NPHS Weekly Counseling Update
September 6, 2024
Hello Grizzlies!
The Student Center will be sending out weekly newsletters in an effort to be more efficient in how we disseminate information from the Student Center. With our weekly newsletters we we will be sending out important and timely information. BOTH STUDENTS AND PARENTS are receiving these newsletters. Parents: please encourage your child to read their emails!
What do Counselors Do?
The counseling department at North Point High School is committed to supporting students' academic, vocational, social and emotional needs. School counselors are always a support for any student who is struggling with personal issues. North Point counselors are assigned to students based on last name. Their roles include academic and personal problem solving, brief individual counseling, small group counseling, consultation and collaboration, school and community-based referral, conflict mediation, alcohol/drug abuse prevention, and personal/educational/career development.
If you need to visit with a counselor, the best way is to scan the QR code above and complete the google form. The QR Code is also posted throughout the school.
Freshmen Presentation
On Thursday, September 5th, the Counselors met with the Freshmen class during DEN Time!! We spoke about important information which we hope will begin guiding through their high school years. Please click HERE to review the presentation and as always, please reach to your student's counselor if you have any questions!!
SENIOR CLASS Presentation
On Thursday, September 5th, the Counselors met with the Senior Class during DEN Time. The presentation covered important information as the Class of 2025 navigates through their Senior Year. Please click HERE to review the presentation and as always, please reach do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Day of Testing
WSD will be offering students a Day of Testing in October!! This will give students an opportunity to register for and take a test that is best for their future plans. Please review the information on the attached flyer to determine if you are interested in registering for the PSAT, PreACT, ACT, ASVAB or Workkeys. Classes will still be in session for students who are not testing.
WSD is offering free registration to the 11th graders who wish to take the ACT.
Additional Day of Testing for Juniors!! PSAT/NMSQT
On October 22nd, North Point will be offering the PSAT/NMSQT testing for all interested Juniors during the school day. The PSAT/NMSQT is the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test for Juniors as well as a great practice tool for the SAT, and even the ACT. The PSAT is divided into 3 different sections (writing, math, and reading). The Writing section is 35 minutes long, Math is 70 minutes, and Reading is 60 minutes; making the total time for the PSAT to be 2 hours and 45 minutes long. There is a testing fee of $18.00 that you would need to pay If you are interested in taking the test. Please make checks out to North Point High School and turn in to the Student Center. Below is the link to sign up to take the test. The deadline to sign up is October 11th. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 636.445.5344 ext. 29243 or at melissapardo@wsdr4.org.
Sign up Here!
A+ Program
Future meeting days/times:
Wednesday, September 11th at 2:20 p.m. in the Student Center
Thursday, September 12th during ORANGE WINTime.
What is the A+ program all about???? The A+ Program provides scholarship funds to eligible graduates of A+ designated high schools who attend a participating public community college or vocational/technical school, or certain private two-year vocational/technical schools. There are also numerous four-year universities that will offer some scholarship money for students who complete the A+ Program.
A+ trainings will be offered twice a month for students. One training will take place after school and one during the school day. I will email students the date/time each month along with a sign up form. A student does need to be trained prior to beginning to earn their A+ hours. Typically Juniors and Seniors are the students who will be working on their hours. Below are the requirements for the A+ program.
1. Be a U. S. citizen or permanent resident.
2. Enter into a written agreement with high school prior to graduation, by signing the A+ Agreement form, found in the Student Center.
3. Attend an A+ designated high school for two years prior to graduation.
4. Maintain & graduate with a minimum cumulative 2.5 (un-weighted) grade point average.
5. Document 95% annual and cumulative school attendance record.
6. Score “Proficient” or “Advanced” on any Math EOC Exam or earn a 17+ Math ACT sub-score.
7. *Junior/Senior year complete 50 hours of supervised tutoring with younger WSD students (12.5 hours of pre-approved “job shadowing” may count towards this requirement).
8. Demonstrate a record of good citizenship during all four (4) years of high school.
9. File the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) senior year
The Wentzville School District is excited to continue our future ready work with the district's college and career readiness platform, Xello. For the 24-25 school year, middle school and high school students in WSD will continue to utilize the platform and will begin teacher-led lessons during student success time. Lessons should be completed during the following windows of time:
Lesson 1: September 30th -October 11th
Lesson 2: November 12th-22nd
Lesson 3: January 6th-24th
Lesson 4: March 10th -20th
Xello allows students to document their journey as they build self-knowledge, explore post-secondary options, create plans, construct resumes, build a student portfolio, and continually reassess as they take in new knowledge, skills, and experiences. Students also have the opportunity to apply for colleges, request letters of recommendation and transcripts, as well as learn about current job opportunities and scholarships in our community.
