point of view
Excelsior Springs, Missouri
Sorry to bother; but do you say "sorry" too much? 9 things I've stopped saying at work:
1. Sorry for rescheduling > Thanks for being flexible; 2. Sorry to bother you > Thanks for carving out time; 3. Sorry for venting > Thanks so much for listening; 4. Sorry for running late > Thanks so much for waiting; 5. Sorry I had to take that call > Thanks for your patience; 6. Sorry for jumping in > I have an idea that may help. 7. Sorry for the mistake > Thanks for catching that! 8. Sorry, I don't get it > Could you repeat that? I just want to be clear. 9. Sorry, Does that make sense? > I'm happy to answer any questons!
week of August 19th
Wednesday, Farmer's Markets, First day of School
Friday, Lyrics on the Lawn
a little more about this week's agendas
Farmer's Markets - (morning @ Community Center 9-11:30 am & afternoon @ Hitch Lot 4-7pm)
Lyrics on the Lawn, Scott Moyer Bank + Food Truck TBD on the Hall of Waters Front Yard 6-9pm
who is the city, but the people
Celebrating work anniversaries this week - Janet Morehead, Parks/Recreation Administrative Assistant - 38 years.
This past week, we celebrated our employees with an appreciation lunch & awards for years of service. Those recognized were: Jeff Barge, Senior Center Coordinator - 5 years; Kristina Baxter, Police Officer - 20 years; Chad Birdsong, Public Works Director - 30 years; Melissa Davis, Lead Animal Control Officer - 20 years; Ryan Dowdy, Police Lieutenant - 10 Years; Kody Gaines, Sewer Plant Operator - 5 years; Mike Hearrold, Water Plant Operator - 10 years; Kimberly Herring, Finance Account Tech - 30 Years; Scott Sickles, Police Sergeant - 5 years; Richard Nash, Water Plant Operator - 5 years; Samantha Nash-St. John, Police Sergeant, SRO - 5 years; Mike Thompson, Building Inspector - 10 years; Robert Warner, Police Captain - 15 years.
love where you live
Dry Fork Greenway project is moving along, we have 90% plans in for review, we are securing easements as needed, ready to submit our 404 permit. This project is located between N. Main Street Bridge and N. Marietta Street Bridge. Looking for construction to begin near year end.
RAISE project is moving along more slowly as we are deep into the details to ensure design considers issues specific to each project location. We are planning an access management meeting with businesses next to plan safe access for pedestrians to avoid conflicts with vehicles moving from the roadway to access business driveways.
Garland Bridge project work is not visible yet, the historic review has just been completed & as soon as the environmental review is complete, we will begin utility coordination.
Community Development is having multiple development planning conversations with residential, commercial & industrial projects. Noticed the Lewis School & Quik Trips sites are getting cleaned up and working on the finer details inside.
Several conversations this week on enhancement of senior programming in the community. We are so proud of the work Jeff Barge is doing to support seniors in our community & look forward to seeing his ideas for improvement come together. Jesse Hall & Taran Svoboda are providing key support.
Opioid Settlement Funds will begin disbursement very soon, our first payments will total $17,501. Public Safety Sales Tax Authority have agreed to provide direction for use of these funds.
Splash Park is closing with the opening of school this week.
choose your attitude!
ES offers an interesting & eclectic mix of shopping districts, history, eating establishments & cultural opportunities. Visit downtowndifferent.com to see what visits love about Excelsior Springs.