Collaborating and Problem Solving to Change the World
Happenings - November 2017
Did you know . . .
- that the signs outside of each classroom contain a quote that the teacher believes is important in life and in learning? Check it out the next time you are at school!
- we have new picnic tables outside for students to enjoy their outside lunches?
- 1st through 5th graders can choose whether to eat lunch inside or outside each day?
- almost 100% of our students had a parent or guardian attend Parent-Teacher Conferences? Thank you for your collaboration and participation!
Personalized Learning
Learners utilize a variety of data, methods, people, time, structures, environments, and tools to best meet their specific needs. Personalized learning facilitates the development of student agency enabling all to get what they need, when they need it, and how they need it without barriers. Strategies used at Chipeta include blended learning, project-based learning, station rotation, and choice embedded throughout the school day.
What does this look like?
Project-based Learning - Monuments
Framed in a project about National Monuments, third graders learn geography - exploring the United States using Google Earth, math - measuring distances and determining gas prices, persuasive writing - explaining why their National Monument earned that designation, and presentation skills.
Project-based Learning - Electric Circuits
Fourth graders learned about electricity and electric circuits by exploring electricity. They designed and wired a "house" making choices about the type of circuit in each room depending upon the desired lighting.
Station Rotations
In many classrooms, students engage in learning during rotations. They meet with the teacher for directed learning, make choices independently about what to learn and when to learn - perhaps choosing read to self, computer work, writing, or reading with a partner. The rotations change depending upon the grade level and the content.
Student Agency - Empowering Students to Influence Their Path to Mastery
Students in Mr. Montoya's class use the library to get books to facilitate learning when they need it. They create book lists from Destiny Quest and then visit the library independently when they need a new book. They are not only making choices about their reading, but are learning independence and advocacy.
Chipeta . . .
- is an inclusive community in which children are nurtured and challenged to become learners now and for the future.
- where students are self-directed learners collaborating, taking risks, and problem solving to change our world.
- strives to balance all of the competencies as we set high standards and levels of achievement and growth for all students.
Chipeta Elementary School
Email: sarah.scott@d11.org
Website: https://www.d11.org/chipeta
Location: 2340 Ramsgate Terrace, Colorado Springs, CO, United States
Phone: 719.328.5500
Facebook: facebook.com/chipetaelementary
Twitter: @ChipetaEagles