Xello Student Opportunities:
Self assessment through personality, learning styles, and skill assessments
Post secondary pathway exploration experiences
College applications and recommendation letters
Unique student portfolio and resume creation
Individual career and academic planning for high school aligned with WSD pathways
Learn about local job opportunities and scholarships in our area
Watch this Xello for families video for a program overview. More information will be available soon on how to activate your family account to view your child’s progress.
Colleges, Universities, Technical Schools and Military Visits
As we move through the school year, many colleges/universities as well as military branches will come to North Point and visit with our students. The visits by college and universities will be at designated times so please continue to check my weekly newsletter for signing up. The military branches will come visit students during lunch periods. This is a GREAT WAY to speak directly with representatives and learn first hand all they have to offer!!!!
Upcoming Visits: Sign up HERE
The University of Alabama, Wednesday, September 18th from 1:40 - 2:15 p.m
Truman State University, Monday, September 23rd from 12:45 – 1:20 pm
Washington University/St. Louis, October 2nd from 1:40-2:15 pm
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, October 7th, 11:50 a.m.
Southeast Missouri State University, October 8th, 12:45-1:20 pm
Bradley University, October 9th, 12:45-1:20 pm
Opportunities to Job Shadow!!!!
CEA Career Weeks are coming up soon!!! Sign-ups for CEA (Career Explorations Alliance) begin Monday August 26, 2024.
Job shadowing allows you to get an up close, first-hand view of a specific career field. Job shadowing provides you the opportunity to explore new interests and can help you decide on a major or career path. This will allow you the opportunity to ask questions and to decide if the career field is a good fit for you. You’ll also gain a better understanding of the skills and education required.
Apply Online!!! www.tinyurl.com/CEAapply
All applications are due by September 22, 2024.
September 17, 2024 First Parent/Student Evening Event!
Please join us on Tuesday, September 17th for our first evening event for all four high schools. The College and Career Counselor will be presenting on two important topics. Both presentations will take place at North Point High School beginning at 6:00 p.m.
Planning for College - North Point High School Library
Open to Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors
College-Bound Senior Seminar - North Point High School Auditorium
Resources for researching, evaluating and applying to colleges for Seniors.
As we move through the school year, we will have more evening presentations to speak about:
- Collegiate Athletics: Recruitment, Eligibility and Scholarships
- Financial Aid/FAFSA/Funding the Gap
- Exploring Wentzvillle School District Program Options
- Career Fair
- Understanding Military Options/Tech Schools/Trade Schools
- Sailing into Senior Year
Air National Guard and Army National Guard
October 10th
10:00 a.m - 12:00 p.m.
Please scan QR Code in the flyer to register by September 26th!!
NACAC National College Fair St. Louis
Details: October 27, 2024
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Website: https://www.nacacnet.org/event_detail/nacac-national-college-fair-st-louis/
Venue: St. Louis University - Simon Recreation Center
3639 Laclede Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63109
Senior Updates!!!!
Class of 2025 Grad Night Communication & Volunteer Sign-Ups
If you are interested in receiving communication/updates via email from NPHS Grad Night or would like to volunteer and help plan Grad Night 2025 as well as fundraising events, please fill-out the following survey: https://forms.gle/toMBC8GQKs659PRi9
Grad Night Meeting
Join us at the next NPHS Grad Night Meeting on Monday, September 9th at 6PM at the NPHS Library. Hope to see you there!Follow NPHS Grad Night:
Twitter: North Point High School Grad Night
Facebook: North Point High School Grad Night
GroupMe: NPHS Grad Night 2025
Email nphsgradnight@gmail.com with any questions!
NPHS Student Center Team
(A-G) Mrs. VanRonzelen - kristinavanronzelen@wsdr4.org
(H-O) Mr. Laughman- konradlaughman@wsdr4.org
(P-Z) Mrs. Haley - meridithhaley@wsdr4.org
College/Career/A+ Program: Mrs. Pardo - melissapardo@wsdr.org
Educational Support Counselor: Heather Hanvy - heatherhanvy@wsdr4.org
Registrar: Mrs. Shumaker - kellieshumaker@wsdr4.org
Secretary: Mrs. Ritchey - jodyritchey@wsdr4.org