Paragon Post
Weekly School News for the Week of April 27th
Dear Paragon Families,
I'm incredibly proud of our students, teachers, and parents, as everyone is jumping into Remote Learning 2.0 and doing a fantastic job! I've loved seeing the excellent work from students and hearing updates from families. Please remember to submit the designated assignments to your teacher from the previous week. Also, check out the updated videos and learning options from our specials teachers after the FAQ section of this newsletter.
The next round of packets have been shipped, and many of you are beginning to receive those. If you do not receive a packet by Wednesday, April 29th, please notify your child's teacher.
As always, we are here if you have any questions, concerns, or updates. Please don't hesitate to reach out. Keep up the great work, everyone!
Mr. Kriesch
Upcoming Events for the Week of April 20:
Please remember to submit assignments to your child's teacher from the previous week
Tuesday, April 28 - Principal Coffee at 12 pm
Wednesday, April 29 - Moral Focus Assembly (Link will be emailed and posted on Facebook)
Report Cards for Trimester 2 are available through the Parent Portal
Frequently Asked Questions
What if my family needs a chromebook but we missed the pick up days? We will be scheduling another day from chromebook pick up. Please notify your child's teacher if you are needing to rent a chromebook.
We have loved Mrs. Van Sumeren's art videos! Will there be videos for the other specials? Yes! Please see the content below for activities from our specials team!
Will my child's work be graded for the rest of the school year? In short, no, we will not be assigning formal grades to students from now until the end of the school year. Student participation and work submission will be documented, however, and most importantly, your teacher desires to give meaningful feedback that will help students continue to make good progress this year. Your child's participation is critical for their success and preparation for next year.
How important is it for my child to complete remote learning assignments? The work that has been sent home has been carefully selected to help students retain knowledge and skills they have acquired this school year and to focus on the most important topics that are essential for success in the next grade level. We do need your help encouraging your students to continue their education with the provided resources. Our goal is 100% participation! If you are having trouble completing the learning tasks each week, please reach out to your child's teacher, dean, or Mr. Kriesch for assistance.
Is my child still required to take state assessments (M-STEP and PSAT) this school year? No
Will there be an 8th Grade Graduation? While we cannot carry out our scheduled 8th Grade Graduation, Paragon will be hosting a celebration for our 8th graders and their families at some time after the Stay at Home Order has lifted and when it is safe again for people to meet together in large groups. We will be communicating more information in the coming weeks. We look forward to celebrating our tremendous group of 8th grade students!
Will Paragon be open for my child to pick up personal items? After Governor Whitmer's Stay at Home Order expires, we will notify families of days and times they may come to the school for personal items.
How will I receive my child's Art to Remember? We have not received the items order through Art to Remember. Once we do, we will notify you and then begin mailing them out to your homes.
What about year books and spring pictures? We are working with Life Touch to mail out spring pictures and then our year book once it is completed. We will keep you posted on this progress over the next several weeks.
What do I need to do for 2020-2021 Enrollment? If you have an incoming kindergartner or new student for the 2020-2021 school year, please complete their registration documents online. If you have enrollment questions, please contact Mrs. Bryant at:
Where can my child receive meals in Jackson County? Click here for a complete list of locations for breakfast and lunch pickup around the county.
What if I need help with Google Classroom or Parent Portal? If you are having technical issues logging into your parent portal account or google classroom, let your child's teacher know. If they are unable to assist, contact Parent Relations at 877-642-7471.
We want to ensure we are communicating on a regular basis with our families. If you have questions or if you are having trouble getting in contact with your child's teacher, please contact Mr. Kriesch or your child's dean.
Principal: Mr. Kriesch:
K-1 and Special Education Dean: Ms. Kovali:
2-3 Dean: Mrs Clark:
4-6 Dean: Mrs Delie:
7-8 Dean: Mrs. Weathers:
Specials Enrichment Activities - Updated for the Week of April 27th
College Bound Scholarship
Things to Celebrate!
Anna McDonald Wins First Place in Moral Focus Writing Contest!
Paragon Charter Academy
Why We Exist:
Paragon exists to provide an exemplary education that positively impacts lives and creates pathways to a successful future.
What We Do:
- Develop high moral character
- Create proficient, critical thinkers
How We Succeed:
- Clear and high expectations for teachers, support staff and students
- Quality coaching for teachers and staff
- Viable curriculum
- Strategies to connect college and career pathways for students
Paragon Charter Academy
Location: 3750 McCain Road, Jackson, MI, USA
Phone: (517)750-9500
Twitter: @paragoncharter