Northrop Newsletter
August 2024 - #2
Class Assignments
All families who have completed Final Forms by August 9th will receive a welcome email from your student's teacher. Emails will be sent on Wednesday, August 14th prior to 4pm. Please do not call the office prior to August 15th if you did not receive an email. If you need help completing Final Forms, please call the office (330) 636-4600.
Northrop Meet the Teacher Information
Come to Northrop on Thursday, August 15th to drop off school supplies, meet your teacher, and see your friends! Students last name A-L come from 6-6:45; Students last name M-Z come 6:45-7:30.
Nurse Michelle will be in the office for medication drop off from 6-7:30.
PTO will have an ice cream truck in the front parking lot if you'd like to purchase a sweet treat that night! They will also be revealing our new playground painting at 5:30pm and all are welcome to join!
Students who ordered a school supply kit through PTO will have their kits in their classrooms for them on Meet the Teacher night.
Kindergarten Staggered Start
Kindergarten families: please note that Kindergarten students are on a staggered start schedule for the first week of school.
Last name A-L only - attend 8/19 & 8/20
Last name M-Z only - attend 8/21 & 8/22
All Kindergarten students attend 8/23 and every day after! Please call the office if you have any questions!
Arrival and Dismissal - IMPORTANT
Please take a few minutes to read this carefully. Following these procedures ensures a safe arrival and dismissal for all of our students!
Student Fees
Student fees can now be paid via the link below. Logins have not changed, but you'll need to add your student(s) and will need their 6 digit district ID number, which is located on Final Forms.
Upcoming Dates
8/15 - Meet Your Teacher Night
8/19 - 1st day for students in 1st-5th grade and Kindergarten students last name A-L
8/21 - 1st day for Kindergarten students last name M-Z
8/23 - ALL Kindergarten students attend
9/2 - No School - Labor Day
9/13 - Community Spirit Night; Kindergarten students walk the track; see flyer below
9/18 - Northrop PTO Dine to Donate at Culver's 4-8pm
9/25 - Picture Day (more info to come later in September)
9/27 - No School for elementary students
PBIS and the 3Rs
Medina City Schools has worked to implement consistent expectations across all buildings. The 3Rs (Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Ready) help each building to develop clearly defined expectations that are consistent across all classrooms and settings in the building. More information will be shared about this in the future, but we wanted to make sure you're aware of our building expectations.