Green Wave Nation
Parent Update #9- Thursday, September 26, 2024
"Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today."
--Malcolm X
Don't forget that tonight, Thursday, September 26, 2024, the Academy of Early Learning along with our three elementary schools will host an Open House from 5:00-6:00 pm. Please visit our teachers and enjoy your student's classroom communities. We look forward to seeing all of our families!
TONIGHT: GPS English Language Parent Advisory Council (ELPAC)
Please join us!
Tonight, Thursday, September 26, 2024 at 6:00 pm please join Mr. David Messing, Director of Pupil Services, in the Greenfield Middle School library, who will host its first ELPAC meeting of the school year. If you are a parent of an English language learner and would like to be a part of our team, we encourage you to attend this meeting. Childcare is provided. If you are in need of transportation to this meeting, please contact Mr. David Messing at 413-772-1324 or davmes1@gpsk12.org.
Where's the Superintendent going to be next?
Green River Clean Up!
Please join me, and Ms. Bennett, science teacher at GHS, along with students in 8th grade on Saturday, September 28, at 9:00 am at the Green River Swimming area for the Source to Sea Cleanup. We will be working together to help our community by keeping the river and the areas surrounding the Green River. clean. If interested, sign up and complete a waiver online at: https://sourcetoseacleanup.org/event/ghs-8th-grade/
September is Social Awareness Month
How did we all do with practicing our social awareness this month? How many of the following steps in developing Social Awareness: Did you try? Did you speak to your child about? Did you model? Did you notice your child practicing? We hope it was all of the following:
- Be an active listener.
- Repeat and paraphrase what you hear.
- Watch facial expressions and body language.
- Pay attention to tone of voice.
- Study how others react to you.
- Analyze your social cues and reactions.
- Demonstrate empathy and compassion.
- Express gratitude to others.
Thank you to all who have worked with our students this month to practice and model these skills for our students.
COMING SOON: Student Spotlight
One of the core values of the district is action and thought with students first - always! To honor this core value, beginning in the month of October, we will be shining a light on students across the district in this new section. Some of those highlights might include a student who has contributed to the school community in a meaningful way, or a group that has worked toward a goal and met it, or a specific project that is so exciting we want to share with the whole community. We want to shine the light on the wonderful things happening with our students throughout the district and thought what better way than this. Be on the lookout in next week's Parent Update!
Have you heard the news? GPS is back on the radio!
Tune in every Friday on your way to school to WHAI 98.3 radio. Updates about Greenfield Public Schools run between 7:00-9:30 am! Each week we will be highlighting different aspects of the schools that air on the radio. Hope you are listening and catching the Green Wave!
Don't forget to catch the Green Wave on Social Media!
GPS Social Media Accounts
Looking for info quickly! Follow Greenfield Public Schools on Facebook and Instagram at the following links:
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61561436008802&mibextid=LQQJ4d and on Instagram at the following link: https://www.instagram.com/greenfieldpublicschools?igsh=MWl4a3MyeWJraHdueQ%3D%3D&utm_source=qr. Instagram at #GreenWave, #GreenfieldPublicSchools or #GreenWaveNation!
Staff Spotlight: Facilities Department
The Facilities Department is led by Director Michael Boudreau. Under his leadership, the district employs 17 maintenance and custodial staff. The staff work hard each and every day and night to keep our schools clean and tidy so that students, staff, and administrators come to school buildings that are welcoming and inviting each morning. This group of employees holds themselves to high expectations to ensure that the daily experiences for our students and staff in the buildings are wonderful. Maintenance staff work hard each day addressing issues in each building that need attention. The custodians are constantly maintaining each and every area of the school so that classrooms, common areas, cafeterias, bathrooms, and offices are clean. The staff may be behind the scenes and keep a low profile at our schools, but we could not operate without all of their hard work. Some of our staff are a bit camera shy and prefer to remain behind the scenes. Missing from the photo collection: Peter Tuttle, James Van Valkenburgh, Keith Urkiel, Tony Ahearn, John Dudek, and Sasho Panevski.
Reminder - Acceptable Use Policy
Acceptable Use Policy - Parent/Guardian Consent Needed
Thank you to those families that have continued to send in fully executed Acceptable Use Policy ("AUP") forms. The district is required to have this document signed by a parent/guardian. If you have not done so, please make this a priority as student access to technology is halted until this form is returned to your child's school. If you need another form, please connect with your child's Building Principal. Thank you for your attention to this important matter!
Notes from the District Nurse Leader
Our school health offices will begin conducting the required Massachusetts mandated school health screenings during the months of October and November. If your child is identified as requiring a more comprehensive exam by a physician, a letter will be sent home. Massachusetts regulations 105 CMR 200.000, for school health screenings, require that Greenfield Public Schools complete the following school health screenings:
Vision: Preschool through grade 5 and once in grade 6-8 and once in grade 9-12
Hearing: Preschool through grade 3 and once in grade 6-8 and once in grade 9-12
BMI: Grades 1, 4, 7 & 10
Postural: Grades 5 through 9
SBIRT: Once in grade 7 and once in grades 9-10.
Height and weight measurements will be used to calculate each student’s Body Mass Index (BMI). The results will be documented in the student Health Record and provided to the Department of Public Health in an aggregate form according to State regulations. A Body Mass Index is a measure that is used to show a person’s “weight for height for age.” It is calculated using a formula that includes an individual’s height and weight. Just like a blood pressure reading or an eye screening test, a BMI can be a useful tool in identifying possible health risks.
SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment) is part of Greenfield Public Schools mandated screenings in grades 7 and 10. SBIRT screening is focused on discussing substance use and the importance of making healthy decisions. Your child’s screening will be conducted by the school nurse or other school personnel trained in SBIRT screening.
Your child’s privacy will be respected at all times. The results of your child’s screenings are strictly confidential.
*If you wish to exclude your child from any of these school health screenings, please notify your school nurse in writing. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your student’s school nurse or the nurse leader, Melissa Bednarski, melbed1@gpsk12.org.
Feedback and Input on the School Committee's Budget Process
The Budget and Finance Sub-Committee chaired by the School Committee Vice Chair Kate Martini is looking for parents and families to have a greater voice in the budget development process of the schools. Please see the newly adopted FY26 Budget Development Calendar linked below for important timelines and meetings for opportunities to provide feedback and input to the sub-committee or full committee. You can also email feedback and input directly to the committee at schoolcom@gpsk12.org. Thank you!
School Handbooks
For your convenience, please find links to our school handbooks below..