Principal’s Weekly Update
October 25th, 2024

Upcoming Events
October 25th: Downingtown East vs. West Football Game 7 pm Kottmeyer Stadium
October 24th: Lifetouch picture re-takes
November 1st: School Closed for Diwali
November 26th: Parent Teacher Conferences
November 26th & 27th: No School for Students
November 28th & 29th: School/ Offices Closed
Juniors - Start Planning for Your College Search
Your 11th grader may be starting to question their next steps after graduation, and while they will have an individual junior meeting with their School Counselor in the near future, there are several actions they can take on their own to start preparing:
1. Prepare and Take Standardized Tests- Even though many colleges are now “test optional”, they should still prepare and take the SAT or ACT this spring. Students who take their tests in their junior year have time to see their weaknesses and study to improve them. A good score can be used as evidence that your student is college ready, as well as serve as a reason to get merit scholarship money: Free SAT Prep ; Free ACT Prep
2. Consider Possible Majors- Begin to think of possible college majors. Start with personal interests, including any motivating school subjects, like algebra or literature. The idea is not to commit to a career path, but to try and narrow down career possibilities. Career Exploration
3. Research Colleges- Fall is a great time for Juniors to go on some campus tours. Make sure to consider a variety of schools: public, private, large, and small…etc. Tours can also be done virtually. Try You Visit Virtual College Tours for some online college tour fun. Naviance also provides students with the tools to find their best fit, while learning about each institution. In the Colleges tab at the top section, find Find Your Fit and select College SuperMatch. This will open the College SuperMatch tool, which helps students search and filter colleges based on various preferences and criteria.
4. Show Your Academic Strengths-Junior year is the last full year of grades for admissions committees to consider when determining a student’s acceptance. Even the smallest increase in GPA or a consistently strong average can show that a student is ready for college. Keep in mind also that junior year teachers are typically the ones to ask for letters of recommendation! Tips for Studying
5. Starting Thinking About Senior Year- While the Counselors will discuss the courses your student selects for next year during their Junior Meeting, you can still review graduation requirements to be sure that they are on track. Additionally, Graduation Project information can be found on the Graduation Project Information Schoology Course page, access code: GFF8-DQ4J-XBB57. Their upcoming senior year is a good time to take meaningful electives relating to a potential major, and course options can be viewed in the Program of Study
Job Opportunities
Opportunity to work the polls for the November election. Students must be at least 17. Students are REQUIRED to attend training on Monday, October 28th at 5pm at the Government Service Center Building in West Chester for additional hours credit or $50 on paycheck.
Eligibility Requirements:
· Must be at least age 17 or older on Election Day - November 5th, 2024
· Be a United States citizen AND a resident of Chester County
· Be enrolled in a secondary educational institution with exemplary academic record as determined by the educational institution
· Be approved by the Principal or Director of the secondary educational institution (***The form also shows Guidance Counselor in the School Consent Form)
· Have obtained the consent of their parent or guardian
The SIGNED and COMPLETED student interest permission form MUST be received by Chester County Voter Services no later than Tuesday, October 15th.
***Complete details and the Interest Permission form can be found at this link: https://pa-chestercounty2.civicplus.com/DocumentCenter/View/34817/Student-Poll-Workers?bidId=
Book Author Assistant
Local author of children's books needs computer help approximately four hours/week and will pay $20/hour. Please contact Johanna Smith if you are interested at maytell12@gmail.com.
Kumon Math and Reading Center is hiring all grade levels!
Kumon Math and Reading Center in Downingtown is hiring all grade levels for various positions! If you are strong in math and reading skills, and time management, visit the website for more details www.kumon.com/downingtown.
Umami Asian Bistro in Lionville is looking for part-time help!
Umami Asian Bistro in Lionville is looking for part-time help evenings only but weekends are welcome! Must be at least 16 to apply, and the pay is $16/hour! To apply, email resume or contact information to UmamiAsianBistro@gmail.com.
