Welcome to Arbonne!
We are thrilled to have you on our team!
Let's Get Started!
Congratulations on starting your Arbonne business!! You couldn't have joined our amazing company or our incredible team at a better time!
Now that you have decided to become an entrepreneur, launch your very own business, and build a life by design, I bet you're wondering, "what's next?"
Getting Started - Training Simplified
The Strategy to a STRONG Start!!
Super Important: Read (or listen to by audible) Get Over Your Damn Self by Romi Neustadt.
Your second book/Audible will be Go Pro by Eric Worre.
As a new entrepreneur we must begin thinking different than an employee minded person and reading is a big part of growing personally and leading others. These are two great books to start with. Once you finish these, ask your upline for the next suggested books. We also have a weekly book club that meets every Thursday morning at 6:30am. You're invited!
Download and print the Arbonne 1-2-3 Document.(see below)
Place your start order so you have your business tools. This is for product to demo, product to gift the first 4 people who host for you, Scrub/lotion for the sink, business cards, samples, catalogs, etc. Your demo table should have 1 RE9 Advanced skin care set with genius pads (your free item) + 30 Days to Healthy Living Set + start building your make up kit. You will need a Rescue & Renew Detox scrub and lotion for the sink too! See flyer on the source for most up to date pricing or see below. At sign up Arbonne offers a share box of catalogs, samplers, shaker cup etc - its $49 and a great start to begin with. Check it out.
Share Arbonne Pack: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Vf8a3OYIoCc4XvVx0DuvxqhEpbVeTWuW
Special Pricing for Sets & Packs: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1zEV_14tk8i8WJtm1zAfV6bEYIcQZn7Qg
Personal order: Start building authentic testimonials so you can share about what you like and how it works for you. It is HIGHLY recommended that you begin the next 30 days to healthy living program and try and find 8 friends to do it with you too! Everyone gets a 45 day money back guarantee. Nothing to lose!
Book your calendar with 4 business launch demos immediately. Don't wait or push off. This allows you to introduce your friends to your new business and to the products. For the best start, we recommend all 4 are scheduled in the same week. This gives you a better ratio of people able to attend. If they cannot make one of the 4 dates ask if they will host for you with 4-6 of their friends. Get comfortable talking about your business and your products with verbiage that works for you using what we call the Funnel Method.
Your Monthly Goal Sheet involves getting in front of 40 new faces each month sharing the whole Arbonne story (Your Why, The products, The business model ) To narrow down how to tackle this each month we print and use the Help 8, Find 2 sheet. Link: file:///C:/Users/Tiffany/Google%20Drive/Team%20Resources%20Folder%20(SMORES)/Help%208%20Find%202.pdf
Schedule a 20 minute coaching call with your sponsor and your upline VP within 2 days of saying yes to this business. On this call we will go over all of this information nut get started on it right away before the call.
Write out Your Why & 100 person list = YOUR ACTION PLAN WORKSHEET!
Why are you starting your business? People feel good about supporting someone's WHY not a hobby.
Your Why is sharing your existing pain that this Arbonne vehicle will eventually alleviate you from. It typically has to do with time or money (or both). For example, I began this business to earn $1500 extra a month to cushion the end of the month because we lived paycheck to paycheck. I felt like we didn't have enough quality time together as a family and I wanted more quality of life and to get ahead financially by paying dept off and having enough for emergencies, travel or giving back. Sharing you WHY will help others connect the dots of how this business model can be a life changer for health, wealth and time for them through you and your story. We will go over this on your 20 minute coaching call.
Create a contact list of 100 people you know and let them know you’re in business. Think you don’t know 100 people who would be interested in Arbonne? Well, if you don't ask them, how would you know? Don't judge — anyone you know might be interested in either the products or the opportunity, just like you are! You can write or type this list.
Talk to your Top 10+people about the business and get them on the phone/or zoom with your sponsor and upline right away. From that list of people - who are the ACES in your life? Star these people and invite them to take a peek at Arbonne. See chart below. See what happens when you find four and they do they same as you (duplicate what we do) and begin to find their four, and so on!
