Waite Elementary School
Spring 5th Grade Events
Time passes so quickly...
This is certainly a bittersweet time for our 5th grade students and their families. It is exciting to prepare for this milestone moment in the lives of our 5th grade students. We are looking forward to many of the fun and memorable events this spring; however, it is also a time for reflection as our 5th graders prepare for middle school after spending the last six years of their lives at Waite Elementary School. We are proud of our 5th grade students and wish them well as they begin the next phase of their educational journey at Root Middle School next fall.
In an effort to provide families a little time to plan ahead, I wanted to provide an update with all of the events we have coming up for our 5th grade students this spring.
Have a great weekend!
Mr. Mattie
Waite, Principal
4/22/24: Field Trip to Camp Nuhop
4/26/24: Middle School Scheduling with Counselors (presentation)
5/3/24: Middle School Scheduling with Counselors (meetings)
5/3/24: 5th Grade Social
5/10/24: 5th Grade Spring Musical Performance
5/15/24: Field Trip to Tour Root Middle School
5/16/24: Waite Ice Cream Party
5/20/24: Waite Field Day (there will be no rain date)
5/21/2023: End-of-Year Classroom Party
5/22/2024: 5th Grade Graduation and Farewell
1:30 - Clap-In: Parents should arrive and wait outside of the building in the front parking lot. Students will parade out the front doors and will circle the parking lot (similar to the Halloween Parade). Parents are encouraged to clap and celebrate their children! 5th graders will then parade through the school and K-4 students will be in the hallways to celebrate their older classmates. During this time, parents will be invited into the building to find a seat for the graduation ceremony.
1:45 - Graduation Begins: At this time the graduation and farewell ceremony will begin.
2:45 - Graduation Ends: Following the ceremony, parents and students are welcome to take pictures and say goodbye to friends and teachers before leaving for summer break.
3:00 - 5th Grade Students are Dismissed: At this time parents are asked to take their 5th grade children home before dismissal begins for the rest of the school building.
Students in grades K-4 will be dismissed at 3:20. Please keep in mind that when the buses arrive and car riders are dismissed, it will be difficult to navigate the parking lot. Please make sure you are heading to your cars with children at 3:00. Parents are welcome to take their younger children home at this time as well; however, they are also still welcome to follow their regular dismissal routine. If you plan to take home your younger children at 3:00, please complete the form linked below.
NOTE: Younger students are not permitted to attend the 5th grade graduation ceremony due to space limitations and other events taking place for younger grade levels at the same time. There will be no exceptions.
Graduation Dismissal
6th Grade Music Option Information
Welcome Letter from Root PTO
Dear Incoming 6th Grade Parents & Families,
On behalf of the A.I. Root Middle School community, I am delighted to extend a warm welcome to you and your family as you prepare to embark on this exciting journey into Middle School!
As your child transitions from Elementary into Middle School, we understand the importance of fostering a strong partnership between school and home. One of the best ways to be involved in your child’s educational experience is by joining a Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO).
The A.I. Root STePS (students teachers parent support) - PTO - plays a vital role in providing you an opportunity to connect with other parents, teachers & staff, contribute to the success of our students, and support various school initiatives (such as Makerspace, Mini Course Days, Teaming Events, Guest Speakers, Lunch Time Games, and projects like "Transform our Library").
We would like to invite you to attend our last two PTO meetings of the year, which will be held on:
Wednesday, April 10th, 2024
Wednesday, May 10th, 2024
We encourage you to attend a meeting to learn more about who we are & what we do through A.I. Root STePS PTO.
Additionally, we would like to extend a Special Invitation for you to attend the May PTO meeting on Wednesday May 8th, 2024 at 6pm - where we will be offering a "Sneak Peak Tour" of A.I. Root Middle School. This unique opportunity will give you as the parent, a "sneak peak" of the Middle School building BEFORE meet the teacher night in the Fall of 2024 (where we traditionally have about 200+ parents & students navigating the A.I. Root hallways). Please see the attached flyer for more details.
Another opportunity available in our Middle School Community, is The A.I. Root Spirit Wear Store which supports our ongoing STePS PTO Fundraiser, "Project: Transform The Library." This project is designed & created by our A.I Root Middleschoolers - so it's near & dear to our hearts.
Please see the attached flyer for details, or follow the link below (the Spirit Wear Store closes April 26th.) https://stores.inksoft.com/2023_ai_root_spiritwear/shop/home
We recognize that entering Middle School can be potentially daunting. Our hope is that through STePS PTO, you can navigate this new journey into A.I. Root Middle School successfully. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with questions, we would love to hear from you!
Email: airootsteps2018@gmail.com
Website: https://airootsteps.weebly.com
Welcome to Root Middle School, Go Medina BEES!
A.I. Root STePS - PTO Board
President, Jamie Billig