Springton Lake Middle School
Every Student. Every Day. No Matter What.
Springton Lake Middle School
Email: RSalladino@rtmsd.org
Website: https://www.rtmsd.org/Domain/12
Location: 1900 North Providence Road, Media, PA, USA
Phone: (610) 627-6500
Twitter: @SpringtonLakeMS
SEPTEMBER 22, 2023
Our annual Club & Activity Fair was held this morning. All students had a chance to attend the event to learn more about our offerings. We are appreciative of the club advisors and previous student participants for their work to make the fair a success. A special thank you to Dr. Layton for organizing the Club & Activity Fair. Now that students have had a chance to see what is available, they will be able to complete the online sign-up form via Schoology.
Learn more HERE about everything that is available!
Lifetouch Studio photographers will be at The Lake on Thursday, September 28th to photograph ALL students. The photographs are utilized for student ID cards, school records, and for inclusion in our annual yearbook. Pictures will be taken in the auditorium during your child’s science class. Families may also opt to purchase additional photo packages. Order forms have been distributed in homeroom. Orders may also be placed online at mylifetouch.com. Our Picture Day ID is EVTQT6HWH. Checks should be made payable to Lifetouch or if paying with cash, please include the EXACT amount including 6% sales tax. Photographers will not have cash to give change.
The 6th grade intramural program will be offering several activities to choose from this fall. Intramural offerings will include flag football, basketball, & running. The programs will meet once per week for four weeks in October from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM. Students may take the late bus or arrange for a ride home. Students have three programs from which to select:
Tuesdays - Flag Football
Wednesdays - Basketball
Thursdays - Running
Each session will have a limited number of students. Please make sure to select which intramural you would like to attend. In order to accommodate as many students as possible, students may only choose ONE session. Our ability to run fall intramural activities is heavily dependent on weather conditions and field space. If weather is an issue, the intramural may need to be canceled and will not be made up. Registration will close on Tuesday, September 26th.
An important part of being a student-athlete is prioritizing academic success. Students must maintain satisfactory academic progress in order to be eligible to participate on our sports teams. A weekly grade report will be run to determine students who may be ineligible to practice and/or participate in games. The chart below outlines the weekly eligibility notification process. The timeline that we are using is revised for the 2023-2024 school year. Please take a moment to review this information.
Please contact the athletic directors with any further questions about our program:
Have your made your donation this year to our PTG? Your support is greatly appreciated!
The Springton Lake Middle School Parent Teacher Group (PTG) is a volunteer organization open to all parents and guardians and teachers who work together to provide educational enrichment, a sense of community, and school support in the spirit of cooperation and fun.
The PTG asks that each family consider making a donation to support the group's work during the year. The average donation is $10, but larger donations are also greatly appreciated. Donations (cash or check payable to SLMS PTG) may be sent to the Main Office using the envelope provided in the back-to-school mailing or families may donate online via PayPal.
SIGN-UP HERE to receive e-mail updates from the PTG.
The PTG will meet from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM in the Library on the following dates: 10/17, 11/14, 01/16, 03/12, & 05/21. Everyone is invited to attend.
For more information about the PTG, please contact:
President: Celine Noyes
Vice President: Robin Hedley
If you received an email from me this week that indicated ACTION REQUIRED, this means that you have not completed this process. Please read below AND follow the instructions contained in the email.
If you have not yet updated the emergency information for your child, a member of our office staff will be reaching out to you. This annual process is completed electronically by parents. In addition to updating the emergency information for the school nurse, parents also acknowledge receipt of the Student Handbook and the Chromebook Loan Agreement. Parents received multiple electronic notifications in August to complete this process in Home Access Center (HAC). If you did not complete this process, please access HAC and click on the enrollment tab. If you require assistance, please contact a staff member in the Main Office.
Breakfast is available at NO COST to ALL STUDENTS for the 2023-2024 school year. Students may select breakfast at the cart in the main lobby each morning upon their arrival to the building. We are thrilled that so many of our students are taking advantage of this wonderful opportunity.
Need to add funds to your child's lunch account? MySchoolBucks.
Curious about the specific purchases that your child makes? Here's how to view that information.
Want to know what's for lunch? Take a look at the menu!
Arrival and dismissal have been going very well the last two weeks. Thank you for making sure that students are arriving on time each morning. As a reminder, ALL drop-offs and pick-ups must occur curbside in the lane in front of the building. Students should not be dropped off in the front or side parking lots. Also, please be sure to pull as far forward as possible. This will allow many cars to unload at once and will keep traffic flowing efficiently.
We are excited to welcome your involvement and participation in our school as a chaperone for our school trips or as a volunteer for various events and activities. If you anticipate wanting to chaperone or volunteer, please keep in mind that you are required to have valid clearances on file with the Rose Tree Media School District. More information on this process can be found in the Parent Portal.
6th Grade Parents
Please send in documentation of a 6th grade physical if you have not done so already. The physical must be dated September 2022 or later.
7th Grade Parents
Please send in documentation of a 7th grade dental examination if you have not done so already. The examination must be dated September 2022 or later.
Forms can be handed in to the nurse, emailed to khartner@rtmsd.org, or faxed to 610-627-6531.
State mandated health screenings are in progress. All students will have their height, weight, and vision screened. In addition, students in the 7th grade will have scoliosis and hearing screened. Please contact the school nurse with any questions.
Be sure to give us a follow on X/Twitter - @SpringtonLakeMS. This is the ONLY official social media channel for our school. In addition to receiving timely updates about our school, we always share photos of the cool things that happen in our school each day! Many of our teachers are also on X/Twitter and you will want to give them a follow, too!