Principal Update 12/10
St. Stephen Mission Statement: As a ministry of the parish, St. Stephen Catholic School inspires academic excellence by the pursuit of Truth, formation of disciples of Jesus Christ, growth in virtue, and service with mercy.
From the Desk of Mr. Stalder
Greetings St. Stephen Families,
With two weeks until Christmas, there is certainly an excitement in the air. Many presents are being bought, shipped, and wrapped. Parties planned for. Gifts exchanged. Decorations posted. Food prepped. Family traditions unveiled. Rarely is this time one of silence. Take time daily-- even if for a few minutes-- to pray in silence. Let God speak in the silence, the whisper. I think of 1 Kings 19:11-12 where the Lord was not speaking to the prophet Elijah in the wind, earthquake, or fire-- but in the whisper when all was silent. This is a reminder I have for myself as well one I wish to share to our school community. Many blessings this Advent & Christmas season.
Please see all the new AOD Tuition Assistance information. Our school received nearly $30,000 to help offset tuition costs last year for our students. That is in addition to the approximately $12,000 that the St. Stephen School Scholarship fund provided, plus thousands more donated by the generous Endowment Fund team, and thousands more from generous private donors. We also plan to again offer a multi-child discount for the 2025-2026 school year. There are additional webinars this year to help support application for tuition assistance. Our team is happy to help answer questions as Enrollment opens in January, 2025 this year.
Mark your calendars for January 26, 2025 from 12-Noon until 3 PM for the St. Stephen Open House. Later this month, your family will be receiving fliers to share and invite others to come to the Open House.
Thank you for your many prayers and Advent blessings.
In Christ,
Bradley J. Stalder
OPEN HOUSE in January
St. Stephen Catholic School Open House
You’re Invited to St. Stephen Catholic School’s Open House!
Date: Sunday, January 26, 2025
Time: 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Location: St. Stephen Catholic School
Discover the heart of St. Stephen Catholic School at our Open House! Families with children in Pre-K 3 through incoming 8th grade are warmly welcome to join us for an afternoon of exploration, connection, and opportunity.
What to Expect:
Guided tours of our school campus.
Meet our award-winning faculty and learn why St. Stephen is a leader in academic excellence and faith-based education.
Ask questions and get answers about programs, curriculum, extracurriculars, and more.
Enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year opens during the event!
Don’t miss this chance to learn how St. Stephen Catholic School shapes students into lifelong learners and compassionate leaders. We can’t wait to meet you and your family!
Spread the Word: Tag a friend who’s searching for a loving, faith-centered school community for their child.
Visit our website for more details: www.ststephennb.org
#StStephenCatholicSchool #OpenHouse2025 #CatholicEducation #FaithAndExcellence #NowEnrolling #AOD #PreKto8thGrade
Sunday, Jan 26, 2025, 12:00 PM
18800 Huron River Drive, New Boston, MI, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Parent Support Group (PSG)
Christmas Lock-In - Saturday December 14
Our 2nd annual Holiday Lock in is Saturday, December 14!
We have tons of fun planned for this kids night out, providing the perfect opportunity for a holiday date night, or some kid free shopping. Pizza, snacks and drinks provided while we craft, play games and watch a Christmas movie!
Lock in is from 5pm-9pm. Doors open at 4:45pm.
Doors will be locked at 5:15pm. Pick up children at 9pm sharp!
Dearborn Sausage Fundraiser
Volunteering Opportunities
All families are required to complete at least 14 hours of service this school year. Consider meeting this requirement with volunteering for one of the following opportunities coming up:
URGENT: We Need 6 More Christmas Lock-In Volunteers & 2 More Donation Items
All parents/guardians volunteering in any capacity for St. Stephen are REQUIRED to complete Protecting God’s Children. This includes volunteer drivers. Please read the information here. Use the following link to register here.
Any parent planning to drive for field trips will need to complete the form linked here and submit the required driving information to the front office.
Additionally, volunteers who have not already completed a background check this year should complete this form and return it to the front office OR e-mail to schooloffice@ststephennb.education
Latin Prayer of the Month
During the Month of December, the first verse to "O Come All Ye Faithful" in Latin will be included in our morning school prayer. I encourage you to also pray this simple prayer at home with your child.
During the Month of November, the "Glory Be" in Latin will be included in our morning school prayer. I encourage you to also pray this simple prayer at home with your child.
During the Month of October, the "Sign of the Cross" in Latin will be included in our morning school prayer. I encourage you to also pray this simple prayer at home with your child.
There is a Scrip wish list for all teachers available in the parish office to assist you in any gift giving.
Please see more info here: https://www.ststephennb.org/scrip
AOD Tuition Assistance Information
2025-2026 AOD Tuition Assistance Application Window
The Department of Catholic Schools is finalizing details for the 2025-2026 AOD Tuition Assistance Application.
