Dimond Newsletter
Tuesday, August 06, 2024
Dear Dimond Families:
It’s time to get ready! The start of school is just around the corner and we are excited to have students and staff back in the building for another great school year! We have a lot of information to share with you about the start of school, so this first newsletter is longer than normal.
In preparation for the first day of school, we’d like to direct you to our school website https://www.asdk12.org/dimond. Additionally, please take some time to sign on to ParentConnection/Q to find your student’s bus number and route. Transportation is provided for students who live at least 1.5 miles from their neighborhood school.
We encourage families to send their students with a binder, folders, paper and/or pencils and pens on the first day. Each teacher will provide additional information regarding specific supplies if necessary. Also, students who received a chromebook last year should bring it daily for classroom use. If your student is in need of a chromebook, they will be directed to see the school’s Tech Specialist, Joshua Regnart.
For the first two days of school students will attend all six classes. This allows students to adjust to their schedule and get familiar with teachers and the overall layout of the building. On Monday, August 19th we will begin with the PLC late start and proceed with block scheduling Tuesday-Thursday. The building will open for students at 7:45am each day, including Mondays. Please visit our webpage for the bell schedule: https://www.asdk12.org/domain/3958.
Back to School for 10th, 11th and 12th Graders is Friday, August 16th
A plethora of important information is handed out and reviewed on the first day, such as teacher expectations, their syllabus, grading criteria, supply lists, etc. It’s vital that students attend their first day at school so the following week they can immediately start on coursework and assignments. We appreciate your help and encouragement in getting your student(s) to school!
The first day of school for 9th Grade Freshman is Thursday, August 15th
The first day of school for freshmen is Thursday, August 15. This day will be a full day freshman orientation led by Student Government and Freshman Mentorship. Freshmen will learn how to succeed at Dimond, meet their teachers, and become a part of the Dimond community. Pizza will be provided for lunch. Students will be walking and engaging in team building activities, and they will be tie dyeing a Dimond t-shirt, so please dress accordingly. Freshmen do not need to bring any school supplies or Chromebooks for the orientation day.
School Start Time Change
As a reminder ASD is launching new school start times this year to support student well-being and success. Please visit ASD’s webpage to learn more about the rationale for this change, and to review the new start times for the 2024-25 school year.
For the 2024/2025 school year, school start times will look like this:
PLC Monday Schedule
Start Time: 9:45 a.m.
Release Time: 3:15 p.m.
Tuesday-Friday Schedule
Start Time: 8:45 a.m.
Release Time: 3:15 p.m.
Attendance Matters
Consistent attendance has been a challenge nationwide since the Covid pandemic, and Dimond has not yet reached an acceptable rate of student attendance. Attendance is a focus for our school this year and we will be sharing information about the importance of attendance and the negative impact absences can have on student success. When students miss school, they are missing essential instruction and social interactions that are critical to graduating on time and being college, career or life ready.
The following data shows the percent of Dimond students who attended 90% of the time.
2021-2022 Dimond Attendance Rate: 49.61%
2023-2024 Dimond Attendance Rate: 46.77%
Chronic absenteeism is defined as missing 10% or more days of school. In 180 days, that is 18 days of school a year, which is about 2 days per month. This year we would like to work with you to help increase student attendance and help understand the barriers that may be getting in the way of making it to school. Our shared goal is student success, and we hope to work together towards that goal!
Building Access
Just a quick reminder that the building is currently closed to the public. If you need to speak to an administrator or clerical staff, please call 742-7000. We encourage families to call regarding questions.
Class Schedules
Student schedules will be viewable to parents and students on August 12th. Adjustments to schedules may occur after this date, please monitor your schedule in Q. Students can request schedule changes by using the schedule change request form.
As counselors continue to enroll new students and complete schedules, please be patient as they ensure all students are correctly scheduled. The best way to reach out to your counselor is via email. We appreciate your patience as we make sure each student is scheduled correctly.
