Tiger Time
January Newsletter
A Letter from Mr. Vandell
Greetings HFMS Families,
Happy New Year and welcome back! I hope that everyone had a great Holiday Break and the time was well spent with friends and family. Obviously in the end our break ending up being quite a bit longer than we expected due to inclement weather and extreme cold. Depending on where you live in our county, you may have viewed the number of days we missed as either playing it too safe, or not playing it safely enough. My only real opinion on the subject is that I’m glad I’m not the one making the call and an acknowledgement that we are always going to ere on the side of caution. With all of that in mind, I am sad to report that we are fresh out of “free” days, meaning that any days cancelled moving forward will have to made up in one fashion or another. For the next 5 instructional days missed, we will use a virtual option or the official name - non-traditional instructional day, so that learning can take place remotely from home with each student using their assigned Chromebook to complete assignments from Canvas. Our teachers are reviewing this procedure with students and will also provide office hours on these days so that students can reach out for support as needed. You should have received additional information from our county office with some more details on these non-traditional instructional days but that’s it in a nutshell.
Additionally, on these days our admin and counseling teams will also be offering office hours throughout the day in case students and/or families need additional support beyond teacher support. The office hours for administrators and counselors will be posted on our website prior to the next snow day and we will be available during the specified times. Just in case, you also have my email address listed below and can use that at any time you need support or assistance on a snow day or any day. If for some reason we use up our 5 non-traditional instructional days, then unfortunately we would have to start talking about adding days on at the end. I know, let’s not go there!
So that’s a lot about snow days but I wanted to make sure we are all on the same page as we move forward because it’s not getting any warmer any time soon. As always, please do not ever hesitate to reach out to myself or our admin team if there are questions or concerns you have at any time throughout the school year.
Stay warm,
Eric R. Vandell
Principal, HFMS
Virtual (Non-traditional) School Day Schedule
Students are to log in to Canvas to access their school work and teachers' meeting links.
- 8:30am-12:00pm
- Asynchronous activities on Canvas and teachers available for student support
- 12:00-12:30pm
- 12:30-2:30
- Asynchronous activities on Canvas
- 2:30pm-3:00pm
- Final check-ins for student support
Attendance Update
January marks the halfway point for this school year. We have successfully completed one full semester. With this in mind, please review your child's attendance letters that are being sent home with their report cards.
Tips for successful second half of the year:
- Review with your child the attendance goal-Miss 9 days or less!
- Submit absence notes to school to avoid unexcused absences.
- As the weather continues to be cold, dress appropriately to avoid getting sick.
- For medical appointments, schedule in the morning or afternoon so your child does not need to miss a full school day.
- Plan out of town trips for non-school days. Check with the 2024-2025 school calendar for planning ahead.
Let's Roar to Success, and Miss 9 Days or Less!
Counelsor's Corner
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We are excited to announce that from January 21st to 24th, our school will be hosting College Exploration Week! This special week is designed to help students begin thinking about their futures beyond high school and to explore the many opportunities available through higher education.
Here’s what we have planned for the week:
College Shirt Day - January 22nd
Students are encouraged to wear a shirt or sweatshirt from their favorite college or university. Whether it’s the school they dream of attending or simply a place they admire, it’s a fun way for students to express interest in higher education and start a conversation about future possibilities!
Door Decorating Contest
Our 4th period classrooms will have the opportunity to participate in a College Exploration Week Door Decorating Contest. This creative and collaborative project will not only inspire students to think about different colleges and options after high school but also encourage teamwork and school pride.
College Awareness Bingo
We’ll also be hosting a College Awareness Bingo activity, where students can learn key facts about colleges, university programs, and other post-secondary opportunities. As they complete their bingo cards, students will discover important details about how to plan for their futures, from scholarships to campus life. There will be fun prizes for completed cards!
Why College Exploration Week?
This week is an important part of helping students understand the variety of options available after high school, including trade schools, community colleges, and four-year universities. It’s never too early to start thinking about the future, and we hope these activities spark meaningful discussions at home about their interests, aspirations, and the potential pathways to achieving their goals.
We encourage you to engage in these conversations with your child, and we hope College Exploration Week will inspire them to start considering what comes next after graduation!
Ms. H. and Ms. Zoe
Report Cards and Benchmark Testing
January begins our second semester. Report cards were be sent home on Friday, January 17th.
Benchmark testing is taking place the last week of this month. Some tips for success include:
- Eating a balanced breakfast
- Getting a full night of rest
- Bring wired headphones to use
- Read the directions fully
- Answer each question
- Consistent Attendance