Rush Creek News
November 26, 2024
Reminder: No School Tomorrow, Wed. Nov. 27th!
Last Day of the Trimester is Nov. 26th
The end of the first Trimester is today, Nov. 26th. With the end of the Trimester, there is no school on Wednesday, Nov. 27th for report card marking. Report cards will be available on ParentVue starting on Wednesday, Dec. 13th.
All Remaining Lost & Found Items will be Donated!
Our Lost & found is over-flowing with jackets, hats, hoodies and many other items. If your student is missing anything, please have them come look or feel free to swing by and check it out. All unclaimed items will be donated on Nov. 27th.
Reminder: Please Send Winter Gear
The weather is getting colder, so please make sure you are sending you child with appropriate winter clothes including boots, snow pants, jacket, hat and mittens. The kids go outside for recess and we want to ensure that they stay warm while out there.
Join Us For A Timberwolves Game!
phone: 763-494-4549