All families are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to fill out the Tuition Assistance application provided by the AOD, regardless of income level.
The 2025-2026 AOD Tuition Assistance Application will open on December 16, 2024, and close on February 28, 2025. Parents may visit the Detroit Catholic Schools Tuition Assistance Page for application information.
Parents should reference the Parent information Document for details regarding the application and contact FACTS Customer Service for individual application questions.
For Catholic Families only: All awardee families must be current members of a Catholic parish within the Archdiocese of Detroit. Your Pastor’s signature on the form below is required to complete your application. Forms must be turned into your school’s office by February 28, 2025. Non-Catholic Applicants do NOT need to turn in a Pastor Signature Form.
New for the 2025-2026 AOD Tuition Assistance application, the Department of Catholic Schools alongside FACTS Grant & Aide will be hosting three webinars for parents. These webinars will be a chance for applicants to fully understand the application requirements and ask any questions they may have. The dates, times and webinar links are posted below.
Please note: These webinars will be recorded and posted on the Tuition Assistance page of the Detroit Catholic Schools website.
DCS & FACTS Parent Webinar Flyer & Dates:
- Parent Webinar Information
- Tuesday, December 10, 2024, at 5:30 p.m.
- Wednesday, January 8, 2024, at 12:00 p.m.
- Wednesday, february 12, 2024, at 5:30 p.m.
- You can submit a question here prior to the webinar.
Please be on the look out for "support" days upcoming in January where St. Stephen staff members will make themselves available to assist our families with this process.
School Calendar & Events
12/14 - Holiday Lock-In
12/17 - Advent/Christmas Music Program - 230 PM
12/18 - Jeans Day OR Comfy Cozy Day - $1
12/23-1/5 Christmas Break
1/6 - Return to Classes
1/14 - End of Q2
1/23 - End of Semester 2 Pep Rally (Honors Assembly)
1/24 - St. Stephen School Art Show - 5-6PM
1/26 - Open House & Begin Catholic Schools Week
2/2 - Ice Cream Social for Pre-K and Visitors/Guests
The school calendar has changed slightly from earlier this summer. The St. Stephen mid-winter break is now better aligned with Huron School District’s break. Please see the updated school calendar linked here.
Our next Jeans Day Wednesday December 18th and then the last Wednesday of the month moving forward. The students may have the option for a school-appropriate comfy/cozy wear on that day as well. Per the handbook, “Jeans must be blue denim and loose fitting. Gym shoes are to be worn with jeans. Money collected on this day is put into the Technology Fund.”
Pre-K4 Full Day 2025-2026 School Year Interest Form
The Athletic Booster Club wishes to remind parents that tickets for the Cooler of Cheer Raffle are available in the office.
Ignatius Press Book Fair
We are excited to announce that our school will be hosting a book fair on January 26th thru the 31st.
It's a wonderful opportunity for us to come together and celebrate the joy of reading and learning.
The book fair is not just an opportunity to expand your personal library but also a chance to support our School. We will be using Ignatius Book Fairs to be sure that the books offered foster a love of reading and ensure that our community can access literature that aligns with our Christian values.
Let’s discover books that will edify our children’s minds, character & deepen our faith.
We encourage you to share the shopping link https://store.ignatiusbookfairs.com/ with your family, friends, and neighbors to join us in celebrating the joy of reading and discovery. Your participation will make this event truly special.
Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you at the book fair!
God Bless!
To create an account to place an order: https://store.ignatiusbookfairs.com/
1. Click “Sign Up”
2. Click “Create an Account” then Choose your role
3. Fill out your information: name, email, create password
4. Add your child’s name
5. Find your school with zip code and/or State. Click “search” and select your school
6. Choose Classroom
7. Confirm
8. Click “Get Started” or click “Add another child”
LifeTouch Photography
Dear parents,
School pictures are ready!
To order, log in to your account on mylifetouch.com or create an account using your student's student ID number.
Don't Forget to Order This Year's School Pictures
your order!
CODE: F202410OFF
EXPIRES: July 31, 2025
Don’t forget to order your FREE Digital SmileSafe card!
More about the Smilesafe program here.
High School Information
Church Events
Community Prayers
- The Parent Support Group
- The Special Intentions of the Stalder Family
- Fr. John Hedges
- For Sterling as she recovers from her surgery and outcome
- For the Armstrong Family
- For St. Stephen students for their spiritual, social, and academic health
-For the St. Stephen staff
New Spirit Wear Site
Social Media
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@StStephenNewBoston
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StStephenNB/
Facebook Parent Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/805655842880562/?ref=share&mibextid=adzO7l
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ststephennb/