Students are assigned to counselors based on the student's last name. The following is a list of counselors and the alpha group they serve:
Freshman Class Only: Eric Hallis
A-D: Jeffrey Hulbert
E-K: Amber Jaasma
L-Q: MaryLynn Zock
R-Z: Pete Mandel
If you haven’t already and your student is attending or returning to Dimond High School (including incoming freshmen from Mears), please go to your Parent Connect account to fill out the forms and ACTIVATE your student’s SCHEDULE for the 2023-2024 school year. To access this information, go to this link: https://parentconnect.asdk12.org/production/parentportal. Click on your student's picture and then on ASD Quick Links. You will then click on the Online Registration link. Please sign the forms and hit SUBMIT until you see the Online Registration Complete banner.
Go to this link to retrieve your password: https://parentconnect.asdk12.org/Production/ParentPortal/Home/LoginReminder.
New to District students need to go to https://www.asdk12.org/enrollonline. Please contact the Curriculum Office at 742-7008 for an appointment.
Lockers are available to students and assigned at the beginning of the school year. The location and combination can be found in the student's Q portal and will be printed on the class schedule. Lockers must be kept locked at all times and the combination to your locker must remain personal. Damage to the locker or lock may be charged against the student to whom the locker is assigned. As lockers are the property of the school, they may be searched by school officials as established in the Student Rights and Responsibility document.
Each sport costs $225.00. There is now a student cap of $675.00 per year. Once you have reached this amount, all other sports will be free for the remainder of the current school year. If your family is seeking a financial waiver, you will need to apply and be approved for the Free and Reduced Lunch program. You can find this application process on the Student Nutrition website.
If you have additional questions, please contact Chelsea Hunt in the Activities office at 742-7005. Office hours are 8 AM to 4 PM with a closure at 12 PM for 30 mins.
Sports Start Dates:
August 7th
Swimming & Diving
Activity Stickers
Activity Stickers are available for purchase online through ParentConnect. The cost is $50.00 for the school year. This will get your student into any ASD home or away game during the school year. Your student will receive a label on their Student ID which they will need to present at games.
Grades Matter! Academic Eligibility for Sports and Activities
Students participating in sports or all-state academic/ fine arts activities must remain academically eligible. Eligibility is checked at the beginning of the 1st and 2nd semesters, as well as the beginning of the 2nd and 3rd quarters. ASD VIRTUAL STUDENTS be aware that although virtual courses are self-paced, a quarter grade will be given based on your work completed during the grading period. This grade counts towards your academic eligibility. Students who are not eligible will not be able to participate in their sport or activity.
Lunch Charges
In preparation for ensuring that your student is set-up for charging lunch, please keep in mind that Student Nutrition will accept payments through Q ParentConnect, at the cafe, or checks sent by mail to Student Nutrition, 1307 Labar Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99515.
See below for more information from the Student Nutrition Department:
For more information about adding to your balance in Q:
This is also the perfect time to file for free and reduced meals for this year, to learn more and see if you qualify: https://asdk12.org/Page/13246
For more information, parents may email snadmin@asdk12.org.
Parking Permits
Parking Permits will be FREE again this 2024/2025 school year! HOWEVER, a physical Parking Permit Form must still be completed and returned along with a copy of your driver's license along with a copy of your insurance. Once the physical forms have been signed by both students and parents, a parking permit placard will be issued.
You can pick-up the physical Parking Permit Forms in the front office from Mrs. Pritchard. The parking permit placard will be good for the entire school year. Placards must be visible in your vehicle at all times. Parking fines will be issued to those who do not have a parking permit or are parked in reserved spots, such as the Lynx Lair spots reserved for parent volunteers..
It's never too early to start thinking about Picture Day. This year Fitzgerald Photography will be at Dimond for picture day on Tuesday August 27th and Wednesday August 28th. Please see the attached flier for more information, additional information will also be sent out in the coming weeks.
Upcoming Dates of Importance
September 9th is Homecoming. GO LYNX!
Warm Regards,
Principal D’Atri
A.J. Dimond High School
Website: https://www.asdk12.org/dimond
Location: 2909 West 88th Avenue, Anchorage, AK, USA
Phone: (907) 742-7000