The Weekly Update #4
September 30th, 2024

We just finished our beginning of year testing. It sure takes a lot of time to test over 700 students! We are lucky to have so many incredible technicians and support staff at our school. Many of our classes are beginning Unit 2 of our new adopted Language Arts Program (CKLA, Core Knowledge, Language Arts). Your students are learning about so many non-fiction titles. This exposure to history, science, geography, ancient civilizations, and many other units of study is increasing vocabulary and comprehension, as well as supporting students with strong skill based reading skills. All grades are implementing this new curriculum. We have some amazing rockstar teachers! Walking through the halls, it is fascinating to hear the many things we are learning. It's a great time to be a Cougar at Orchard Hills Elementary
October, 2024
WELLNESS SURVEYS: 3-5th grade wellness surveys will be given to students on October 4th. Parents had the opportunity to opt out of these during registration. Those requests have been recorded. If you still want to opt out, please email penny.mcentire@nebo.edu before Thursday, October 3rd.
PARENT/STUDENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES: Please watch for information from your child's teacher regarding Parent Conferences. Our conferences will be on October 9th and 10th. There are a couple of teachers who have conflicts with college classes they are taking, they will send an alternate time out to you.
BOOK FAIR: Our Scholastic Book Fair will ONLY be open on October 9th and 10th during conferences. We have moved the Book Fair to the gym! Please come and browse and buy some books! Thanks to the PTA for sponsoring this!
REFLECTIONS CONTEST: Reflections contest entries are due October 9th. The theme is "Accepting Imperfection." Click on this link for the flyer and more information.
ORCHARD HILLS DANCE FESTIVAL: Come and enjoy our annual Dance Festival. For those new to our school, these things may support you.
October 16th, 2024 - 1:45-3:10 p.m.
- Parents and family are invited to come and watch as each grade level performs a dance.
- Parents are invited to bring blankets and camp chairs as they sit on our grassy area by the swings, facing the building. We will begin our performance at 1:45 p.m. Our lunch recess goes until 12:45 - please don't arrive prior to this time to save seats.
- We will begin with our Cougar Choir preforming two songs, and then a special number of "Drums Alive."
- Following the pre-show, our very own students will dazzle you with smiles, laughter, and dedication. Our incredible teachers will amaze you!
- Following the performance, ALL STUDENTS will return to their classrooms. If you are checking a student out early, all teachers will have a checkout paper in their classroom that you MUST sign. No students will be excused unless it is signed.
- Of course, not all students will be checked out, so we will resume our regular bus and dismissal policies.
FALL BREAK: October 17, 18, 20 (No School)
Tuesday, October 21: Sleeping Beauties (wear pajamas)
Wednesday, October 22: Wear beach/tropical colors
Thursday, October 23: Monster University - wear college gear
Friday, October 24: You are the star of your future: Wear school shirt
HALLOWEEN - October 31, 2024 (PARADE BEGINS AT 2:45 P.M.)
We are excited to Welcome our pirates, ninjas, princesses, Draculas, and every other surprise to our school!
Let's keep it safe and fun by following these procedures:
1. Masks are NOT allowed in the classrooms and in the halls. However, during our parade, they are fine!
2. No WEAPONS of any kind will be permitted....even if they are required for a costume!
3. We will have two parades on this day. At 10:00 a.m., we will line up outside our classrooms and cheer for Mrs. Butikofer's morning Kindergarten class. Parents of morning Kindergarten, please plan on lining up in the front office vestibule for the parade! If needed, I'll open a side door. Your students will come your way!
4. Our grand parade will occur at 2:45 p.m. Students will parade through the building and make their way outside the back area. Parents, please line up on the edge of the blacktop outside - see map here. The green lines are the line up area for parents. In the case of inclement weather, we will open our gym doors. Please leave ample room for students to exit and enter the building.
- THANK YOU to everyone who supported our PTA Fundraising Carnival! Because of your generous donations, we were able to meet our fundraising goal! The money that was earned will go towards kits in classrooms for emergencies. These include buckets with classroom supplies, emergency toileting needs, supplies for teachers to use for anxious students, as well as something to hold or suck on to support students! Additionally, we were able to purchase a beautiful arch that will be used for special occasions when we celebrate our great students! THANK YOU!
We are noticing some trends in the lunchroom! While most students are sitting and eating, we have several students who use their time to talk and play. Then, when it is time to leave, they haven't eaten all of their food and they throw it away. Please visit with your children about the importance of eating the food that they bring, or the food that they get from the lunchroom. Remember, they can stay in the lunchroom as long as they need until their food is gone.