Distance Education Newsletter
Kapi‘olani Community College | December 2, 2021
Make & Reaffirm Connections in December
---Prepare for Next Semester---
It’s Laulima Migration Time
Success for Online Learners (SŌL) Module 1 Reminders for Spring 2022
MAHALO to the wonderful online instructors who have been incorporating Success for Online Learners (SŌL) Module 1 into their courses to support student readiness and preparation for online learning! If you plan to do so again in Spring 2022, here are a couple of important reminders:
Reminder 1:
Please Embed/Link Video for Students - Before You Begin SŌL Module 1
The video (1:30) informs students to complete five (5) important steps in order to access and complete the module successfully; not following the steps may result in students not being able to access all components of the module, such as the Certificate of Completion form at the end of the module. Please embed the video or provide a link to the video in your course site before/near SŌL Module 1 so that it can be readily seen/accessed by students before beginning the module.
Reminder 2:
Additional Certificate of Completion
As a reminder, effective Fall 2021, you may be seeing an additional “new” Certificate of Completion (in addition to the “traditional” SŌL certificate). Students who are newly admitted into the Kapiʻolani Liberal Arts AA Online and the Kapiʻolani Accounting Certificate of Achievement Online programs are invited to complete a Kapiʻolani Online Learning Orientation (optional). This orientation uses a wayfinding metaphor in relation to students’ online learning journey and is created and facilitated in Laulima. It is more “in-depth” than SŌL in some areas and takes longer to complete (about 2.5 hours, self-paced). Besides gaining some exposure to and practice using some of the Laulima tools, modules include the following topics:
Module 1: Basics of Online Learning
Module 2: Communication & Engagement
Module 3: Self Management Strategies
Module 4: Technology
Module 5: Support & Resources
Additional Tools & Information
Students earn a Certificate of Completion for the Kapi’olani Online Learning Orientation (sample below). Since this orientation covers everything that SŌL does and more, students are told that they could choose to complete this orientation instead (as an option) and submit this Certificate of Completion for the SŌL assignment.
If you have any questions or concerns, please donʻt hesitate to let me know. MAHALO again for your tremendous support!
Laulima Update to v. 20 During Winter Break
Laulima will see another version update (Sakai v. 20.4) on December 26th. As a result, Laulima will be down from 3 am to 2 pm on 12/26/21. This version will bring minor changes and bug fixes, including:
- Updated look-and-feel of menus and other user interfaces, for example:
- Date Manager - a new tool in Site Info to batch change the dates of assignments, tests, forums, etc:
- New Content Templates in the CKEditor - lets you quickly create attractive content for easier reading:
- Assignments - the new grader interface with document view allows the instructor to view and provide feedback on student submissions all within the browser, without having to download student files.
Register for an upcoming webinar Laulima v20 Upgrades & Tips (UHOIC) to take place on January 14, 2022, 10-11 am.
---Online Andragogy---
The Magical Unicorn: Tips to Enchant and Enhance Your Online Class
Looking for new cool tools to engage your students? Wordwall can help you create activities for your online classroom. Wordwall activities are templated and interactive, just pick one, add your content and go! You can create a match up, game show quiz, word search, true and false activities and more. These activities can be embedded in Laulima and the best part? The activities have sound effects to excite your students!
Important Reminder - When trying out new tools, be sure to first check the University of Hawai'i ITS Reviewed Instructional Third Party Online Tools or Microservices (Widgets) for Faculty. If you find a tool that has not been reviewed and approved, please submit a request for the tool to be reviewed by UH ITS.
Online Course FAQs: Are Your PDFs Accessible?
Our DE Class Review efforts have been collegial, collaborative, and constructive thanks to our amazing course reviewers and reviewees. Everyone involved in the process has also been learning so much by asking hard questions and sharing the answers.
Every month, we plan to highlight two Q&As from our Peer Reviewers’ FAQ archives as we believe that some of the information will be helpful for anyone teaching online.
This month’s questions and answers are:
- If a PDF opens in a browser vs. being downloaded, would that affect the accessibility status? Meaning if it passes in one would it pass in the other as well?
- Is it possible to have a mini-tutorial (video) or training to talk about the accessibility checker for PDFs? Many of us see the list that pops up and don’t understand some of the items.
Here's a bonus Q&A as the grades for Fall 2021 are about to be distributed:
- Is it okay if instructors send grade info via UH email to students, e.g. grade updates, or does that violate FERPA?
---Professional Development Opportunities---
Prep for Spring & Earn a Digital Credential with Kapi‘olani CC’s Fundamentals of Digital Accessibility Self-paced, Online PD
This is a great time to upskill and update your digital content before the new semester. All employees across the UH System are welcome to enroll in the fully online, self-paced, Kapi‘olani-created professional development program focused on Digital Accessibility!
