Thunder Post
November 1, 2024
It's hard to believe that today is November 1! Interestingly, October is the month with the highest number of school days. It's also filled with exciting events, such as Grandparents and Special Friends Day and Trunk or Treat.
The students and staff extend a heartfelt thank you to the PTO and all the families who generously donated during last year’s National Day of Giving. Your contributions made it possible to upgrade our playground and enhance safety features. The most popular addition has been the bird’s nest swing, and it’s fun to see students climbing, sliding, and swinging as they enjoy the updated space.
Next Tuesday is Election Day, and, as tradition holds, CCS students from K-8 will get a chance to vote. The eighth-grade American History class will host an election during lunch, and they’ve already shared a lesson with the second-grade class about “What Is an Election.”
For K-4th grade, we’ll have a farm-themed election based on the book, Duck for President. The teachers will read the book to the students on Monday or Tuesday morning. The students will then have the opportunity to cast their vote at lunchtime for either the Duck or Farmer Brown for President. (If you’re curious, there’s a book video online!)
The 5th-8th graders will participate in a presidential election, casting their vote for either the Democrat or Republican candidate. Ballots will be counted, and winners will be announced.
As with any election, we emphasize to the students the importance of respecting the Office of the President and praying for our leaders.
I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made
for all people — for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives
in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people
to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
I Timothy 2:1-4, NIV
Dr. K.
We would like to personally invite families (including extended family) to our special Veterans Day chapel on Monday, November 11th from 8:40-9:05a. We have a guest veteran speaker and we will be honoring all veterans and active duty military members during part of the chapel.
To ensure we have enough seating, please either let the office know or fill out the quick registration found here.
K-1-2 Club
We had our first K-1-2 Club take place this week! The students enjoyed a snack and a quick game of checkers ... then checked out the new preschool playground for a bit before heading over to the big playground, where they got to try out the new spider swing (aka bird's nest swing) ... which they loved!!
Your Kindergartener, 1st or 2nd grade student is invited to come! Students will be crafting, playing on the playground or going for a nature walk (should weather permit) during their time together.
We meet on Mondays and the club dates that are left are this Monday, November 4th then again on Monday, November 18th.
The club runs from 3:45-4:30p with a light snack being served.
If you are interested in helping, please contact Jessica Dubs. If you haven't done so already, please be sure to register your student if they are interested. You can find the K-1-2 Club registration form here.
If your student missed our first picture day or if you want your student to get their picture redone, Retake Day is coming up on Monday, November 11th. The photographer will be here and ready to go from 9:00 - 10:00a. Students can wear dressy clothes if they would like. Extra order forms can be picked up from the office or you can go online to place your order.
The CCS/Geskus page can be found here.
This is our second year hosting a Little Thunder Grateful Gathering, and we're looking forward to seeing preschool parents there! Please plan on dropping your student off as usual, then sign in at the office.
To help us out with planning, please fill out the quick registration form found here.
RC Club
Students had a great time racing their cars through the parking lot and over jumps this week for the last time! As we say good-bye to the RC Club, we say hello to the K-1-2 Club.
Looking ahead Mrs. Dubs is working on a possible STEAM Club after the holidays. If you are interested in finding out more information or would like to help, Mrs. Dubs would love to chat with you. You can reach her directly at:
Samaritan’s Purse sends gift-filled shoeboxes through Operation Christmas Child to children in need all around the world, which is combined with the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Shoebox information started to go home this week! Shoeboxes will be sent home next week, starting Monday, November 4th. All filled shoeboxes are due on Friday, November 15th.
Cornerstone Church will be hosting their annual Thanksgiving To Go meals again this year. Meals will be handed out on Wednesday, November 27th from 9a – 8p. They are planning on handing out over 1300 meals to the underserved in our community. For the first time, CCS will be partnering with the church on this service opportunity.
There are a few ways to help:
- 125 frozen 15-25lb turkeys are needing to be donated
- meal prepping
- handing out meals on Wednesday, Nov 27th
As the event draws closer there may be additional opportunities, as well. In the days to come a link will be made available to sign up to volunteer.
Our students will also be taking part by drawing cards and writing notes of encouragement for the families who will be receiving the meals.
Please prayerfully consider how God might be leading you to help with this.
Our 2nd grade class had science outside on Thursday, learning about solids, liquids, and gasses. Parents, if you can't find your baking soda and food coloring, be on the lookout for a foaming pumpkin around the house! 😉
On Thursdays our middle school leadership class has special jobs around the school to work on their leadership skills. Mrs. Nestor said her students LOVE their special Buddy Day each week with their leadership students!
Caroline, Cayden, Josie and Sophia ... thank you for being such great school leaders!
And to the many CCS dads who graciously helped ... thank you!
You'll find many pictures from last Saturday on our public Facebook page along with our private Facebook Parent Forum ... but here are a few of my favorites!
11/4 - Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes start to go home
11/7 - No School - Parent Teacher Conferences 12-8:00p
11/8 - Moms in Prayer
11/11 - Picture Retake Day 9:00-10:00a
11/14-15 - Little Thunder Grateful Gathering 8:30a
11/22 - Moms in Prayer
11/27-29 - No School Thanksgiving Break
12/3-4 - CCS Christmas Store (details to come)
12/4 - National Day of Giving (details to come)
12/6 - Moms in Prayer
12/13 - Early Release 11:30a
12/13 - Christmas Program 7:00p
12/20 - Moms in Prayer
12/22-1/3 - No School Christmas Break
Cornerstone Christian School
Celebrating 25 years!
Voted Livingston County's #1 Christian School!Email:
Location: 9455 Hilton Road, Brighton, MI, USA
Phone: 810-494-4040