Murray Elementary School
A Great Place to Grow
October 2024
Principal's News
It is hard to believe it is already October. We have had a successful start to the school year and students are all settled in. We are having so much fun learning together. As a reminder, school begins at 7:55am each day. If you are driving your child to school, please ensure you are in the car rider line by this time each day. We are here to support your child’s growth at MES. Please do not hesitate to contact us if there is anything we can do to better support them in their learning journey.
School Wide Morning Meeting
Join us on Friday, October 4th for our School Wide Moring Meeting led by Fifth Grade. Remember to wear green or your Murray spirit wear!
Family Council
Our Family Council Representative is Julie Montross. If you would like to co-represent with her, please email me at weckerle@k12abemarle.org.
At the first Family Council meeting of this school year, we welcomed 46 family members… our biggest team possibly ever! Check out our NEW Substack for all the details… direct to your email monthly if you’d like.
Here are highlights included in our Sept meeting minutes:
· Update from Dr. Eric Irizarry, Office of Community Engagement — see his slides.
· Learned “How-To” for being on Family Council — see our slides.
· Heard about DonorsChoose – follow your school’s teachers’ projects here.
· Shared results of our Spring Survey… and what we’ll do as a result — check it out.
We received Summer QnA and 2023-24 QnA Wrap-Up from ACPS. Yup, we also broke some ice & got to know each other… SO inspiring!
Our October meeting will focus on Elementary Math, which will be a huge deal for ACPS later this year. Submit YOUR comments and questions using this Google Form.
Reading Night is Thursday October 17th from 5:30-7:00pm (K-2 5:30-6:30pm & 3-5 6:00-7:00pm)
Get ready for a night to celebrate reading! We’re excited to showcase our new HMH Language Arts curriculum and highlight the incredible student work that brings our reading program to life. Your child will lead you on a literacy scavenger hunt to share several components of their language arts block. Join us for a night where books come to life and reading becomes a shared adventure!
5:30-6:00 Visit K-2 Classrooms/Library
6:00-6:30 Dinner served in cafeteria
6:30-7:00 Visit 3-5 Classrooms/Library
You're Invited to Fall Conferences
The Fall Conference window is October 21st through November 8th. Fall conferences are an important time to learn more about your child’s educational journey and how your child is performing in school socially, emotionally, and academically. Please look for information from your child’s teacher on how to sign up for a day and time. Don’t miss out on this important 1-1 time to learn more about how your child is doing in school.
No School for Students
School will not be in session on Thursday, October 24th and Friday, October 25th.
Please check out the school calendar for all other school events: https://mes.k12albemarle.org/about/calendar
Costume Parade
Join us for our annual Costume Parade at 8:15 on Thursday, October 31st on the track. Families are welcome to attend and join in on the fun!
School Safety
We have 2 Safety Drills in October.
An Earthquake Drill will be held on October 17th and a Fire Drill will be held on October 23rd.