Counseling and Career Connection
School Counseling/Career Center News..........September 2024
Back in Action
As we complete the first full week of this new school year, we wish all students success as they pursue their academic goals, participate in and discover new extracurricular activities, reconnect with their peers, and make new friends.
We remind students and families that the School Counseling Department is here to offer support through all phases of the SWHS experience. We welcome the Class of 2028 to our halls. We encourage students in the Class of 2027 and Class of 2026 to get even more involved in our school community this year. And we look forward to helping the Class of 2025 prepare for their next steps and celebrate their graduations.
For families new to SWHS, you can expect this monthly newsletter to provide helpful updates about how we are working with your students relative to their level of high school. It will feature topics such as college and career search processes, standardized tests, scholarships, and upcoming programs and events. This first issue of our newsletter features the following:
- SWHS School Counseling Department overview
- Grade 12 Parent/Guardian Night
- Registering for College Visits and SATs
- Career Center programming
- Free College Application for CT State Universities
- Teacher Assistant and Local Job Opportunities
- Freshman Focus and Sophomore Scene
- Upcoming College and Career Exploration Events
- ...and more!
We hope you find this useful, and always encourage you to reach out to our School Counseling department with your questions and needs!
Who is in the SWHS School Counseling Department?
Dan Peters
Jillian Dobosz
Nate Briggs
Julie Wlodarczyk
Krista Iuliano
Michele Brown-Quinn
Dina Keleher
Laurie Carty
Ben Wry
Margie Smith
Karen Benashski
(Dobosz, Wlodarczyk, Nordmark, Keleher)
The list of scheduled visits with registration links can be found on the Naviance Student home screen under "What's New". New schools are added daily, but here is the list of schools who have already scheduled visits:
Gettysburg College
American International College
Nova Southeastern University
Syracuse University
University of New Haven
Connecticut Army National Guard
Endicott College
Western New England University
University of Connecticut
Plymouth State University
Saint Anselm College
Bryant University
Southern Connecticut State University
High Point University
Coastal Carolina University
Western Connecticut State University
James Madison University
Christopher Newport University
Stony Brook University
Carnegie Mellon University
Stonehill College
Adelphi University
Savannah College of Art & Design (SCAD)
College of the Holy Cross
University of Chicago
Brown University
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Dartmouth College
Brandeis University
Babson College
Fairfield University
New York University
University of Vermont
Johnson & Wales University-Providence
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Tufts University
University of Miami
Case Western Reserve University
Boston College
University of Rochester
Lasell University
Sacred Heart University
Northwestern University
Vanderbilt University
University of Hartford
Providence College
Springfield College
Lincoln Technical Institute - New Britain
University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
Albertus Magnus College
Rhode Island College
Seton Hall University
Upcoming Dates and Deadlines for SATs
October 5 - Registration Deadline - September 20
November 2 - Registration Deadline - October 18
December 7 - Registration Deadline - November 22
BigFuture Scholarships Program Opens New Opportunities
See below for a chart of the steps to take and roughly when to take them. For a helpful guide to the entire program, click here.
Teacher Assistant Positions Available
Visit School Counseling to pick up an application!
Now Hiring!
Throughout the year, part-time job opportunities can be found on a bulletin board in the Career Center. These positions will also be noted in daily announcements, and added to the electronic sign outside School Counseling. As the year gets underway, there are already a few jobs posted.
- Whitney Supply - looking for clerical help - data entry, answering phones, general office duties.
Please email resume to: christine@whitneyglazingsuppply.com and/or john@whitneyglazingsupply.com
- Evergreen Crossings - hiring evening and weekend servers for 2-2.5 hour shifts.
Students can apply at https://careers.rlcommunities.com/jobs/ or by looking it up on Indeed.
- 4th "R" - South Windsor elementary schools - before and after school childcare.
Apply at: https://forms.gle/sY2w8uWAYtWPkp3s8
The Freshman Focus
Whether you have come from Timothy Edwards Middle School or joined us from somewhere else, we are happy to welcome you to Bobcat Nation! We wish you a smooth transition to high school and hope you are finding helpful students and staff as you navigate the halls and start to understand the expectations of SWHS.
Should you need any help along the way this year, be sure to reach out to your School Counselor. If your last name begins with the letters A-L, Ms. Keleher will help you out, and if your last name begins with M-Z, Ms. Iuliano has you covered.
Ms. Keleher and Ms. Iuliano visited science classes over the past two weeks to introduce themselves and meet their students. Their presentation got them acquainted with the people and services throughout the building as well as understanding their high school credits. If any Grade 9 student did not receive an official SW BOBCATS tee shirt, they may stop into School Counseling and pick one up to join in the spirit!
Looking ahead, mark your calendar for October 24 when we will administer the PSAT-9 to all Grade 9 students. This is a very early practice assessment to help prepare students for future PSAT, SAT and other standardized tests. Students will report to school as usual and take the test during the first half of the day before returning to a modified class schedule for the rest of the day. Counselors will explain the PSAT-9 in greater detail next month during classroom lessons.
The Sophomore Scene
Please note that your counselor assignment has changed since last year. See the list below to determine who your counselor is and refer to the School Counselor guide above to match a name with a face.
- A-Dah - Mr. Dan Peters
- Dai-Hec - Ms. Jillian Dobosz
- Hed-Mir - Mr. Nate Briggs
- Mis-Sam - Ms. Julie Wlodarczyk
- San-Z - Ms. Michele Brown-Quinn
The PSAT will be administered during the school morning of Thursday, October 24. Report to school as usual. You will take the test during the morning and have a modified schedule of classes following the PSAT.
New England Association for College Admission Counseling (NEACAC) College Fair
For more information, click HERE.
Sunday, Sep 15, 2024, 12:00 PM
Western New England University, Wilbraham Road, Springfield, MA, USA
Bristol Technical Education Center Open House
Explore the options Bristol Tech offers for students who will be in grades 11 and 12 for the 2025-2026 school year. Offerings include Automotive Technology, Culinary Arts, Health Technology, HVAC, Precision Manufacturing, Mechatronics/Robotics/Automation Engineering, Welding and Metal Fabrication.
Thursday, Oct 3, 2024, 05:00 PM
Bristol Technical Education Center, 431 East Minor Street, Bristol, CT, USA
CT Aerotech Open House
Visit CT Aerotech, an extension of Bristol Tech, to learn about careers in the aircraft maintenance industry.
Saturday, Oct 5, 2024, 09:00 AM
500 Lindbergh Drive, Hartford, CT, USA
Harvard, Princeton, UVA, Wellesley, and Yale Virtual Information Sessions
Admissions representatives from Harvard, Princeton, UVA, Wellesley, and Yale will discuss academic programs, campus life, selective college admissions and financial aid.
- As a participant, you will not share your video or audio.
- After registering, you will be invited to submit 1-2 questions in advance. Presenters will have access to all submitted questions and will answer as many as possible.
- Registrants will receive a confirmation email with a link to the session and instructions on how to use the tele-conferencing platform Zoom.
Sunday, Oct 6, 2024, 07:00 PM
School Counseling & Career Center
The Career Center offers a variety of assistance to students and parents preparing for post-secondary opportunities. It is located in the School Counseling office and can also be accessed from the hallway outside School Counseling.
Website: https://highschool.southwindsorschools.org/departments/school_counseling
Phone: 860-648-5003