Sanford Family Newsletter

From the Principal
August 16, 2024
Welcome to the Weekly Sanford Newsletter!
As you start preparing for back to school, please have conversations with your student(s) regarding no personal technology at school. We understand that personal devices have become an integral part of our daily lives but they also pose distractions and disrupt the learning environment. Research tells us that minimizing the use of personal electronic devices at school creates a more focused, safe and engaging learning environment. We acknowledge that it will be a difficult transition for some students to no personal technology starting at beginning of the school day 8:40am to the end of the school day at 3:20pm. Ideally, cell phones or other electronic devices including smart watches, and earbuds/air pods should be left at home or turned off and put away. Personal devices are never allowed in bathrooms and locker rooms. Here are some important reminders of our practice here at Sanford:
If caregivers need to reach their student during the school day, please call the main office. We will ensure students receive messages in a timely manner. For all other non-emergency messages, students may check their phones after school as they leave the building.
Sanford has had this practice and it has worked to create a positive learning environment. It is in support of Minneapolis Public Schools School Board Policy 5210.
If a student has a medical health plan, IEP or 504 that requires a personal device, please reach out to our nurse or case manager to make an accommodation.
Students who desire to filter noise, for spaces like the lunchroom, may want to consider personal earplugs that still allow them to participate fully in instruction(my kids have loops- no affiliation or requirement just a suggestion of what works for my family) .
- Staff will talk with the student and the device will be brought to the security office until the end of the school day.
- Staff will talk with the student and the device will be brought to the security office until the end of the school day. Student and a staff member will call home together.
- Staff will talk with the student and the device will be brought to the security office until the end of the school day. Parent/Caregiver will have to pick up the device and discuss the students' personal technology use during instructional time. A personal plan will be created in partnership between school and caregiver.
We kindly request your support and partnership in reinforcing this policy at home and discussing the benefits with your student. We look forward to a productive and enriching academic year ahead and firmly believe that no personal technology bell to bell will contribute to the overall growth and success of our students.
Back to School Open House
Students and their families are invited to our Back to School Open House on Wednesday August 28, 2024 from 4:00-7:00pm. You can arrive when it works best for your family. Students will be able to get a print-out of their class schedule and meet their teachers. Lockers will not be assigned until the first day of school. We look forward to seeing you soon!
School bus information and schedule will be mailed to eligible families before the first day of school. You will receive the bus number, pick-up location and drop-off location and time.
Eligible students need to be present at the bus stop 5 minutes before their scheduled time. Caregivers can track your students' bus with this information: https://www.mpschools.org/departments/transportation/here-comes-the-bus .
Eligible Middle School students can opt out of yellow bus transportation and opt into a Metro Transportation Go-To Card here: https://www.mpschools.org/departments/transportation/go-to-cards .
Educational Benefits
Every Family, Every Year
ALL families with children enrolled in Minneapolis Public Schools should complete an Application for Educational Benefits each year. This used to be called the “Free and Reduced-price Lunch” form. Click here to complete this information: https://www.mpschools.org/departments/cws/application-for-educational-benefits
Sanford PTA (Parent-Teacher-Association)
Please Join Sanford's PTA for our next monthly meeting Wednesday August 21st.
The meeting will be from 600 pm to 730 pm at Roosevelt Library, 4026 S 28th Ave S Minneapolis.
The PTA is working to be prepared to support Sanford kids, families and staff for the coming school year.
If you have any questions please send us an email sanfordmspta@gmail.com
Thank You and hope to see you on the 21st
Dave Dawson
Sanford Middle School
FacebookOur mission is to make every child's potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.
Established 2023
Student Chromebooks
- Important information regarding student devices: the MPS IT Department will be delivering new devices to school sites for students in pre-K and grades 3, 6 and 9. Students in other grades will continue using the devices they were issued last year.
- Students should have taken their devices home with them over the summer and should bring them back for use in the new year. If your school collected student devices instead, they will reissue a device to the student for the 24/25 school year.
- If a student's device was lost, broken or stolen over the summer, the school will enter a ticket to have the device replaced. Broken devices need to be brought to the school.
New School Instagram Account!
We are pleased to announce that Sanford now has an official school instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/sanford.middle.school?igsh=ajBndGV5dXh5emFo&utm_source=qr
Follow us to learn more about what is happening at Sanford!
From the Athletics Director
Welcome to Sanford Middle School, home of the Hawks! We can't wait to guide you in your athletic aspirations and cheer you on.
Fall Sports: Soccer
Registration Window - July 3rd through October 6th
Sports Physicals: Practicing with a team requires a physical exam. If a physical for the current year is not on file, please connect with your family physician, or make an appointment at the School Based Clinic at Roosevelt.
School Supply List
Upcoming Important Dates
August 28, 2024: Fall Open House 4:00-7:00pm
September 3, 2024: First Day of School for ALL Students
September 19, 2024: Curriculum Night
September 27, 2024: Picture Day (Retake day is November 4)
Contact Us
Ms. Naida Grussing-Neitzel, Principal: naida.grussing-neitzel@mpls.k12.mn.us
Dr. Bjorn Lundgren, Assistant Principal, bjorn.lundgren@mpls.k12.mn.us
Sanford Middle School
3524 42nd Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55406
Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Student School Hours: 8:40 a.m. - 3:20 p.m.
Main Office Phone: 612-668-4900