Part- time Job Opportunity! Primo Hoagies Chester Springs
The Primo Hoagies in Chester Springs is hiring a cashier and sandwich dressers for some closing shifts during the week and some weekend shifts. For more information contact Mike 610-321-0499 or visit their website: https://www.primohoagies.com/Chester-Springs-PA?utm_source=yext&utm_medium=directory-listings&utm_campaign=Chester-Springs
Part-time Job Opportunity! Applecross Country Club
needs help for banquet set up/breakdown and available shifts are 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Please contact David McCracken if you are interested at 302-540-1876 or email David.mccracken@applecrosscc.com
Volunteer Opportunity
Vital Touch Wellness is looking for a tech savvy student!
Vital Touch Wellness is looking for a tech savvy student to help with social media posting, video production and editing, and marketing. Must have excellent time management, communication and productivity skills! This could be a grad project, and a great resume builder! Interested students should contact Jen McLamb at vitaltouchmassage@yahoo.com or 484-341-8411.
Downingtown East boys’ basketball Team Needs 1-2 Managers
The boys basketball team needs 1-2 managers for the team to attend road games and practices, work the game book at away games and help manage the clock at practices. This could be a grad project! Please contact Brian Grashof if you are interested at bgrashof@dasd.org.
Volunteers are needed for Home of the Sparrow's annual Power of the Purse Fashion Show!
- Wednesday, October 30th, at the Desmond Hotel. The money raised via this event is vital in preventing women and children in Chester County from experiencing the trauma of homelessness.
- Two shifts are available – 4:30-6:30 p.m. and 4:30-7:30 p.m. Volunteers will be assigned a single role such as selling raffle tickets.
- If interested, please email Geisa Corbitt at gcorbitt@homeofthesparrow.org for details and to sign up.
Volunteers are needed for Valotta Studios Fall Recital weekends
Volunteers are needed for Valotta Studios Fall Recital weekends!! Students will learn what it takes to host a performance, assist in taking performer attendance, take photos during each recital, as well as help with coordination of students & assist the head teacher. Interested students should reach out to Jen Smollinger at jen.valottastudios@gmail.com.
The Lionville YMCA is looking for volunteers!
Youth Sports--Basketball & Soccer Coaches and Assistant Coaches, Scorekeepers, Referee, Snack bar Helpers
Early Childhood Development--Afternoon and Weekend Child watch/Babysitting, Birthday Parties, Community & Family Events
Wellness – Attendants, Strength & Cardio Equipment Upkeep, Member Onboarding, Community Pantry
Contact: Laura Mackiewicz – lmackiewicz@ymcagbw.org
College visits through the Career Center
College visits week of 10/28 include:
- LaSalle University
- University of Maryland
- St. Anselm College
- The University of Pittsburgh
- Stony Brook University
- University of Massachusetts
- Dartmouth College
- Maryland Institute College of Art
- Marist College
- The University of New Hampshire
To sign up for a college visit...
1. Ask teacher permission to miss class
2. Sign up on Naviance to register for the visit
3. Create and E-Pass to the Career Center, Seniors who are in blended learning do not need an E-Pass.
*The weekly visits will also be posted in the College and Career Center Schoology Course.
Build Your Future--Be Your Own Architect!
All parents, guardians, and students in 9th-12th grade are invited to join the DHSE, DHSW, and STEM Academy Counseling Departments for a conservation about post-secondary planning--Build Your Future--Be Your Own Architect! --on Wednesday, November 20th, 2024, at our Downingtown High School East Campus, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Please see the attached flyer for more details! — We hope you will join us!
Please Register using this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf_KznwHlC5PYwIpeU45g4AOsgmjXApKOVDzCZ027ZstG30LQ/viewform
2024-25 AP Exam Payments
PaySchools Central will open Sunday, October 6 and will close Sunday, October 27 for AP Exam payments. Your child’s account will show an AP Exam fee for each AP course they are taking.
You should pay for the exam(s) that your child wants to take in the spring.
