Somerset Academy Oaks
August 27th, 2023
Attendance Matters. All Day. All Students. Every day.
Key Information to Remember
Earliest Time Students Can be Dropped off
- 7:00 am
- Staff are on duty outside, in the cafeteria, and in the gym starting at 7am.
- Students who want breakfast exit their vehicles and go to the cafeteria.
- Students who do not want breakfast exit their vehicles and go to the gym.
Breakfast Schedule
- 7:00am-8:00am
Instruction Starts
- 7:45am
- Students who arrive after 7:45am are missing key Math or key Reading instruction
Tardy Time
- 8:10am
- We ask for safety purposes that parents escort their child(ren) inside the building AND sign their children in the binder located on Mrs. Dodd's desk.
- Staff are not on duty outside after 8:00am as we are inside the building starting the day.
- While you are signing in your children at Ms. Dodd's desk, we ask that the students go to their class immediately so that they can get their learning started.
Attendance Time
- Taken daily at 10:00am
- Students who arrive after 10:00am are counted absent.
- State of Texas Attendance Policy
Chronic Absences, Tardies, Early Pick-Ups
Our attendance committee will schedule conferences with parents /guardians to address chronic:
- absences
- tardies
- early pick ups
What does chronic mean?
Chronic absence, tardies, and early pick up is defined as missing 10 percent or greater of the total number of days enrolled during the school year for any reason. It includes both excused, unexcused, out-of-school suspensions, and in-school suspensions that last more than one-half of the school day.
After School Care Program
- 3:00pm-6:00pm
- A late fee will be added to Procare accounts of children who are picked up after 6:00pm.
Early Release Dates for the 2023-2024 School Year
- Dismissal time: 12:15pm
- September 13
- October 11
- January 24
- February 14
- April 10
- ASCP will be open for students who are already enrolled.
Lunch Times
Early Pick Up Policy
What if my child has an appointment?
Students who have a appointments are to be checked out before 2:30pm.
September 2023 Events
September 15 Background Check Deadline
Mark Your Calendars!
August 28 After School Clubs
🦉 "Little Owls" Choir
- Grades: 1st-3rd
- Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm
- Location: Music Classroom
- Questions: Please contact
- Grades: 5th & 6th
- Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm
- Location: Art Classroom
- Questions: Please contact or
August 28-September 1st
- BOY iReady Diagnostics Testing Window for Math & Reading
- Grades: Kinder
- What is iReady? Please click the link.
September 4
- Student & Staff Holiday-Labor Day
September 5
- Classes resume---Campus Opens at 7:00am
- Parent Information Session via zoom from 6:00pm-7:00pm
- Zoom Meeting Room ID:
September 5-September 8
- BOY DIBELS Diagnostic Testing Window
- Grades: Kinder-2nd
- What is DIBELS: Please click the link below.
September 10
- Grandparent's Day
September 13
- Early Release
- Time: 12:15pm
- The After School Care Program (ASCP) will be open for students already enrolled.
September 15
- Background Check Deadline
International Dot Day
- Students are able to wear dots to make their mark! See the flyer below for more details.
- What is International Dot Day? Please click the link below.
Uniform Swap Meet
- Time: 1:30pm-2:30pm
- Who: Parents who want to swap uniforms with other parents
- Location: Gym
September 15-October 15
- National Hispanic Heritage Month
- The 2023 theme for Hispanic Heritage Month is 'Prosperity, Power, and Progress', recognizing the significant achievements of the Hispanic community in the economic and political industries.
- Details coming soon on project ideas for students to complete at home and earn Oaks Swag!
See the excerpt below from Deputy Superintendent Oliver.
- Please remember that our deadline to fill out the background check this year is September 15th.
- This will ensure that you have the ability to volunteer, visit with your students during special lunch opportunities, and attend field trips.
- There is a small 5-dollar fee associated as these checks cost the schools money.
- We are going to continue to look for opportunities this year to bring families back into the buildings.
- Background check forms can be filled out between 9:00am and 2:00pm in the main office.
- Please remember, that a cleared background check is required to participate in campus events.
- Questions? Please contact or
Uniform Expectations
Monday-Thursday Tops
Students who do not have the French Toast embroidered polo can wear the following tops.
- Single color navy blue polo
- Single color green polo
- Single color yellow polo
- We added yellow for the plaid uniform pieces :)
- Single color white polo
- Returning students can wear the previous uniform polos with the Brooks Oaks Academy logo
Monday-Thursday Bottoms
All students should be in khaki bottoms-pants, shorts, skirts, skorts, dresses, etc.
- Please ensure that girls wear shorts under their dresses/skirts.
Spirit Day Fridays
Students are able to wear jeans (pants, shorts, skirts, skorts, dresses, etc.) with the following tops.
- College theme
- Career theme
- Military theme
- Sports theme
- Oaks Spirit tshirt
- Disney theme
- Marvel theme
- NEHS tshirt
- Millionaire tshirt
- Polos or tshirts with school colors---navy blue, green, white
- Students can also wear their uniforms on Fridays as well.
SA- Oaks Spirit Shirts
- We have some spirit shirts-limited sizes (no smalls) on sale for $15 (cash only) Contact Ms. Dodd if you would like to see if we have the size(s) you need.
- Families will have the opportunity to place an order for our new 2023 spirit shirt in September. We are collaborating with our vendor on the design. Details coming soon! :)
2023 Spirit Weeks
We will have spirit weeks sprinkled throughout the year. Details coming soon! :)
HEALTH NOTE: Students are asked to take off all sweaters, hoodies, or jackets during recess and P.E activities.
