News from Navin
August 2024 (2nd edition)
📄 Notes from Ms. Van
Wow! These first few days of school have flown by! It's been great to see our students back in the building and now that our kindergarten and preschoolers have joined us, Navin feels complete. Our classrooms are hard at work setting the foundation to a year full of learning. There are new procedures to learn, relationships to build, and teachers are hard at work instilling our Habits of Mind (details below). Speaking of new procedures, we had our first fire drill of the year on Friday. While this is a new experience for our youngest learners and a time of anxiety for others, everyone did a wonderful job of staying safe and being responsible. We're off to a great start at Navin!
Thank you to each and every family for your patience and flexibility with the recent transportation issues across our district. I'm seeing improvements each day in the timing of our routes, but know we still have more to do. Students have been amazingly calm and confident despite some of these challenges, which really speaks to the attitudes of those at home and at school. Remember, children listen to us even when we don't think they are. When we speak negatively about a staff member that your child interacts with each day, it leaves a big impression on them. Thank you for being positive and understanding with our bus drivers as they roll with the changes. If you have any transportation concerns, please contact (937) 578-6160.
Mark your calendars for two important events (details below):
- Tuesday, September 10th: Picture day
- Saturday, September 14th: Navin's 3rd Annual COLOR RUN!
Your partner in education,
- Ms. Van Schoyck (but you're welcome to call me Ms. Van!)
⏰ Attendance Line
👮 A message from School Resource Officer Rowe
As always, before or after school, be vigilant.
If you see something, say something.
Call Marysville Police at 937-645-7300.
📸 Picture Day is September 10th
Mark your calendars, picture day is Tuesday September 10th!
As in previous years, our picture day partners will be Lange Photographics. For your convenience, online orders are accepted. If you pre-order online, you'll receive a FREE 10x8 Photo Collage with your purchase!
To order your photos, click here.
🧠 Habits of Mind
For those who have been at Navin for years, you may recognize talk about Habits of Mind, but for this new principal, it has been an eye opening and exciting experience to see how Navin teachers embed important dispositions for learning throughout their instruction. Long gone is the "sit and get" model of learning that many of us may remember from our own school experiences. When you come to Navin, you will quickly see each and every member of our school community are responsible for teaching and learning. As I talked with students these first few days, I stressed that they are all teachers and we're counting on them to help us all learn. There were a few uneasy wide-eyed glances, but more often than not the response was a confident head nod. At Navin, students engage in personalized learning and are given autonomy and responsibility for their own learning journey. Teachers do a wonderful job of facilitating that learning and helping students understand themselves and the content deeply, but students are the true drivers of our lesson planning and delivery.
As I learn more about this exciting model of personalized learning that helps develop our learners for success today and well into the future, I'll keep sharing my new learning with you! Remember, families are important partners in the education process. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to teachers or myself. We're all learning together at Navin!
Here are a few wonderings I've had:
Does it happen for all students?
Yes! Even our youngest learners engage in conversations about standard operating procedures for the classroom and how the community will coexist and collaborate.
How does this happen?
Teachers collaborate with students and with their colleagues to analyze data; establish rapport that helps identify student preferences, learning styles and interests; and students are given choices in how they express mastery of the content. Growth mindset is key to the how of personalized learning. Students and adults alike understand that intelligence is not a fixed concept, rather we can train our brains to understand more and make new connections through practice, and yes even failure too. We embed Habits of Mind throughout instruction, identifying key ways students will demonstrate Marysville's mission statement of "Innovate-Collaborate-Inspire." Check out a sample of this work here!
We innovate!
We collaborate!
We inspire!
4th Grade STEM Projects
This fun activity requires students to think critically, and collaborate on a design that fits specific criteria.
4th Grade STEM Projects
🚗 Student Drop-off/Pick-up/Walker Procedures
- As much as possible, we ask families to remain in their cars as students enter. While we do have some very young students who are not able to secure themselves, most of our students should be able to enter their cars independently. Our line is slowed quite a bit when multiple children must be secured in vehicles. Please park if your K-4th children need assistance getting in the car at dismissal.
- No right turns from Scott Farms Blvd into the pick-up line. This can back up traffic on County Home Rd. and limits sight lines as families exit Navin's parking lot. Instead, please drive through the Scotts Farm neighborhood, join the line, and make a left turn into Navin's lot.
- Please be considerate of our neighbors along Scott Farms Blvd. Do not block driveways or intersections so non-school traffic is affected as minimally as possible.
For those new to Navin or wanting to know more, here's a complete listing of our arrival and dismissal procedures.