Any exams ordered AFTER College Board’s deadline OR exams that are CANCELED/UNUSED will incur a $40 penalty by College Board.
2024-25 AP exam fees:
Exam fee for on-time order
$99 per exam
AP Capstone Exams (AP Seminar or AP Research)
$147 per exam
Late order fee
$40 per exam
Canceled/Unused Exam fee
$40 per exam
**Students are required to take the AP exam to earn AP weighted grading of 1.0 credits. Students enrolled in AP classes, but NOT taking the exam, will earn Honors weighted grading of .5 credits.**
Exam Registration:
AP students must register themselves through their College Board accounts for the online AP Classroom associated with each of their AP classes. Teachers have given students a unique “join code” for each class to do that. AP Classroom is an online platform by College Board that offers many resources to support students in exam preparation. This is also how students register for their exams.
If students do not join their online AP Classroom, an exam cannot be ordered for them.
Students can go to myap.collegeboard.org to join their online AP Classroom. If students are having an issue with their College Board account, they must contact College Board: 888-225-5427.
Note: All AP Exams are DIGITAL this year.
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to reach out to the AP Coordinator, Ms. Hanna at ahanna@dasd.org.
Senior Cap and Gown Information From Herff Jones
Welcome to senior year! Though it may seem like graduation is a long way away, preparation for the big day starts now. As your school’s official graduation provider, we want to make sure that every senior can celebrate their achievements in their own special way. The graduation process starts with these three easy steps!
1.Provide your contact and sizing information by clicking visiting https://scholastic.m.herffjones.com/dcc-form. This information will ensure your gown fits appropriately, and that we can contact you and your family about any critical graduation information throughout the year. Please note providing this information does NOT constitute as placing an order. See below steps for more info on ordering!
2. Check out our digital catalog by visiting https://www.herffjones.com/catalogs/graduationcatalog/. Herff Jones provides a variety of products that are guaranteed to meet your needs for the celebration. (Please note, all Senior clothing in catalog is not available in all areas. Classic T-Shirt and Class Hoodie are available and pictured above).
3. Your school’s official announcements and cap and gown packages can only be purchased by visiting https://highschool.herffjones.com/secom/school/PA/Downingtown%20High%20School%20East/37000580000/4279/buildpackage/1or over the phone (215-942-6807).
4. Physical Order Forms are available inside the main office. You can also order online!
****Order by November 1st to avoid late fees!**
5. It’s not too late to order your OFFICAL CLASS RING! Click here to see our online ring catalog
Below are the Cap and Gown Packages
BASIC PACKAGE (B): $20.55 (includes sales tax)
Includes Cap, Gown, Tassel
Includes items in Basic Package plus:
- 2025 Graduation T-Shirt (Class of 2025 design) Value $21.95
- Memory Tassel- School colors with gold 2025 signet Value $9.95
Includes items in Basic Package plus:
- Class of 2025 Hoodie (Black with “Class of 2025 design) Value $31.95
- Mini Tassel Keychain- School colors with gold 2025 signet Value $9.95
**For ordering assistance, please contact us! Email: Sbgerhart@herffjones.com or via phone 215-942-6807**
Yearbook and Senior Ad Sales
Yearbook and Senior ad purchase center Access code: 4846
Please visit https://prod.yboc.varsity.com/ to place your order
**The Senior ad section of the yearbook is 50% full. If you plan on purchasing a Senior ad please have the purchase completed by 12/6.**
Ad prices: full page $240, half $130, 1/4 $85, 1/8 $60 or when 30 ad pages are full. Having trouble ordering? Call HJ's customer service at 866-287-3096
Downingtown East Theater Presents Lend Me A Tenor
Downingtown East Theater Presents Lend Me a Tenor
November 14-16, 2024, at 7pm
Tickets and Information available at www.DowningtownEastTheatre.com
A Message from the Home and School Association
All Night Grad Party Planning Group
Please join us Sunday 10/27 1pm-4pm in the cafeteria to go through past murals from Post Prom to determine and catalog what resources we have and be able to plan for this Senior Class Event.
