September 2024
Message From the Principal
Welcome to the new school year! We are thrilled to have your children with us as we embark on another exciting journey of learning, growth, and community.
One of the key themes we are focusing on these first few weeks of school is kindness. Our students are actively learning about the importance of kindness and are demonstrating wonderful examples of it every day—whether it’s helping a classmate, sharing a smile, or offering encouragement. We are so proud of the way they are embodying these values and making our school a positive and welcoming place for everyone.
As we kick off this amazing school year, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to all of you for your patience, understanding, and support. Your partnership is invaluable as we create the best possible environment for your children to thrive.
Here's to a fantastic year ahead, full of learning, growth, and, of course, kindness!
Steven Olsen, Principal
Oldham Open House September 26th 5:00-7:00 PM
Join us for our 24/25 school year Open House. This is a fun event that allows families time in the school with their child. As in years past, there will be a "scavenger hunt" that ends with a sweet treat donated by the PTO. This is a family event, so students need to be with a family member to attend.
Beginning of the Year Review
Oldham Family Orientation Slideshow with no Video
Allowing Kindness to Take Root at Oldham
A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up new trees" -Amelia Earhart
During our KINDNESS KICKOFF I asked all staff and students to create a leaf for our Kindness Tree. Each leaf represents what kindness means to each individual, but reminds us that we are all part of a system that allows kindness to "take root".
Our definition of Kindness is acting with understanding, generosity, and care.
We are excited to hold our first Purposeful People Assembly on Thursday September 19th to celebrate all our students who exemplified the idea of Kindness. Be on the look out for pictures next month!
Building Relationships Matter
Getting to know each other bulletin boards
Getting to know each other bulletin boards
Getting to know each other bulletin boards
We all know that RELATIONSHIPS MATTER. That is why we spend the first weeks of school allowing students the chance to present themselves and to get to know others. This is fostered between students and between staff and students each and every day. It is those relationships that build the foundation for high quality effective learning environments.
Oldham PTO
The Oldham PTO is an essential and vibrant component of our community. Be on the lookout for information and invites to upcoming meetings. We will include important links to information here each month. Please take a moment to check out the PTO meeting notes linked below. If you have child in grade 4 and/or 5 consider signing up for the 4th/5th grade planning committee.
- Link to notes from September PTO meeting
- 4th/5th grade planning committee sign up
Coming Soon: RESPECT
From September 23rd to October October 18th our focus is Respect. One way to think about Respect is “seeing value in all people and things & treating them with care.” Many people feel Respected in different ways. We hope this month inspires discussions with your family about what Respect means to you and how you can practice it together! Respect is 1 of 3 traits we will focus on throughout the year that helps students Be Kind. Across grade levels, students will be developing skills like perspective-taking, conflict resolution, and leadership.
Have some fun connecting as a family this month while practicing Respect. Here are 2 “PurposeFull Pursuits” you can complete together!
1. A fun way to remind students to show Respect to others is to create a non-verbal cue. As a family, come up with a non-verbal way to cue your student to remember to show Respect to others. An example of this would be anytime you raise the “Respect Rooster” on your hand by closing the middle 2 fingers and bringing your pointer finger and pinky finger up, your student would be reminded to practice living out Respect.
2. Review Respect as a family! In our lessons we are teaching that Respect means to see value in people and things and treat them with care. Agree as a family to set aside a certain time each day this week to unplug from devices and plug into family time. It shows Respect to practice being present in the moment without the distractions that can come from technology. Debrief and discuss this challenge afterward. Consider to embracing this practice at least 1 day each week!
Some conversations for you to use with your child include:
Can you share or show what Respect means?
What is 1 way you have practiced Respect lately?
Buddy Classrooms
Another way we are building positive relationships is through our "Buddy Classrooms". Each upper grade class is paired with a lower grade class and they meet regularly to advance our social emotional curriculum. The picture below if Mrs. Shook's and Mr. Perry's classes working together on a project after reading How To Fill Your Bucket.
Elementary Study Information
I know many families are wondering about this study and how it will impact their children. Much of the information regarding the study can be found by selecting the following link to our website here. There are numerous details, an FAQ document, as well as timelines related to the project. One resource to note is the Elementary Study Story Map. This resource details the potential redistricting scenarios that the School Committee will be reviewing.
Please also view a video of Timothy Luff, Superintendent of Schools, discussing the project and options to provide feedback.
Select this link to see the elementary study video from Timothy Luff, Superintendent of Schools.
To provide feedback on the elementary study please select this link to access a thought exchange to answer some survey questions and share/rate ideas on the topic.
Join members of the Norwood community at Norwood High School on November 2, 2024, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM for the 1st Annual Norwood Wellness Fair. This free event is open to all students and families. The event will showcase what local organizations and businesses are doing to promote the many dimensions of wellness!
Cafeteria Clean Table Award
Each Monday we choose a table who showed strong CHARACTER and worked hard to clean up after themselves. They get a trophy AND are called first for lunch. It is a positive way to motivate students and keep lunch fun!