Kindergarten is off to a great start!
Mrs. Doty's kindergarteners practice their listening and comprehension skills with a favorite read-aloud, We Don't Eat Our Classmates!
Preschool has the moves!
Preschoolers in Mrs. Otto's class move and grove as they work on motor coordination and listening skills.
Number talks
Number talks are an important way to show there's more than one strategy to arrive at an answer in Mrs. Nichol's 4th grade room.
🥪Breakfast/Lunch Prices and Free/Reduced Forms
It is the mission of Food & Nutrition Services to make a significant contribution to the overall physical and mental well-being of each student to enable them to participate fully in the education process. This will be achieved by providing wholesome, high-quality, nutritious, and appetizing school lunches served courteously, in a sanitary and pleasant cafeteria environment.
This mission will be pursued in the most efficient and cost-effective means possible, in compliance with the guidelines of the USDA National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs
What is considered a meal?
Each Lunch meal includes five components: an entree with two ounces of meat or meat alternative (beef, chicken, cheese, and casseroles, etc.), 1-2 servings of bread, one (2 at the HS) servings of fruit, two servings of vegetables and an 8 oz. container of milk. To make a complete meal, students must take at least three of the five components with one being a fruit or a vegetable. We encourage students to take all five components to receive the greater value for the cost. Extra entrées may be purchased as well as a variety of a la carte items.
Each Breakfast meal includes three components with two servings of whole grain-rich bread or one meat/protein and one WG bread serving (entrée), two servings of fruit, and an 8 oz. milk. To make a complete breakfast all students must take a full serving of bread/meat entrée item, and at least 1 serving of fruit and milk.
Meal Prices
Elementary $2.00 Reduced $.30*
Intermediate, Middle, High $2.00 Reduced $.00*
Elementary: $3.25 Reduced $.40*
Intermediate, Middle, High: $3.50 Reduced $.00*
Milk $.75
*For the 2024/2025 school year the state of Ohio will be paying the reduced-price meals. Students who qualify for reduced meals will not be charged for a reimbursable breakfast as a reimbursable lunch.
Meal Charges
Marysville Schools will allow students to charge up to $11.75 Elem and $12.50 Inter/Middle and High. Parents will be notified when their student’s meal balances are negative. After the student has reached their charge limit, the student will be offered an alternative meal. No ala carte/ snack items may be charged, only meals. Pre-payment for meals is strongly recommended. Make Payments online by using EZPay (button linked below). Directions to set up an account or make changes to your existing account can be found on the district website.
The Free and Reduced Price Lunch Program
Free and reduced-price lunches are available to students who qualify and meet the eligibility guidelines. The student’s eligibility status carries over from the previous year for up to 30 operating days. However, the new eligibility determination supersedes the carry-over eligibility. Applications will be sent home on the first day of school and are also available on the district website. A new application must be completed by September 30th of the current school year. If you did not receive an application, call your child’s school and request that one be sent home to you. Applications are accepted at any time during the school year. Parents who have any change in employment or income during any time of the year may apply for benefits.
🤝 Navin PTO! (Parent Teacher Organization)
The 3rd Annual Navin Color Run is about to kickoff! If you are interested in joining Navin PTO as a community partner, please fill out this form. Our community partners help us make the school year the best we can for our students, teachers, and families. We very much appreciate this community and everyone in it.
Our fantastic Naving PTO is crucial to our success in supporting and growing students. Please join us for our first PTO Meeting of the year, September 10 @5:30pm in the Navin Library! Until then, follow us on Facebook!
Officers for the 2024-2025 school year:
President: Kat Patrick
Vice-President: Chelsea Bruening
Secretary: Elsa Lopez
Treasurer: LaQuita Chambers
Event Coordinator: Mikayla Belli
Visit our PTO online store to get a jump start on your Spirit Wear order. (Don't worry, we'll also send forms out later in August/September.
📆 Upcoming Events
9/2: Labor Day - No school
9/10: Picture Day
9/10: PTO Meeting! Come join us in the Navin library from 5:30-6:30pm
9/14: Navin COLOR RUN (Open to entire community - stay tuned for more info)
9/20: No School for Students (Professional Development Day)
9/26 & 10/3: Parent/Teacher Conferences (*evening, by appointment w/teacher)
Contact Info
Navin Elementary
Principal: Katie Van SchoyckEmail: katie.vanschoyck@mevsd.us
Website: https://navin.marysville.k12.oh.us/
Location: 16265 County Home Rd. Marysville, OH 43040
Phone: (937) 578-7000
Facebook: Navin Elementary
Twitter: @NavinElementary