Butte-Glenn K12 CTE Newsletter
Winter 2023
A Quarterly Newsletter for K12 CTE Teachers, Counselors & Administrators in Butte & Glenn County Schools
Email: snilsson@bcoe.org
Website: https://cte.bcoe.org/cte-funding-technical-assistance.html
Location: 2491 Carmichael Drive suite 100, Chico, CA 95928, USA
Phone: 530-879-7462
K12 Strong Workforce Program Due Dates
- Round 2 K12 SWP fiscal report for performance period ending 12/31/2022 is due in NOVA by 2/28/2023. Final reports are due 3/31/2023. Deadline to invoice for remaining funds is 4/30/2023 and all invoices must match expenditures entered in your final report in NOVA
- Round 3 K12 SWP fiscal report for performance period ending 6/30/2023 is due in NOVA by 2/28/2023
- Round 5 K12 SWP fiscal report for performance period ending 6/30/2024 is due in NOVA by 2/28/2023
Career Technical Education Incentive Grant (CTEIG)
- The 2023 CTEIG Expenditure Report is due Tuesday, January 31, 2023, by 5:00 pm The CDE CTEIG Expenditure Report Recorded Presentation will provide you with detailed instructions, Q&A, ad contact info
- 2022-23 Round 8A preliminary grantees and allocations have been posted
- 2022-23 Round 8B RFA is available for LEAs that were not funded in Round 8A. The application and all attachments are due to the CDE on Friday, January 13 at 5:00 pm
Limited space available. Call 530-879-7462 to reserve your tour.
Neurodiverse Pathway Opportunities
Careers Website
Arc Exposure Welding Event
- Butte College is hosting its annual Arc Exposure training for high school welding instructors and students, presented by Miller Electric and Hobart Bros January 17-20, 2023.
- Covering new technologies in addition to power sources, welding programs, and safety
- Spaces are limited. Contact Melanie Flaherty, 530.895.2501 flahertyme@butte.edu
55th Annual FFA Field Day
- CSU, Chico and Butte College will host the 55th annual FFA Field Day on February 11, 2023
- High school FFA members from across the state will compete in 1 of 21 Career Development Events (CDE) coordinated by undergraduate students and faculty in the Chico State College of Agriculture and the Butte College Agricultural and Environmental Science Program
- Contests held at the University Farm, Chico State campus and Butte College campus
Concrete Day at Chico State
CSU, Chico Concrete Industry Management - Concrete Day April 14, 2023 - Students and parents are invited to tour the CIM labs at Chico State to learn more about the CIM Program with guest speakers from the industry, hands-on activities and demonstrations. Reservations are required
Arrange a school site presentation for your students - The CIM Program will present an overview of their program and insight into the concrete industry for your students at your school site
Contact Shirley Hall, cim@csuchico.edu 530-898-6483
Grow Manufacturing Initiative (GMI)
Sabrina Marquez, GMI Outreach Coordinator, and Bill Gaines, Manufacturing Consultant and Transfer Flow Founder would like to schedule a visit to your school to promote manufacturing careers to your 7-12th grade students
GMI facilitates local North State Manufacturing Facility tours for middle and high school students and invites industry input in curriculum development to build the next generation of manufacturers
Contact Sabrina Marquez, smarquez@ncen.org 714-470-1632
Capital Region Advanced Manufacturing Industry Advisory Event
- Valley Vision presents the Manufacturing Advisory Event for K-16 Teachers, Counselors, and students on February 9, 2023 from 2-5 pm at Folsom Lake College Rancho Cordova Center - online option available
- This free event will focus on the intersection of electronic, mechanical, and information technology occupations across the industry. Registration Link
Do you have an exciting CTE event planned? Please share the details with Sharon Nilsson snilsson@bcoe.org
Assembly Bill 102 & Dual Enrollment
Assembly Bill 102 (effective 1/1/2023) amended the law to make pupil participation in the College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP) program less burdensome for students and colleges. It includes two specific amendments relevant to the expansion of dual enrollment opportunities:
- Specifies that “high school”, for purposes of a CCAP partnership, includes a community school, juvenile court school, or adult education program offering courses for high school diplomas or high school equivalency certificates
- Authorizes county offices of education (COE) to enter into CCAP partnerships with the governing boards of community college districts
Regional Labor Market Information
The North/Far North Center of Excellence shares a quarterly report on job postings, unemployment, and industry measures, and it showcases recent reports. The December 2022 newsletter presents a summary of the report. Subscribe to the North/Far North COE Newsletter
- Industry Trends
Hospitality had 5.5% more jobs in September 2022 than in January 2020 in the Far North. In the North, the sector’s employment was 4% smaller than in January 2020
Construction remained among the fastest-growing sectors in the region. Between January 2020 and September 2022, construction’s employment total increased 14.7% in the North and 30.6% in the Far North
Transportation and logistics’ employment total increased 19.3% in the North and 11.9% in the Far North between January 2020 and September 2022
Manufacturing grew by 12.6% in the Far North and 6.2% in the North between January 2020 and September 2022