Important Start Up Documents to View and Download
To view these files:
Plug into the Team
Plug in often to stay inspired and up to date!
- Your team private FB Group - Your sponsor will invite you to this. Be active on it!
- Your team private FB healthy living page - Your sponsor will invite you to this to add clients to. This group program runs every 1st, 2nd, 3rd Monday monthly. We also have a flyer that breaks the program down in a newsletter if you have clients who want to do it on their own or at a different time.
- Team Zoom - 1st Mondays at 6pm Pacific Time - Use Zoom ID 9162481060
- 2nd Monday at Noon PST - Top Leader Series Use zoom ID 9162481060
- Monthly Meeting - Your sponsor will share this info with you.
- Book Club meets every Thursday at 6:30am PST
- Register for car presentations and training's including GTC (Global Training Conference in Vegas, IMPACT Training Tour in your area!
We earn while we learn the ropes to District Manager (DM). Your first goal is the level of DM where you will receive a pay increase of 8% (when have you ever been able to give yourself a raise right?!) You will also qualify to earn a bonus of $200 each month. Reaching DM should not take more than a couple of months. Levels are volume based and will be obtained by a combination of
- your own purchases
- your Preferred Clients' purchases
- your Consultants (or Business Builders') purchases.
The easiest way to get to District Manager is to reach $6000 in one month
OR $6000 over two months (example: 3000 + 3000 = 6000)
Break that big number down into QV (Qualifying Volume) of ASVP packages sold. How many ASVPs do I need to sell for:
$3000+ QV = sell 10 Healthy Living sets (317 QV x10) or 9 RE9 sets (266 QV x 11)
$6000 QV = sell 19 healthy Living Sets (317x19) or 23 RE9 sets (2669x23)
When we break down the big number into how many people to get in front of what we teach.... the 40 faces each month - having 6-8 presentations, with 4+ at each - and 10 or more purchasing ASVP sets - yours odds look GREAT! Its a numbers game and the person who gets in front of new people every month is who soars!
You can also see reaching the $6000+ promotion goal especially if you begin with a teammate because their volume counts towards your volume. So if you sell 10 and your new teammate sells 10 - you're there! Imagine if you began with 2 or 3 new business partners, too! Your sponsor will help you with your new teammates.
Helpful Apps and Resources
The following mobile apps are very helpful for running your business:
- Arbonne Office - Manage your Arbonne "My Office" account
- Shop Arbonne - Shop and order Arbonne Products
- Arbonne Order Calculation - Makes calculating orders at shows/on the go much faster and easier!
- Voxer - This is a messaging/ "walkie-talkie" app for communicating with your team
- Zoom.us - This is used for video conferencing & team calls
- Photofy - Create social media posts/text-able images with Arbonne Templates.
- Facebook Pages Manager App - More easily manage your personal business FB page and any other pages you have
- Facebook Groups App - More easily manage any FB groups you are a part of.
More Resources from Arbonne International, Corporate
- The Source - Login to your arbonne site and click The Source to find documents, trainings, digital marketing tools, social media marketing tools and more!
- You Tube - www.youtube.com/arbonne
- Soundcloud - www.soundcloud.com
- Facebook - www.facebook.com/arbonne
- Facebook - Arbonne Independent Cons. Connection https://www.facebook.com/ArbonneICC/
- Twitter - twitter.com/arbonne
- Pinterest - www.pinterest.com/arbonne/
- Google + - plus.google.com/u/0/+arbonne
So now we have tell people and ASK!!!
Want Tips on Booking your calendar?
After getting dates booked with someone hosting for you....
Finally....share this Opportunity like the GIFT it is!
You're on your way!
- Call 1-800-ARBONNE
- Go to www.arbonne.com with your log in and check “The Source”.
- Contact the person who sponsored you or anyone in your upline.
- Use the search bar on the Team Facebook page (This is where we do nearly ALL of our communication so keep a close eye on the page.)
How BIG is your vision? Use this vehicle to make that vision a reality.