CGS Newsletter
November 22, 2024
Congratulations, CGS!
Our CGS entry to the Festival of Trees won 3rd place!!
Go see it on display!
Thank you to Mrs Travers Cerbone, our amazing PTO and all the staff, students and families who attended our crafting night! Your hard work paid off.
11/23 @ 1pm: Santa Parade through Methuen square
11/27: Early release day US 11:15 LS 11:45
12/4: UPPER school Spirit Day- Show your Culture Day!
11/28 and 11/29: School is CLOSED for the holiday
I hope you all find joy and relaxation with loved ones this Thanksgiving holiday.
My next newsletter will arrive on 12/6.
Welcome Nurse Ryan!
We are thrilled to have nurse Shannon Ryan join the CGS in the role as Lower School Nurse. She will join Jenna Costa in the health office. Nurse Sherry Emond moved on to another nursing opportunity, opening a spot for Shannon to stay on board! We are thrilled with her choice! This change alllowed for nurse Costa to move to the Upper School nurse role.
If necessary, you can reach them at:
Jenna Costa: jrcosta@methen.k12.ma.us
Shannon Ryan: snryan@methuen.k12.ma.us
UPDATE: Collective Bargaining Agreement as of 11/15
Coat Drive
Please help our CGS students in need of coats for the colder weather by donating to the Peerleader Coat Drive. Thank you for your continued support of our students!
Sign the kids up for Parent Night Out!
Connect with our amazing CGS PARENT AMBASSADORS!
Thank you to all of our CGS Ambassadors for helping to build great partnerships!
Please help support our Peerleaders by donating to our FOOD DRIVE. Upper school students are eager to show their civic responsibility by working hard to organize this. We appreciate any support you can provide.
Thank you!
7th grade immunization forms
Please see the letter from the Upper School nurse, Jenna Costa. These required medical forms need to be submitted to the Health Office so that students are not excluded from school.
Attendance Matters
Handle with Care
If a student is experiencing any personal difficulty at home, we would like to provide additional support at school. We understand that you are not always able to share details and that is OK. If your child is coming to school after a difficult night, morning or weekend, please email the teacher with the subject “Handle with Care.” Nothing else will need to be said or asked, unless you want to share. This will let the teacher know that your child may need extra time,
patience or care during the day.
School counseling update
Please click to view:
- Parent letter regarding screening information
- Care solace resources ENGLISH SPANISH
- Who is my counselor? LOWER UPPER
Show your CGS Pride!
CGS Spirit Wear!
We are so excited to offer our ONLINE CGS Student Spirit store! Students and STAFF can show their pride for CGS in whatever style they choose! We will continue to have CGS “We are proud WEDNESDAY.” Each Wednesday CGS staff and students are welcomed to show their spirit in blue and white or CGS apparel. Funds raised will help support our positive school culture.