for the year $10.00. This money goes towards student events, teacher appreciation and much more. PTA membership flyer going out soon!
Counselor Corner
"Parents who have a referral in process for Gifted and Talented must fill out the parent observation form that was sent via email. The deadline to submit the observation form is November 3rd. GT testing will take place during the month of November. If you have any questions regarding the referral process please email our school counselor Ms. Mercado at ileanna.mercado@austinisd.org
Deep breathing:
Here are 3 videos that can help you practice deep breathing at home with your student:
Library Corner
Welcome to the Uphaus Library. I am Ms. Haywood, your Librarian. Please see the flyer below with Library information about book check out! If you have a chance, stop by during Parent Teacher Conference Day on October 14th. Hope to see you in the library!
Austin ISD Opportunities, Information, & Resources
Anita Uphaus Lunch Menu
Native American Heritage Month
Friday, November 1 to Saturday, November 30, 2024
Native American Heritage Month is a federally recognized month-long celebration of the history, culture, and contributions of Native Americans past, present and future. It is also known as American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month. It is celebrated every year starting on November 1, which this year falls on a Friday. The observance of Native American Heritage Month presents Austin ISD with an opportunity to acknowledge the rich diversity and achievements of Indigenous people and communities.
In Texas, HB 174 designated the last Friday in September as American Indian Heritage Day. In 2024, that day was Friday, September 27.
Involve your family with some of these learning resources:
Attend the Austin Powwow on 11/23 at 9 am - 9 pm at the Travis County Expo Center The Austin Powwow is the largest single-day Native American Powwow in the country. In addition to a traditional Powwow with dance contests, we feature a Native American arts and crafts market and a Native American food court. Grand Entry is at 12 pm, and you won't want to miss seeing all the dancers enter the arena!
Check out our library collection or read from this Children's Book List of Native Authors
Attend one of the free Austin Public Library community programs by the Central Texas Cherokee Township
Saturday, 11/9, 10 AM – 12 PM, Hampton at Oak Hill Branch, Fingerweaving
Saturday, 11/9, 2:30-4:30 PM, Twin Oaks Branch, Fingerweaving
Monday, 11/18, 6-7:45 PM, John Gillum Branch, Fingerweaving
Tuesday, 11/19, 6-7:45 PM, Southeast Branch. Fingerweaving
NIxtamalization and corn dough on November 17th on Central l, 1 to 4 pm
More important resources:
Upcoming Community Events & Opportunities
Find a meal site using Find Food Now. You can also call 2-1-1, text FOODTX to 877-877 for help locating a site near you.
Our organization strives to optimize self-sufficiency for families and individuals in safe and healthy communities. We work to achieve those goals by providing services either directly or through private and not-for-profit agencies.
Social Emotional Corner
Important Tips
Self-Care Calendar
Anita Uphaus Upcoming Events
Nov 1- Student & Staff Holiday (Diwali)
Nov 4-8- School Psychologists Appreciation Week
Nov 4- Mother Goose Presentation for students
Nov 5- No School for Students/ Staff Development Day
Nov 5- Election Day
Nov 7- CAC Meeting @ 3:45 pm
Nov 8- Travis High School Groundbreaking Ceremony 10-11 am
Nov 11- Veteran's Day
Nov 14- Brighter Bites Distribution
Nov 21- Thanksgiving Lunch-Information to come. MUST RSVP. Limited people per student.
Nov 22- Principal Coffee Chat @ 8:30 am
Nov 25-29- Fall Break