This is a self-paced learning resource with the option to complete a competency assessment to earn a digital credential. Learn about important fundamental concepts of accessibility and - most importantly - how to apply your new knowledge to your digital learning content! The anytime/anywhere format makes this a flexible way to learn (and re-visit) key constructs.
65 individuals have earned their digital credential thus far. Here's what a few of them are saying about their experience...
Mahalo! This was super fun, and very helpful. I love the design, look, and experience of the course. This is not like ANYTHING I had on Laulima when I was in school at UHM. Even though I've studied this topic frequently, and recently I still was able to learn new things. I really liked the practice documents.
I REALLY enjoyed the Fundamentals of Digital Accessibility training. The course is very well designed - I love that each section starts with an explanation, then it follows with an instructional video, then finishes with an opportunity to practice.
The course was excellent. I learned SO much, and I've already started working on making my online class that I teach to be ADA accessible. I've recommended this course to my colleagues.
TCC Online Conference Call for Proposals
Making Waves: Innovations in Learning
The Teaching, Colleges, & Community (TCC) Online Conference will be held April 12-14, 2022. The event is a collaboration between TCC Hawaii, LearningTimes, & the Learning Design and Technology (LTEC) Department in the College of Education at University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. This is a widely attended annual event and registration is typically covered for all UHCC employees, courtesy of Wo Learning Champions.
TCC 2022 invites proposals for presentations and papers relevant to online teaching and learning with emerging technologies and transforming learning in innovative environments. For information about session formats and how to submit, visit TCC 2022 Call for Proposals.
Free Webinars!
Currently, Kapi‘olani CC has a subscription with Go2Knowledge, which offers Kap‘olani CC faculty and staff free access to dozens of Innovative Educators webinars, both live and on demand (pre-recorded). Many of them are quite good! Here's a sampling to pique your interest:
Upcoming live webinars:
- Addressing the Unique Mental Health Needs of Minority Students: Wed 12/8 at 8:00 - 9:00 am HST
Utilizing Dual Enrollment to Bridge Equity Gaps & Positively Impact Enrollment Initiatives: Wed 12/8 at 10:00 - 11:00 am HST
- How to Remove Completion Barriers for Non-Traditional Students: Tues 1/25 at 10:00 - 11:30 am HST
Recently-added on demand webinars:
- Pandemic Proctoring: Practical Approaches for Hybrid Proctoring: 60 min.
- How to Make Online Courses More Accessible & Inclusive: Compliance, Diversity & Ethics: 75 min.
How to Increase Engagement during Synchronous Online Sessions: 60 min.
And many, many more. Sign up at Kapi‘olani CC's G2K account page and browse through the offerings.
---Useful Tech Tips---
Another Avenue for Technical Support
The UH ITS Help Desk provides technical support for Laulima, UH Google Workspace, and other UH-supported technology. You can contact them anytime with your questions and/or requests for technical assistance...and now, there’s a new option to get in touch!
UH ITS Help Desk Live Chat support is now available Monday – Friday, 8:00am – 3:00pm (excluding Holidays)
Got a question after hours? No worries! The ITS Help Desk is staffed 24/7/365 so you can call (808-956-2108 or toll free for neighbor islands 800-558-2669) for immediate assistance any time of day, any day of the year. You can also get help via e-mail (help@hawaii.edu), or submit a ticket by clicking the Request Assistance link at the bottom of any Laulima page.
Google Workspace for Education Plus = Unlimited Originality Reports
Did you know that UH has upgraded its Google License from Google Workspace for Education Standard (Free) to Google Workspace for Education Plus (Compare the Editions)? Most of the Plus features are in Google Meet, internal cloud search, and advanced security, however, now an unlimited number of Originality Reports (i.e. plagiarism detection) can be run in Google Classroom or Google Assignments in Laulima. Currently, only the instructors are entitled to an unlimited number of originality reports. Students are still limited to 3 reports per Laulima site.
Collaboration in Google Docs: Understanding the Sharing Rules
---The Best for Last---
What We Are Reading, Watching, or Listening to Now
- Adventures with Snapchat in an Online Course (article, Faculty Focus)
Are you already incorporating social media in your courses? Or interested in learning more? Learn more about how this teacher uses “snaps” to engage students.
- The Benefits of Online Learning Are Also Its Weaknesses. That’s Where Advisors Help. (article, EdSurge)
“The students who are least likely to ask for help are those who need it most.” A longtime instructor explains the ways online education both serves and challenges adult learners and makes the case for proactive outreach and human contact.
- What Omicron Could Mean for Colleges (article, Insider Higher Ed)
The Omicron variant of COVID is likely to appear and spread at US institutions of higher ed; colleges should prepare by declining to relax vaccine mandates and prevention protocols or reinstating them if already relaxed.
Melissa Nakamura
Co-chair, Faculty Senate DE Committee