Please do not hesitate to contact our front office team. We will more than happy to assist you.
Safety & Health
Students may not bring any medications to school in their backpacks, including over-the-counter medications such as cough drops and creams? Parents wishing to send those in for the child must: send the medication in the original package/container, label it with the child’s name, fill out the appropriate paperwork with the nurse, and hand the medication to a faculty/staff member.
It is important that we have on file an updated immunization records for students. We have reached out to parents and have asked them to please partner with us to get this taken care. If your child does not have an updated immunization record, we will have to unfortunately withdraw them. Please know this something that we do not want to do but have as per state guidelines.
Questions? Contact Nurse Barletta as soon as possible if you received a letter, a phone call, and/or a face-to-face conversation with Nurse Barletta, Mrs. Dodd, Ms. Jessica, or Ms. Wilson. Nurse Barletta's email is
Fever Free Policy
Our fever policy is a child must be fever free for 24 hours without the help of fever reducers before they can return to school.
Questions? Please do not hesitate to contact Nurse Barletta, RN by calling the front office. Your call will be transferred to her office. You are welcome to email
Restroom and Clinic Visits
Teachers have been instructed to send students to the restroom when they ask and to the clinic when they are not feeling good. Please note that classrooms also have a first aid kit in the event it is a minor incident like needing a band aid.
We have also informed teachers that anytime they provide a student assistance using the classroom first aid kit to communciate this to the parent via parent square. In the event a student is sent to the clinic, Nurse Barletta will contact the parent.
Safety Drills
Campus safety drills (example fire drills, lockdown drills, etc.) will happen each month. We will send out notification via Parent Square to inform parents/guardians when we are about to conduct a drill. A second message will be sent out informing parents/guardians when the drill is complete. Questions? Please do not hesitate to contact
Authorization to Pick Up and Orange Pick Up Card
Safety is our #1 priority!
- We ask that parents please make sure they have the individuals listed to pick up their child(ren) on the authorized pick up form.
- You can come into the front office to complete/update the form. You can also request a form to be scanned/emailed to you.
- However, the completed form must be returned to Ms. Dodd within 24 hours or receipt.
- Inform the authorized individuals that they will need to have the orange pick up card.
- If they do not have the orange pick up card, they will need to provide their ID/license for verification to the front office.
- During dismissal, we ask that the orange pick up card is visible on the dashboard or passenger side window.
- Staff move around during dismissal and may not know all families.
From our Campus Counseling Department
Message from Mrs. Batten-Our After School Care Program (ASCP) Director
ProCare Accounts
Effective Monday, September 4, 2023, students will not be able be able to stay for the ASCP if their ProCare account not paid on time.
Parents/Guardians: If your child(ren) will be out a week, please contact Mrs. Batten as soon as possible so that she can credit your account.
Questions? Please contact
News from Our Cafeteria
Don't forget to fill out the lunch application! A new one is required yearly.
The link is
Families who have not applied yet, will be charged until status of Free, Reduced, or Full Price is established.
Students who have a 10.00 meal balance will be served an alternate meal. We ask that you please continue to check your students balance and load more money into their account when the balance becomes low.
Questions: Please contact, our cafeteria manager. You are also welcome to contact our Child Nutrition Director Mike Jones at
Snacks & Refillable Water Bottles
Brain Boost!
Snacks! Snacks! Snacks!
- Snacks give our students that extra boost they need while learning.
- Each class has embedded in their schedule a snack time.
- We ask parents to please send their child with a snack if at all possible.
- Contact your child's teacher for their respective snack time.
Classroom Party Snack Donations
- Parents are not required to send snacks for the entire class for daily snack time.
- We will have classroom parties throughout the school year.
- Flyers will be sent home to ask for donations for the classroom parties.
Refillable Water Bottles
- We ask that students bring a refillable water bottle with their name on it.
- We have a contract with Artesia Springs and each classroom has a 5 gallon water bottle for students to refill their bottles and stay hydrated.
- This helps to cut down on them leaving the classroom (missing instruction) to go to the water fountain to get water.
- Teachers contact our facilities team when they need another 5 gallon water bottle.
Student cell phones are to be off during the school day. We understand that some students have smart watches. However, students are not allowed to use their smart watches in the same manner as their cell phone in the form of texting, playing games, etc.. We do know that the smart watches can help them keep track of time.
- 7am-3pm for non-after schoolers.
- 3pm-6pm for students enrolled in the After School Care Program.
Below is Somerst Academy of Texas' Electronic Communciation Policy from our Code of Conduct handbook. Please review so that you understand the steps that administration will implement in the event an electronic device is confiscated and the parent/guardian is contacted.
Parents can call the front office to check on their child. We will be more than happy to go to the classroom, check on them, and provide you an update.
Electronic Communication Policy
From Our Fine Arts Department (FAD)
Our FAD will like to share how students will be graded in Art, Music, Dance, and P.E. See the rubric below.
Questions? Please do not hesitate to contact our Fine Arts Department Chair
Please do not hesitate to contact us!
Laura Dodd, Receptionist & Attendance Clerk
Jessica Gonzalez, Office Manager & Registrar
Abigail Batten,, Student Support Case Manager & After School Care Program Director
Leanna Tuttle, ESL Coordinator/Counselor/Social Emotional Learning Liaison
Dankel Paine, Counselor/Social Emotional Learning Liaison
Tiffany Teer, Instructional Coordinator & Data Coach
TaLisa Wilson, Principal