From the Principal's Desk
Volume 1, Issue 1
Welcome to School Year 2020-2021
Welcome to the 2020-21 school year! I am excited to begin another school year with you! I know that the format of teaching and learning will look different from what we are used to, but I want to assure you that we are committed to providing students with a rigorous learning experience. The expectation for academic excellence and achievement remain the same. Students are expected to fully engage and participate in virtual learning experiences designed and implemented by their teachers.
The mission of Cora L. Rice Elementary School is to develop self-motivated, disciplined and focused learners who have the skills to be successful and productive citizens in a diverse global society. In order to continue to actualize our school mission we are committed to providing a school environment where all students are socially, emotionally, and physically safe while receiving content area instruction that is rigorous, engaging, and acknowledges their unique gifts and talents.
I would like to thank you all for your ongoing support. Please continue to stay involved. Feel free to reach out to me via telephone or email if you have questions or need assistance.
I look forward to another amazing school year!
Principal Mickelli Dunn, Ed.D
Getting Ready for Distance Learning
CLRES Family, we all must practice patience and flexibility during this time as we work together to make the best learning experience for our scholars. There are many questions and concerns that we all have and I am committed to transparency and providing you with relevant and timely information.
Distribution Days
There will be designated days for the distribution of instructional materials and Chromebooks. Students who previously received chromebooks, should continue to use them. Students who are in need of a device will have one assigned to them.
Save the date:
August 24th - 4th and 5th grades students
August 25th - 2nd and 3rd grade students
August 26th - PreK - 1st grade
*Families with students across grade bands (3rd grader and 5th grader) can pickup materials on the same day, you do not have to make two trips to the school.
School Hours (virtually)
Scholars will participate in a full day of school, from 7:45am - 2:20pm. Detailed schedule will be shared on August 28th.
Teachers will take attendance at the beginning of each day in SchoolMax. Attendance will be reviewed again after lunch to ensure students return virtually and are accounted for. In the event a student does not return for the afternoon, the student will be recorded as attending school for a ½ day and contact will be made with the home to ensure the student is safe.
Students are expected to be in attendance for class daily and present for each session.
The attendance policy, AP5113, will be followed during distance/virtual learning.
Breakfast and Lunch
All scholars can receive a free breakfast and lunch daily (pick up during distance learning is on Mondays and Thursdays only, pick-up time TBD). NOTE: Scholars will need to provide their pin number in order to receive meals. If you do not know the pin number, please click here to request the pin number be emailed to you.
Cora L. Rice ES has been selected as a Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) School.
All students will eat free and households do not have to complete meal benefit applications for students enrolled in Cora Rice.
● Breakfast and lunch offered
● Meals will be pre-packaged and distributed two days per week
● Monday – meals for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
● Thursday – meals for Thursday and Friday
● Students will need to provide Name, PIN#, and the school enrolled in if they pick up a meal from a school they do not regularly attend.
● Food Nutrition Services will use school rosters to verify and record students who receive a meal
Stay Connected!
- School Website
- ClassDojo
- RoboCalls and Email
Please make sure your information is up to date in SchoolMax. If not you will miss our calls and our emails. Link to SchoolMax Family Portal
Mark Your Calendars
Instructional Materials and Technology Distribution
August 25th - 2nd and 3rd Graders only
August 26th - PreK - 1st Graders
Mock Day/Sneak a Peek
August 28th
- PreK - 2nd @ 9:00 - 10:30
- 3rd - 5th @ 11:00 - 12:30
First day of School - August 31st
Back to School Night - September 10 @ 6:00 pm
About Us
Location: 950 Nalley Road, Hyattsville, MD, USA
Phone: 301-636-6340
Twitter: @CoraLRiceES1