Any questions, please contact me, Lauren Crocker, laurencrocker46@gmail.com
HSA Sponsored Event
Studies have shown that taking a practice test is the best way for students to preview what’s ahead and to help inform their decisions about submitting a test score in their college application.
Our friends at Revolution Prep are offering the following practice exams, with all proceeds benefitting the Downingtown East HS Home and School Association:
ACT Practice Exam: Saturday, October 26, 2024 | Noon - 4:00 PM ET* | Live Online | $10
ACT Practice Exam: Sunday, October 27, 2024 | Noon - 4:00 PM ET* | Live Online | $10
SAT Practice Exam: Saturday, November 16, 2024 | 9:00 AM - Noon ET* | Live Online | $10
SAT Practice Exam: Sunday, November 17, 2024 | Noon - 3:00 PM ET* | Live Online | $10
*Please note that these live exams are proctored in standard time only. If you have been approved for an extended time accommodation, go ahead and register for the exam, then use this ACT self-proctoring manual or this SAT suite self-proctoring guide to walk you through the process of using our on-demand video proctor with extended time.
Step 1: Register here at www.revolutionprep.com/partners/84654
Step 2: Schedule a free 30-minute score report review with a Revolution Prep testing expert to help you interpret the results and develop a customized plan to prepare. Please schedule this appointment for the few days after the exam. You can pre-schedule this Score Report Review here at https://www.revolutionprep.com/diane-fein
Step 3: Attend the mock exam and get your results immediately with Revolution Prep’s mobile scoring app!
Questions? If you have questions or want to learn more about Revolution Prep, you can reach out to Diane Fein at (484) 845-5556 or by email at diane.fein@revolutionprep.com.
All Night Senior Party aka Post Prom
- If you have a certain skill set that may be helpful we would love to have your input and assistance!
- Please sign up if you are interested in helping with future planning of this event!
Varsity Games- Go Cougars!
- 10/25: Cross Country at Districts 9:30 am
- 10/25: Football vs. West 7:00 pm
- 10/25: Cheerleading vs. West 7:00 pm
- 10/29: Volleyball District Playoffs/ Playbacks TBD
- 11/1: Girls Tennis States 12:00 pm
- 11/1: Football District Playoffs 7:00 pm
- 11/1: Cheerleading District Playoffs 7:00 pm
- 11/2: Girls Tennis States
- 11/2: Cross Country States at Hershey 9:30 am
Cheer on the Downingtown East Ice Hockey Team!
The Downingtown East Ice Hockey Team would like to invite you to watch their games!
Come out and show your support to our team!
- Monday 10/28: DE vs. Boyertown- Ice Line- Rink 1- 8:00PM
- Thursday 11/7: DE vs. WCEast- Ice Line- AAA Arena- 4:30 PM
- Friday 11/8: DE vs. CB South- Ice Line- AAA Arena- 7:50 PM
- Monday 11/11: DE vs. Harriton- Ice Line- Rink 1- 9:40 PM
- Monday 11/18: DE vs. WC Henderson- Ice Line- Rink 1- 9:40 PM
- Friday 11/22: DE vs. Lower Merion- AAA Arena- 7:50 PM
- Monday 11/25: DE vs. Kennett- Ice Line- Rink Rink 1- 9:50 PM
- Wednesday 11/27: DE vs. DW- Ice Line- AAA Arena- 6:45 PM
- Friday 12/6: DE vs. Avon Grove- Patriot Ice- 6:15 pm
Sip and Support the Class of 2025!
When: Tuesday October 29th 6 am to 6 pm
Where: Twin Valley Coffee Eagleview Town Center 569 Wellington Square Exton PA 19341
- Present the flyer or mention the class of 2025 and 25% of your purchase will go to the fundraiser!
