Irvington Weekly Newsletter
October 18, 2024
Career Day Planning!
It's time to start recruiting for our second annual Career Day! Last year's event was so much fun, and we'd love to make this a tradition. But we need YOU! If your friend, spouse, neighbor has a cool job and is available the morning of Friday, March 14, please email Ms Blum at cblum@pps.net OR fill share/complete this Interest Form by October 30. We'd love to have as many different fields and types of jobs as possible. Here is a letter with more details that you can pass along. Thank you!!
Garden Classes Are Underway
Now that we're in our second month of our garden education program, check out our garden newsletter, completed by our garden educator Abby Shrader.
School on October 31
As in years past, this October 31 will be a normal day at school. In order to be a welcoming environment for all students, we do not celebrate Halloween at Irvington. For that reason, please do not send your child to school in a costume or with candy on that day. Thank you for your understanding!
PTA Meeting on Monday
The second PTA general meeting of the year is this Monday, October 21, 5:30-7:30pm. This meeting will feature special guests Mr. Greer and Rachel Oh, the principal and PTA president, respectively, of Harriet Tubman Middle School. We’ll also hear a new proposal for sound panels in the cafeteria, an amendment to our 2024/25 field trip budget, and host an engagement session on our Mission, Vision and Values. Everyone is welcome!
Free dinner and childcare are provided. Dinner (for both children and adults) runs from 5:30-6:00pm, with the meeting beginning at 6pm in the school library. Childcare runs the whole time, so feel free to bring your kiddos. Enter the building through the front doors of the school. Either ring the buzzer or text the phone number taped to the front door to be let in. See you there!
OBOB Sign-Ups Now Open
Is your child interested in participating in Oregon Battle of The Books? All 3rd-5th grade students are eligible to participate in this Jeopardy-style trivia competition where students read from the list of 16 amazing titles. Learn all about it here! Sign ups are open now through November 1st. Sign up here! Questions? Contact our volunteer coordinator at kevin.gauthier@gmail.com.
Pastini Restaurant Fundraiser Night
Join us Thursday, October 24, for a Pastini restaurant night fundraiser! Dine in or take out from the 1426 NE Broadway location between 11:00am and 8:30pm, mention Irvington School, and 40% of participating sales will be donated to our school. Check out the menu and order here or call (503) 288-4300. Let the staff know you’re a fundraiser participant when you pick up your food if you order take out. Using 3rd party delivery apps won’t count towards this fundraiser.
Movie Night Next Friday
The first movie night of the year is next Friday, October 25! This is a free community event hosted by the PTA, and this time we’ll be showing Inside Out 2. See all the details below:
Where: School cafeteria
When: Friday, October 25. Doors open and disco party at 6:15pm, movie begins at 6:30pm. Use the cafeteria doors behind the school for entry/exit.
Who: Irvington students and their families. Children MUST be accompanied by an adult.
Food and Drink: Free popcorn provided! Please bring your own water bottles filled with water only. Picnic dinners are okay, too. Thank you in advance for cleaning up after yourselves.
Seating: Bring a blanket or camp chair to sit on. Cafeteria tables are also available.
Disco: Enjoy some fun lights, music and dancing before the show and during a short intermission.
Upcoming Events
Monday, October 21: PTA meeting, 5:30-7:30pm
Wednesday, October 23: Early release day; students dismiss at 11:50am
Thursday, October 24: Pastini restaurant night, 11am-8:30pm
Friday, October 25: Spirit day (pajamas)
Friday, October 25: Movie night, 6:15pm
Monday, October 28: Neurodiversity caregivers coffe chat, 8am in room 109
Friday, November 1: No school (grading day for teachers)
Friday, November 1: OBOB sign-ups close
See it all at a glance here: https://www.irvingtonschool.com/