- Includes everything on the menu! * Gift cards do not apply
Junior Class Charleston Wrap Fundraiser
Shop with us! Chocolate, wrapping paper, holiday gift guide, baking, cooking and so much more!
- Items will be delivered directly to your home
- Portion of the sales benefit the class of 2026
- Scan the QR code in the flyer or shop online using this link: https://shopcharlestonwrap.com/?student1ID=2428703W947J8&student1FNM=Organization&student1LNM=Credit%20Only&progid=&inviteID=&channelID=gateway&school1NM=Downingtown%20East%20High%20School&school1STC=&school1STS=&school1STSE=2024_11_08#/cw_token=2024FSdVK3iZ3hRygKHG09s9h9/
Marchwood Tavern BINGO Nights to support the Downingtown East Boys Basketball Team!
What: Bingo at Marchwood Tavern
When: Tuesday October 29th
Time: 7-9 pm
Address: 3 Marchwood Road Exton Pa 19341
If you would like to reserve a table ahead of time please call 610-363-7300
Don't forget to mention that you are there to support the team!
Downingtown East Cheerleaders are Going Pink for a Cure!
Through the month of October, the cheerleaders are Going Pink for a Cure and will be raising money for the Susan G. Komen Foundation. For each donation we will add a pink ribbon to our “Rope For Hope” that will be displayed at all home football games this month! Donations can be made via the following link: http://www.info-komen.org/goto/DEAST_CHEER24 or by scanning the QR code on the flyer.
Thank you for helping us reach our goal!
Other Events
East Girls Basketball Day
When: December 6th 7:00 pm
Where: Downingtown East Boyer Gym
Admission: Students are free with a canned good donation and adult tickets will be sold online.
*For more information please contact Coach Domsohn- ddomsohn@dasd.org
The Chester County Turkey Trot
Join the Downingtown community Thanksgiving morning for the Chester County Turkey Trot!
- When: November 28th
- Where: Downingtown West High School
- Bring the whole family!
- 5k Gold and Blue races, 2k Walk, and a kids fun run!
- Register online at https://runsignup.com/ccturkeytrot or by scanning the QR code in the Turkey Trot flyer.
Administration and Other Staff Contact List
Counselors Contact Information
Ms. Kristina Cole: 9th - 11th Grade Students: A to Col
12th Grade Students: A-Cov; krcole@dasd.org- Ext. 41041
Ms. Stephanie Chupela: 9th - 11th Grade Students: Con- Gan
12th Grade Students: Cox-Gl; schupela@dasd.org- Ext.41040
Ms. Katherine Dill: 9th - 11th Grade Students: Gar- Ke
12th Grade Students: Go- Ke; kdill@dasd.org- Ext. 41042
Ms. Angela Hanna: 9th - 11th Grade Students: Ki- McD
12th Grade Students: Ki- Mar; ahanna@dasd.org- Ext.41043
Mr. Michael Matta: 9th - 11th Grade Students: McE- Ras
12th Grade Students: Mas-Pl; mmatta@dasd.org- Ext. 41045
Ms. Caroline (Gregory) Hallam : 9th - 11th Grade Students: Rat- Sta
12th Grade Students: Po-So; cgregory@dasd.org- Ext. 41046
Mr. William Davis: 9th: 11th Grade Students: Ste- Z
12th Grade Students: Sp-Z; wdavis@dasd.org- Ext. 41044
Prevention Specialist
Athletic Director: Corey Sigle – csigle@dasd.org
Associate Athletic Director: Michael Semar- msemar@dasd.org
Assistant Athletic Director: Renee Harty – rharty@dasd.org
Administration Contact Information
Paul E. Hurley III, Principal – phurley@dasd.org
Assistant Principal: Lakesha Costello: 9th grade and 10th grade: A thru Ha – lcostello@dasd.org
Assistant Principal: Eric McComsey: 11th grade and 10th grade: P thru Z – emccomsey@dasd.org
Assistant Principal: (Frances) Jill Whalen: 12th grade and 10th grade: He thru O– fwhalen@dasd.org